Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
June, 2001
Militia Groups Declining, Racist Hate Groups Up, June 30, 2001
A group that monitors extremist groups sees the McVeigh execution as the end of the militia movement. That doesn't mean, though, that heavily armed right-wing extremism is dead.
U.S. Supreme Court Allows Tobacco Advertising Near Schools, Playgrounds, June 30, 2001
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that federal law pertaining to cigarette advertising blocks any parallel state regulations.
Race Disparity Seen in Drug Imprisonment, June 30, 2001
Laws enacted in the 1990s to get tough on drugs and gang violence have resulted in widespread incarceration of minorities.
Few States Change Drunk-Driving Standard, June 30, 2001
Only a handful of U.S. states have lowered their threshold for drunken driving since Congress passed a law intended to pressure states into doing so.
ASAM Revises Patient-Placement Criteria, June 30, 2001
The American Society of Addiction Medicine has issued a revised version of its Patient Placement Criteria for the Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders.
New Mexico Law Permits Widespread Naloxone Use, June 30, 2001
New Mexico state law now permits widespread use of naloxone, an emergency treatment for heroin overdose. But getting the drug into the hands of police and injection-drug users still means confronting a host of complex social-policy issues.
Justices Place Limits on Detention in Cases of Deportable Immigrants, June 29, 2001
The Supreme Court ruled that the government may not detain deportable aliens indefinitely simply for lack of a country willing to take them.
Science Advances and Capsules, Stories of Discovery, June 28, 2001
Links to scientific research information generated by NIMH for the year 2001.
Women Forced to Delay Retirement, June 26, 2001
Many women in their 60's, part of the surge of divorces that started a generation ago, must stay in the work force because they lack the money to retire. Wages are becoming their pensions.
Critics Want Census Data Made Public, June 26, 2001
The Census Bureau is being accused of suppressing data that formed the basis of its decision not to adjust the 2000 population tally to make up for millions of uncounted people.
Justices Permit Immigrants to Challenge Deportations, June 26, 2001
The Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that immigrants who pleaded guilty to crimes before new immigration laws took effect in 1996 do not face automatic deportation.
Harsh Chinese Reality Feeds a Black Market in Women, June 25, 2001
Tens if not hundreds of thousands of poor women are kidnapped and sold on China's black market each year.
Artist Emerges With Works in a 'Private Language', June 25, 2001
Judith Scott, a woman with Down syndrome, who spent decades in institutions, has met some success as a fiber artist, though she does not speak, hear, read or write.
For Women at the Top, Something Is Missing: Social, Wifely Support, June 25, 2001
As women ascend to the top of corporate America, many find they are at an odd disadvantage: there's no such thing as a corporate husband.
I.N.S. Both Jailer and Parent to Children Without Nation, June 25, 2001
The Immigration and Naturalization Service detains thousands of children a year, both caring for them and seeking to deport them.
Violence Rises as Club Drug Spreads Out Into the Streets, June 25, 2001
The use of the drug Ecstasy is exploding, officials say, and it is spreading to virtually every ethnic and class group in the nation.
Senators Seek a Compromise on Patients' Rights Measure, June 24, 2001
Senators are trying to resolve concerns that a patients' rights bill would expose employers to costly lawsuits by patients irate over denial of employer health care coverage.
Few Inroads for Needle-Trading Programs, June 24, 2001
While the scientific consensus in favor of needle exchanges has steadily solidified, many localities fear the programs only increase drug use.
Researchers Identify Alcohol-Related Genes, June 23, 2001
Researchers at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver have identified 41 genes that play a role in whether a person becomes an alcoholic.
Government Issues Conflicting Crime Reports, June 23, 2001
Criminologists are confused over the findings of two federal reports, one showing a significant drop in crime in the U.S. the other indicating no change.
Relying on Hard and Soft Sells, India Pushes Sterilization, June 22, 2001
Population is a pivotal issue for India. But India and Andhra Pradesh, its fifth largest state, have taken profoundly divergent paths to control it.
Rural West Virginia Winning Over Health Care Workers, June 21, 2001
In a reversal of fortune, West Virginia is attracting scores of medical professionals to restock its most rural outposts in what has become the state's evolving academic specialty of rural medicine.
U.S. Courts Become Arbiters of Global Rights and Wrongs, June 21, 2001
Litigants from around the world are increasingly turning to the American legal system to redress grievances ranging from human rights issues to business claims under American civil law.
Tax Cut Puts Social Security at Risk, June 16, 2001
President Bush's tax cut and the lagging economy are shrinking federal surpluses, shaping the political battle over the budget into a fight over which party will be forced to dig into Social Security and Medicare funds.
Pressure to Smoke Varies by Ethnicity, June 15 2001
A new study shows that white teenagers are more likely to take up smoking because of peer pressure. On the other hand, Hispanic and African-American adolescents may be more readily influenced by family members or societal standards.
California Seeks Role for Drug Courts Under Proposition 36, June 15, 2001
In some ways, Proposition 36 is "the best thing that ever happened in California," said Kathy Jett, director of the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.
States Struggle to Integrate Drug Courts with Treatment System, June 15, 2001
As drug courts proliferate across the country, states are grappling with integrating the courts with the existing treatment system and in the case of California determining whether drug courts can cope with Proposition 36.
Medicare Agency Changes Name in an Effort to Emphasize Service, June 15, 2001
The Bush administration announced today that it had renamed the agency that runs Medicare and Medicaid in the hope of repairing its image as a bureaucratic behemoth. It is now the Health Care Financing Administration.
Senate Approves Legislation to Penalize Failing Schools, June 15, 2001
The Senate today overwhelmingly passed a bill to require annual school testing and penalize failing schools if they do not improve.
Chicago Uses Preschool to Lure Middle Class, June 15, 2001
Chicago is an example of a city that is trying to keep middle-class professionals in the city by attracting them to its much-maligned but fast-improving public school system.
Significant Decline in Violent Crime, June 14, 2001
A newly released Justice Department report shows a significant decline in violent crime, with a million fewer incidents in 2000 than in 1999.
Men Are Claiming Harassment by Men, June 10, 2001
More and more men are coming forward to file sexual harassment charges about behavior that employers once dismissed as simply horseplay or locker-room antics, according to employment lawyers and government regulators.
Veteran U.S. Envoys Seek End to Executions of Retarded, June 10, 2001
Nine highly regarded veterans of the American Foreign Service are calling for an end to the death penalty for the mentally retarded.
Church Group Provides Oasis for Illegal Migrants to U.S., June 10, 2001
Volunteers are part of a fledgling religious group called Humane Borders that is building makeshift oases in the hope of keeping at least a few illegal Mexican migrants from dying of thirst as they make their way north in search of work.
Prison Population in U.S. Is Leveling Off, June 9, 2001
After growing explosively for three decades, the nation's prison population has begun to stabilize, according to new government figures.
School Stabbing Leaves at Least 8 Dead in Japan, June 8, 2001
Crime rates in Japan are traditionally far lower than in many Western countries, but in the last year the nation has been shocked by a spate of alarmingly violent incidents, many of which have involved young people such as this one.
Jury Awards $6.4 Million in Killings Tied to Drug, June 8, 2001
A Wyoming jury has awarded $6.4 million to the family of a man who killed three relatives and himself after taking the antidepressant Paxil.
Violence Policy Center Sues Ashcroft, June 7, 2001
The Violence Policy Center has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Washington against U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft for delaying the regulation of background checks for gun purchases.
Boys Who Find Guns Play with Them, June 7, 2001
A new study has found that even though boys are being taught gun safety, those who find a gun are likely to handle it and even pull the trigger.
Americans Support Drug Treatment Over Jail, June 7, 2001
A new poll finds that most Americans are in favor of treatment over jail for first- and second-time drug offenders.
F.D.A. Warns Food Companies About Herbal Additives, June 7, 2001
he Food and Drug Administration warned companies putting herbal additives in food yesterday that their products could be illegal because the "novel ingredients" might not be generally recognized as safe.
AIDS Fungus Drug Offered to Poor Nations, June 7, 2001
The Pfizer pharmaceutical company announced today that it will offer the governments of more than 50 of the world's poorest nations an unlimited free supply of a powerful drug to combat fungal infections associated with AIDS.
Abortion Rights Group Files Suit Over Bush Family Planning Rule, June 7, 2001
A privately financed group that works for abortion rights overseas sued the Bush administration yesterday to challenge its rule denying federal funds to foreign family planning or health organization.
Repetition + Rap = Charter School Success, June 6, 2001Teachers who utilize rap with their lessons see math test scores increase.
Medicaid Curb for Immigrants Is Ruled Illegal, June 6, 2001
New York's highest court ruled today that the state had violated the state and federal Constitutions by denying Medicaid benefits to thousands of needy legal immigrants.
Education: From Working in Mines, to Learning Online, June 6, 2001
The LTV Mine closed its doors in February, leaving more than 1,400 hundred workers unemployed in an area where the closest community college is 30 minutes away.
It's Official: Democrats Rule Senate; G.O.P. Rues Day, June 6, 2001
The Senate shifted to the control of the Democrats tonight, the first time in its history that the balance of power changed because of a party switch instead of an election.
Financial Aid Drug Law Draws Opposition, June 5, 2001
The U.S. Department of Education is hearing a great deal of opposition to a federal law that cuts federal financial aid to drug offenders.
Justices Reverse Death Sentence of Retarded Man, June 5, 2001
The Supreme Court today overturned the death sentence of a retarded Texas man, Johnny Paul Penry, who in 20 years on the state's death row has become a symbol of a growing national debate over executing the mentally retarded.
Military's Ouster of Gays Rose 17 Percent Last Year, June 2, 2001
The number of gays discharged from the military rose by 17 percent in 2000 and was the highest total since the Clinton administration's "don't ask, don't tell" policy began in 1994.
Women Profit Less Than Men in the Nonprofit World, Too, June 2, 2001
In the nonprofit sector, too, women earn significantly less than their male counterparts, according to a new study based on the fiscal 1998 and 1999 tax forms of 75,000 public charities.
Anti-Tobacco Measures Showing Impact, June 2, 2001
As a result of tobacco bans and education programs, U.S. states are reporting a reduction in sales to underage smokers.
Addiction to Gambling, Drugs Affects Same Region of Brain, June 1, 2001
Researchers found that the same brain circuitry that is involved in the highs and lows of winning money also is involved in the high received from cocaine.
Few Medical Students Learn About Addiction, June 1, 2001
Medical education on addictions has improved in the last 25 years, but it's still relatively rare for medical students to get comprehensive training on identifying and treating addictive disorders.
Texas Retooling Criminal Justice in Wake of Furor on Death Penalty, June 1, 2001
Texas, which leads the nation in executions and endured withering criticism of its death penalty system during the presidential campaign last year, is poised to make significant changes in its criminal justice laws and so, supporters of the overhaul say, create a fairer system of capital punishment.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resources lists are being compiled by Christine Tubiak, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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