Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
July, 2001
Two Leaders in U.S. House Reject Plan on Retirement, July 29, 2001
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and House Democratic leader Richard A. Gephardt said that they would not support a new proposal for Social Security reform.
President of Urban League Calls for Review of Inequity, July 29, 2001
The head of the Urban League called on the Bush administration to conduct a comprehensive review of what he called pervasive racism in the criminal justice system.
Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Mental Health Research Careers: An Investment in America's Future, July 28 2001
Report of the National Advisory Mental Health Council's workgroup on racial/ethnic diversity in research training and health disparities research.
Drug Addiction Among Elderly On Rise, July, 28, 2001
Older Americans are becoming addicted to prescription drugs, particularly tranquilizers and sleeping pills.
Drug-Related Visits to Emergency Rooms Increase, July 28, 2001
A new report shows that drug-related emergency department visits increased in 2000 in the continental United States.
Other Immigrants, Envying Mexicans, Demand a Break, Too, July 26, 2001
A Bush administration proposal to let more than one million Mexicans living illegally in America earn permanent status has stirred resentment among non-Mexican immigrants.
A Survey of Wall St. Finds Women Disheartened, July 26, 2001
A survey suggests that many women are dissatisfied with the extent of progress that has been made to help women advance in the securities industry.
As Young Inmates Adjust, So Do Prisons and Jails to Their Special Needs, July 25, 2001
To adapt to state laws that convict youthful offenders as adults, some prisons are segregating juvenile inmates from adults.
Camp in Samoa Draws Criticism in U.S., July 25, 2001
Nearly two dozen American children have left an academy camp in Samoa citing physical, emotional and sexual abuse, inadequate medical care and a lack of wholesome food.
Patterns: Where There's Smoke, There's More, July 24, 2001
Heavy drinking and smoking often go hand in hand. Now researchers are suggesting a possible reason.
Vital Signs: Rx for War Zone Workers, July 24, 2001
As people return from oversees assignments, they experience problems adjusting to live in the US again.
Washington Not Alone in Cell Debate, July 23, 2001
Nearly two-dozen states have passed laws, until now little-known, that govern research on embryos and fetuses and may impede stem cell studies.
Argument Escalates on Executing Retarded, July 23, 2001
The debate about whether any mentally retarded person should be executed has intensified recently, as state governments and the Supreme Court are addressing the issue.
Even Most Generous Drug Plan May Be Disappointing to Elderly, July 22, 2001
With soaring drug costs and limited federal money set aside to pay them, Senate Democrats have had difficulty coming up with a realistic prescription drug benefit plan.
States Steer Religious Charities Toward Aid, July 21, 2001
Officials in many states, initially reluctant, are now making unprecedented efforts to encourage religious charities to apply for government money.
61 Senators Call for Stem Cell Research, July 21, 2001
A bipartisan group of 61 senators sent letters to President Bush that urged him to permit the use of federal dollars for embryonic stem cell research.
Survey Shows Teens Underestimate Smoking Risks, July 21, 2001
New research shows that most teens continue to underestimate the risks associated with smoking.
Census Data Shows High Minority Arrest Rate, July 21, 2001
Socio-economic factors that are linked to race could explain why blacks make up a disproportionate share of inmates in America's prisons and jails.
Colleges Embracing Environmental Prevention Strategies, July 21, 2001
California State University's adoption of a series of policy recommendations on alcohol use last week provided a window onto current thinking around campus alcohol prevention.
Industry Tells Government Tobacco Deaths Save Money, July 21, 2001
Anti-tobacco activists are outraged at a report commissioned by Philip Morris that credits the premature deaths of smokers for cost savings realized by the Czech government.
School Zone Anti-Drug Law Study Released, July 21, 2001
A study released by Join Together finds that the 1989 Massachusetts School Zone Anti-Drug law fails to drive drug dealers away from Massachusetts schools.
House Rejects Attempt to Retain Gun Records, July 21, 2001
The U.S. House of Representatives rejected a measure that would have required the federal government to continue to keep background-check records on gun buyers for 90 days.
U.S. Suspends Human Research at Johns Hopkins After a Death, July 20, 2001
A federal oversight agency suspended almost all of Johns Hopkins University's federally financed medical research involving human subjects, after an inquiry into the death of an asthma test subject.
U.S. at Odds With Europe Over Rules on World Drug Pricing, July 20, 2001
The Bush administration and the European Union are engaged in a behind-the-scenes struggle over how to spend money to fight AIDS.
House Backs Aid to Church Groups for Charity Work, July 20, 2001
The House voted, 233 to 198, to expand government financing of the social work of religious charities.
Panel Argues for Changing Social Security, July 20, 2001
A panel appointed by the Bush administration reported that demographic and economic pressures left no choice but to reshape Social Security to let workers invest in stocks and bonds.
Egypt Tries 52 Men Suspected of Being Gay, July 19, 2001
In a high-profile crackdown on suspected homosexual activity, 52 men were put on trial charged with immoral acts or religious offenses. All pleaded not guilty.
In U.S. Unions, Mexico Finds Unlikely Ally on Immigration, July 19, 2001
Mexico's foreign minister, Jorge Castaneda, raised his fist in support of Mexican immigrants, whom he says should be given legal status to pretect them.
Bush Urges Shift to Direct Grants for Poor Nations, July 18, 2001
President Bush proposed that up to half the aid to poor nations from the World Bank and similar institutions be given as grants rather than loans.
Mexico's New Anti-Drug Team Wins the Trust of U.S. Officials, July 18, 2001
American and Mexican officials fighting the war on drugs say they have created a trusted group of undercover Mexican investigators who are attacking all the big cartels.
Education Plan Comes Under Fire by State Officials, July 17, 2001
Education officials say coming federal requirements for reading and math tests threaten to undermine the testing systems in virtually every state.
Cashing In on Black Readers, July 16, 2001
After decades of complaints that book publishers neglect blacks, the industry is bringing out more work by blacks than ever.
Hispanic Workers Die at Higher Rate, July 16, 2001
In recent years the rate of on-the-job deaths for all Hispanics has been 20 percent higher than for whites or blacks, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has found.
States Pressed as 3 Boys Die at Boot Camps, July 15, 2001
The death of Tony Haynes, a 14-year-old, in the Arizona desert this month is increasing calls for stronger regulation of outdoor camps for troubled youths, an industry that has grown substantially over the last 20 years.
Tobacco Advertising Linked to Health Problems in Poor Neighborhoods, July 14, 2001
Researchers say omnipresent tobacco advertising could be help explain why people in poor neighborhoods are more likely to have heart attacks.
Naltrexone Effective in Treating Heroin Addiction, July 14, 2001
A new study shows that the anti-craving drug naltrexone is effective -- and cost-effective -- in helping heroin addicts.
San Francisco Implements Harm-Reduction Approach to Addiction, July 14, 2001
Saying that abstinence is not possible for all addicted individuals, the city of San Francisco, Calif., has adopted a harm-reduction approach to fight alcohol and other drug abuse.
CSAP Wants to Spread the Word About Effective Prevention Programs, July 14, 2001
Despite persistent rhetoric about the need for "science-based prevention," the anti-drug programs commonly aimed at students and other youth and those proven effective by research are too rarely one and the same.
Bush and Health Care Companies Promise Medicare Drug Discounts, July 12, 2001
Five big health care companies promised today to work with President Bush to help Medicare beneficiaries obtain discounts on prescription drugs through a voluntary private program starting Jan. 1.
Charity Is Told It Must Abide by Antidiscrimination Laws, July 10, 2001
The Bush administration declined a request today from the Salvation Army, the nation's largest charity, to exempt religious charities that receive federal money from local laws that bar discrimination against homosexuals.
Zero-Tolerance Policy Is Challenged, July 10, 2001
In a lawsuit that could affect subsidized-housing policies nationwide, several civil rights and women's rights groups yesterday challenged, as a form of sex discrimination, an Oregon zero-tolerance policy allowing the eviction of the entire household after a domestic assault.
Bush Seems to Ease His Stance on Schools' Accountability, July 10, 2001
As a joint committee prepares to tackle differences in the House and Senate education bills, the White House appears to be favoring the Senate's weaker demands for state accountability.
Study Finds Ballot Problems Are More Likely for Poor, July 9, 2001
A Congressional study has found that the votes of poor people and minorities were more than three times as likely to go uncounted in the 2000 presidential election than the votes of more affluent people.
Children Trapped by Gaps in Treatment of Mental Illness, July 9, 2001
Thousands of mentally ill children and teenagers in the United States are trapped in psychiatric hospitals and in other institutions for lack of treatment programs outside.
White House Asks Justices for a Ruling on Vouchers, July 8, 2001
The Bush administration is asking the Supreme Court to uphold an Ohio program that offers Cleveland parents tuition assistance to send their children to private schools.
Theft of Painkiller Reflects Its Popularity on the Street, July 8, 2001
A series of robberies of the OxyContin, a prescription drug that is said to give a heroinelike high, shows how valuable it is as a street narcotic.
Smokers Face Elevated Multiple Sclerosis Risk, July 7, 2001
Researchers at Harvard University found that long-time smokers increase their risk of developing multiple sclerosis.
Marijuana Use Increasing Among Arrested Youth, July 7, 2001
A newly released report from the U.S. Department of Justice called the rising rate of marijuana use among youth in the criminal-justice system an epidemic.
Alcohol Contributing to Rising Motorcycle Deaths, July 7, 2001
A new study from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that alcohol was responsible for nearly half of all motorcycle deaths in 1999.
Prison Operators Turn to Providing Treatment Services, July 7, 2001
As the crime rate declines, a number of private companies that operate prisons in the United States are adding addiction treatment and rehabilitation to their business offerings.
Blue Cross Settles Suit, Agrees to Improve Treatment, July 7, 2001
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has settled a lawsuit brought against the company by Minnesota Attorney General Mike Hatch by agreeing to lengthen coverage for addiction treatment and improve access to mental-health care.
Bush Plan Allows States to Give 'Unborn Child' Medical Coverage, July 6, 2001
The Bush administration has drafted a new policy that would allow states to define "an unborn child" as a person eligible for medical coverage under a children's health program.
Breaking News Depression, Bone Mass, and Osteoporosis, July 5, 2001
NIMH scientists report a strong association between depression and osteoporosis in the July issue of Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism. Research suggests that depression may be a major risk factor for osteoporosis and higher stress hormone levels may contribute to bone loss.
Tampa Scans the Faces in Its Crowds for Criminals, July 4, 2001
The Tampa police are using three dozen security cameras equipped with face-recognition software to search for criminal suspects among people in a downtown district.
Justice O'Connor Expresses Concern on Death Penalty, July 4, 2001
In an address in Minnesota, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has questioned the fairness of the death penalty and raised the possibility that innocent people had been executed.
Review of Nissan Car Loans Finds That Blacks Pay More, July 4, 2001
A statistical study of more than 300,000 car loans arranged through Nissan dealers shows that black customers consistently paid more than white customers.
G.O.P Leaders in the House Fight Stem-Cell Aid, July 3, 2001
House Republican leaders urged President Bush to prohibit the spending of federal money on biomedical research that used cells derived from human embryos.
F.D.A. Faults Johns Hopkins Over Process in Fatal Study, July 3, 2001
Johns Hopkins University researchers had not sought or received F.D.A. approval to use an unlicensed drug involved in an asthma experiment that led to a healthy volunteer's death, agency officials said.
AIDS Epidemic Takes Toll on Black Women, July 3, 2001
The AIDS epidemic has taken firm root among women across the rural South, where messages about prevention and protection are often overtaken by the daily struggle to get by.
A Changing World Is Forcing Changes on Managed Care, July 2, 2001
The backlash against managed health care that pushed a patients' bill of rights to the top of lawmakers' agenda has already forced important changes in medical care.
Angry? Sentence Is Not Jail Time but Class Time, July 1, 2001
Anger management classes have become a fixture of modern life, but there is not much data on whether the programs work.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resources lists are being compiled by Christine Tubiak, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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