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Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
February, 2002
APOE4 May Simply Detect Brain Aging, February 28, 2002
A Duke University team has found signs of early brain aging in people who have the APOE4 marker. Is this early Alzheimer's, or something new? His next study may give the answer.
HHS Launches New Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, February 2002
A new center at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) aims to ensure a level playing field for faith-based and community organizations seeking Federal funding for delivery of social services.
Overlaying with Bruises/Abrasions Indicates Possible Abuse, February 28, 2002
A recent study of infants who suffocated after "overlaying" offers insights for investigators of child fatalities.
Baby Spared Mother's Fate by Genetic Tests as Embryo, February 27, 2002
A baby who was genetically screened as an embryo will not suffer the likelihood of developing a rare form of Alzheimer's disease.
Bush Urges Work and Marriage Programs in Welfare Plan, February 27, 2002
President Bush called for even stronger work requirements and $300 million annually to promote marriage and strengthen families among the poor.
Weapons Research Kicks Up A Stink, February 26, 2002
Claims that US defense officials funded research into identifying non-lethal odors targeted at specific ethnic groups have set biologist against psychologist about the feasibility of such a development in biochemical weaponry.
One by One, a Family Is Treated, February 26, 2002
Family illnesses can create havoc through the years. In confronting such illnesses, doctors yearn to improve the fate of an entire family. Make the right diagnosis, prescribe the proper treatment, and you may change the life not only of the patient, but also many others, some as yet unborn.
Therapies: Bench Presses for Older People's Brains, February 26, 2002
Teaching people memorization strategies may help reduce the memory loss that often accompanies aging.
Perceptions: Image Is in the Eye of the Bank Account, February 26, 2002
Among women surveyed about their body image, those who lived in wealthier areas were more likely to be dissatisfied.
Bush's Plan on Welfare Law Increases Work Requirement, February 26, 2002
Opening what could be a rough, yearlong debate about welfare, President Bush is proposing to increase the work requirements for welfare recipients.
Governors Say Medicaid Needs More Federal Help to Control Rising Costs, February 25, 2002
The nation's governors demanded on Sunday that Congress and President Bush take action to slow the growth of Medicaid, which they say has become unsustainable.
Violent Death Among Children Linked to Household Firearms, February 24, 2002
A new study from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) found that in states and regions with higher levels of household firearm ownership, many more children are dying from homicide, suicide and gun accidents.
Industrialized Nations See Rise in Youth Suicide, Murder, February 24, 2002
An analysis of data from 26 developed countries found that since the mid-1950s, death rates among adolescents from homicide, suicide and motor-vehicle accidents have risen.
Long-Term Alcohol Use Linked to Higher Injury Rate, February 24, 2002
A new study found that individuals addicted to alcohol who successfully complete detoxification are still more prone to injury.
Governors Want Congress to Ease Welfare's Work Rule, February 24, 2002
The nation's governors are now urging Congress to let states relax work requirements for some people on welfare.
Where Vulnerability Can Mean Disease or Exploitation, February 22, 2002
Genomics and biotechnology will deepen health inequalities worldwide unless those technologies are harnessed to ameliorate them.
Welfare Reform: Positioned as the Success it is Probably Not, February 2001
In Congressional testimony, Sanford Schram, Professor in the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research at Bryn Mawr College, suggests that the much-heralded claim that welfare reform is a success is overrated and very much premature.
Vital Signs: Hijacking the Brain Circuits With a Nickel Slot Machine, February 20, 2002
Neuroscientists have uncovered a common thread in compulsive gambling, attendance at sporting events, vulnerability to telephone scams and exuberant investing in the stock market.
Toxic Heavy Metals and Undeclared Drugs in Asian Herbal Medicines, February 19, 2002
Serious safety concerns might be associated with unregulated Asian herbal medicines; certain evidence suggests that some Asian herbal medicines contain toxic heavy metals or undeclared prescription drugs.
Welfare Chief Is Hoping to Promote Marriage, February 19, 2002
Wade F. Horn, the administration official who oversees the welfare program, wants to spend $100 million to promote marriage among the poor.
9 of 10 Nursing Homes Lack Adequate Staff, Study Finds, February 18, 2002
More than 90 percent of the nation's nursing homes have too few workers to take proper care of patients, a new federal study has found.
Prevention Programs Work for High-Risk Youth, February 16, 2002
Addiction-prevention programs for high-risk youth led to lower use of alcohol and other drugs, according to a new study from the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration.
Head of Camp in Arizona Is Arrested in Boy's Death, February 16, 2002
The director of a boot camp for troubled youngsters in Arizona was arrested on murder and child-abuse charges on Friday.
New Hampshire Diocese Names 14 Priests Accused of Abuse, February 16, 2002
The bishop of the diocese of Manchester, N.H., turned the names of 14 priests who had been accused of sexually abusing children over to prosecutors.
Imaging Alzheimer’s Disease In Vivo: Not So ‘Implaque-able’ Anymore, February 14, 2002
Modern imaging techniques have yielded tantalizing possibilities for determining whether an individual suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) or some other form of dementia.
Bush Urges $300 Billion for Health Care Changes, February 12, 2001
President Bush outlined a $300 billion, 10-year health care plan on Monday that he said would overhaul Medicare and help the elderly buy prescription drugs.
In Ohio School Hearing, a New Theory Will Seek a Place Alongside Evolution, February 11, 2002
The latest challenge to evolution's primacy in the nation's classrooms the theory of intelligent design will soon get a hearing before the Ohio Board of Education.
As Drug Use Drops in Big Cities, Small Towns Confront Upsurge, February 11, 2002
An explosion of drug use in rural areas has overwhelmed local law enforcement agencies and brought the sort of violence normally associated with big cities.
Staying Clean, February 10, 2002
A discussion of effective treatment for substance abusers and appropriate outcomes to measure the effectiveness of treatment.
Tiny Town Looms Big on U.S. Map as No. 1 Source of Disputed Painkiller, February 10, 2002
Grover, N.C., has become the nation's biggest source of the painkiller OxyContin, with a doctor who prescribes the drug at the center of controversy.
Rising Unemployment and the Uninsured, February 9, 2002
Analysis showing that, for every percentage point increase in the unemployment rate, 1.2 million people will become uninsured.
Medicaid Coverage During Times of Rising Unemployment, February 9, 2002
How much an increase in unemployment would be likely to increase Medicaid enrollment and state Medicaid spending.
Homeownership Tares Improve but Gap Widens for African Americans, February 9, 2002
While homeownership rates increased nationwide by by large percentages in 2000 to 2001, the homeownership rate for African Americans was less and Hispanics. The disparity is further evidence why policies that promote homeownership must be broadened and enhanced, says The Homeownership Alliance.
State By State Rates of Household Hunger and Food Insecurity, 1997-1999, February 9, 2002
FRAC's analysis of the most recent available hunger and food insecurity data collected by the Census Bureau and USDA finds 15 states had food insecurity rates higher than the national average.
Coalition Forms to Reverse Rising Trend of Uninsured Americans, February 9, 2002
At least two million people lost their health insurance in the last 13 months as the economy continued a downward spiral.
Addiction-Prevention Programs Need to Address Unprotected Sex, February 7, 2002
A new study shows that young adults who use alcohol and other drugs are seven times more likely than non-drinkers to have sex. Yet many addiction programs don't address the link between sex and drug use.
Alcoholic Brain Yields Clues to AddictionFebruary 6, 2002
Expression of genes regulating opioid receptor systems and food intake increases in the brains of alcoholics, today revealed neuroscientists who are building the most detailed picture yet of gene dysregulation in the alcoholic brain.
Foreign Born in U.S. at Record High, February 7, 2002
The number of foreign-born and first generation residents in the United States has reached the highest level in history.
Behavior: Making the Most of Positive Role Models, February 5, 2002
Mentoring programs and other efforts to provide positive role models to adolescents in the hope of steering them away from risky behavior have been on the rise. A new study sheds light on the teenagers' views.
Healthbeats: Raising a Toast to the Brain's Health, February 5, 2002
Moderate alcohol consumption may offer some protection to the brain as well as the heart, a new study published in The Lancet suggests.
Studies of the Infirmities of Aging Dogs Offer Insights for Humans, February 5, 2002
scientists who study canine brain aging have found many close parallels to the human experience, close enough to warrant research financing from the National Institute on Aging.
A Rare Day: The Movies Get The Movies Get Mental Illness Right, February 5, 2002
Dr. Glen Gabbard, a psychoanalyst and author, has studied movies about his fiels and found most in need of a strong does or reality.
WebMD Is Somewhat Stronger After Therapy, February 4, 2002
After 15 months of turnaround therapy administered by Martin J. Wygod, the entrepreneur who took over from the company's founders, the stock has rebounded somewhat.
Group Backs Gays Who Seek to Adopt a Partner's Child, February 4, 2002
The American Academy of Pediatrics is announcing its support on Monday for the right of gay men and lesbians to adopt their partners' children.
Churches on Right Seek Right to Back Candidates, February 3, 2002
Religious conservatives are starting a campaign to remove the prohibition of churches endorsing political candidates.
New Leader Picked for Religion-Based Initiative, February 2, 2002
Jim Towey was named by President Bush to lead his effort to provide federal money for religious charities.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resources lists are being compiled by Christine Tubiak, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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