What Did You Experience Before Your Symptoms Became Troublesome?
•Withdrawal from friends and activities
•Sleeping too much
•Not sleeping enough
•Negative or hostile attitude
•Let’s add to this list
This is a list of some of
the responses that participants have offered:
Anger towards people;
Stopped doing things; Behaved violently; Grades fell;
Stopped eating; you didn’t
bathe; Lost interest in activities; Good things became bad
Little things became really
important; Get too wrapped up in things; Overly concerned about health; Shy
and withdrawn; Had OCD symptoms; Lost interest in things you liked; You got
no support; Noticed changes in your physical condition; No inner comfort; Sleeping
too much/too little; You’re hostile to everyone; you cry a lot; you
lost/gained weight; Confusion/Memory problems; Become hypomanic; engaged in
criminal activity