From Serendip


Center for Science In Society

Governmental Resources

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institute of Health

National Institute of Drug Abuse

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

American Public Human Services Association

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Council of State Governments

National Association of County and City Health Officials

National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors

National Association of State Alcohol/Drug Abuse Directors

Clinton-gore: Improving Mental Health

Government Information Search

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration

Agency for Healthcare Policy Research

US Dept. of Health and Human Services

Administration for Children and Families

Social Security

Office of Mental Health Services

Children's Mental Health Foundations and Agencies Network(FAN)

Facts about the NIMH

Press Release: Low cost of Improving Mental Health Care Coverage Under Managed Care

Study on Financing Mental Health Parity in Managed Behavioral Health Care

Primary Prevention in Mental Health: An Annotated Bibliography

A Consumer's Guide to Mental Health Services

National Center for Health Statistics


Drug Addiciton Treatment

National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Alliance for Justice

Back to Mental Health Project.

These resources lists are being compiled by Christine Tubiak, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -