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Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
September, 2001
Sales Drop and Spending Crawls as Uncertainty Grips Economy, September 30, 2001
In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, sales are falling in nearly every sector of the economy, as gloom spreads beyond the airline and travel industries.
Many Once-Thriving Cities Are Suddenly Hurting, September 30, 2001
Sept. 11, most people agree, changed everything including, it now appears, the economic map of the United States.
Some See U.S. as Vulnerable in Germ Attack, September 30, 2001
Health experts say new vaccines must be developed, but the bigger problem is fortifying a fragile public health system, the first line of defense against biological threats.
Injunctions to Pray, Instructions to Kill, September 29, 2001
A letter left behind by terrorists who attacked New York and Washington contained religious references and instructions for their suicide missions.
U.N. to Require Members to Act Against Terror, September 29, 2001
The Security Council unanimously adopted an American-sponsored resolution that would oblige all member states to crack down on the financing and training of terrorists.,U.N. to Require Members to Act Against Terror.
Bush to Increase Federal Role in Security at Airports, September 28, 2001
President Bush said that National Guard troops would begin protecting the nation's 420 commercial airports.
In Patriotic Time, Dissent Is Muted, September 28, 2001
The surge of national pride that has swept the country after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 has sparked a new, more difficult debate over the balance among national security, free speech and patriotism.
Bush Law-Enforcement Plan Troubles Both Right and Left, September 28, 2001
Lawmakers are concerned with balancing new laws to strengthen national security with civil liberties.
Generals Given Power to Order Downing of Jets, September 27, 2001
President Bush has authorized two midlevel Air Force generals to order commercial airliners that threaten American cities shot down without checking first with him.
Supreme Court Agrees to Look at Vouchers, September 26, 2001
The Supreme Court will rule on the constitutionality of a publicly funded Ohio program that helps thousands of parents pay their children's tuition at religious schools.
Congress Gets Plea to Widen Economic Relief, September 26, 2001
Influential advisers and key members of Congress expressed opposition to two of the main Republican proposals for stimulating the economy.
Bush Urges Afghans to Rid Their Country of Taliban, September 26, 2001
President Bush came close to telling the Afghan people to overthrow the Taliban, but a spokesman said there are no plans to "replace one regime with another regime."
Poll Finds Support for War and Fear on Economy, September 25, 2001
Americans favor going to war even if that means thousands of casualties for the nation's armed forces, the New York Times/CBS News Poll shows.
Energy Prices Tumble, but Stocks Soar Worldwide, September 25, 2001
While oil and natural gas prices plunged on fears that a sharp worldwide recession would reduce energy demand, stocks surged on optimism that the recession would be brief.
Bush Freezes Assets Linked to Terror Network, September 25, 2001
President Bush said that any foreign banks that did not cooperate with American investigators could be cut off from doing business in the United States.
Groups Could Help Find bin Laden and Assist American Attacks, September 24, 2001
The Bush administration is backing efforts to build an internal coalition in Afghanistan against Osama bin Laden and his Taliban supporters.
Groups Could Help Find bin Laden and Assist American Attacks, September 24, 2001
The Bush administration is backing efforts to build an internal coalition in Afghanistan against Osama bin Laden and his Taliban supporters.
U.S. to Publish Terror Evidence on bin Laden, September 24, 2001
In an effort to build support for a military response, the White House plans to make public evidence linking Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda network to the terror attacks.
Once Appalled by Race Profiling, Many Find Themselves Doing It, September 23, 2001
For many Americans who say they have deeply believed that it was wrong for police to single out members of minorities, the terrorist attcks have prompted a painful confrontation.
Anguish for Vast Toll of Children Left Behind, September 23, 2001
As families finally lay hope aside like a useless weapon, accepting that those missing are gone, communities face an enormous challenge: how to comfort, and raise, all the children who lost a parent in some cases their only parent in an event of epic dimension.
Bush Tries to Steady Economy Jolted by Attack, September 23, 2001
President Bush today forecast future gains in the American economy, but the White House, Congress and the Federal Reserve remain divided over how quickly to act.
Tape Reveals Wild Struggle on Flight 93, September 22, 2001
A desperate and wild struggle took place aboard the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 before it crashed in southwestern Pennsylvania, according to the plane's cockpit voice recorder.
Talk of War No Deterrent for Some Looking to Military, September 22, 2001
Enlisting in the armed forces is still seen as a way up, if not out, for young people in poor and working class neighborhoods.
GAO: Few Schools Report Ritalin Misuse, September 22, 2001
A General Accounting Office survey found that few schools in the United States report students selling or misusing attention-deficit disorder or hyperactivity drugs.
Teen Drinkers Show Signs of Liver Damage, September 22, 2001
A new study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found that some teen drinkers are suffering from the silent, toxic effects of alcohol on the liver.
Homicides One Reason for Racial Gap in Life Expectancy, September 22, 2001
A new government report found that homicide is responsible for 10 percent of the difference in life expectancy between white Americans and black Americans.
U.S. Identified Some Elements of Hijack Plot in Advance, September 21, 2001
The transportation secretary said his department knew elements of the threat to aviation before last week's terrorist attacks but could not have pieced them together to avert the plot.
U.S. Dispatches Ground Troops and Top Officer, September 21, 2001
As American ground troops were deployed to the Middle East, a top Air Force commander went to Saudi Arabia to oversee air attacks in the war against terrorism.
House to Proceed With Rescue Plan, September 21, 2001
The House expects to move ahead on Friday with a financial relief package for the nation's airlines that would give them $5 billion in cash and $10 billion in loan guarantees.
Movie Studios Possible Target of Terrorists, September 21, 2001
The F.B.I. notified the major film studios in Los Angeles that one of them could be the target of a terrorist bombing if the United States attacked Afghan targets.
Prepare for Casualties, Bush Says, While Asking Support of Nation, September 21, 2001
President Bush said his demands to the Taliban were not open to negotiation and made it clear that that a military strike could come soon.
Bush Is Deploying Jet Bombers Toward Afghanistan, September 20, 2001
As the first wave of military deployments began, President Bush insisted that the Taliban turn over Osama bin Laden and announced that he would address Congress on Thursday to lay out his aims.
Senate Democrat Proposes Alternative Antiterrorism Plan, September 20, 2001
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee rejected the Bush administration's proposals and offered a separate package of legislation.
Bush Advisers Split on Scope of Retaliation, September 20, 2001
Some senior officials are pressing for an earlier and broader military campaign, while the secretary of state is asking for time to prepare the diplomatic groundwork.
Pakistan Leader Defends Joining U.S. in Hunt for bin Laden, September 20, 2001
Gen. Pervez Musharraf asked his nation to trust him as he dealt with Pakistan's gravest crisis in the 30 years since it lost its last major war, with India.
U.S. Widens Policy on Detaining Suspects, September 19, 2001
The Bush administration announced new rules that would allow legal immigrants to be detained indefinitely during a national emergency.
Victims of Mistaken Identity, Sikhs Pay a Price for Turbans, September 19, 2001
Frightened by a wave of violence and harassment, Sikhs across the country are struggling to explain to the public that they are not responsible for last week's terror attacks.
World Leaders List Conditions on Cooperation, September 19, 2001
The Bush administration confronted its first significant difficulties in building an international coalition to support using military power against a still-faceless terror network.
Scarcity of Afghan Targets Leads U.S. to Revise Strategy, September 19, 2001
The Pentagon is developing a more unconventional type of military campaign emphasizing special operations to deprive Osama bin Laden of his sanctuary.
Stock Markets Hold Steady a Day After Big Sell-Off, Septebmer 19, 2001
The United States stock market moved a little lower Tuesday but still seemed to indicate that many traders were hoping the economy would start to recover relatively soon.
Pentagon Activates First Wave of Guardsmen and Reservists, September 18, 2001
Military commanders briefed President Bush on plans for the mobilization he called "a strong symbol of this nation's resolve."
All of a Sudden, a Jittery Nation of Checkpoints, September 18, 2001
A swell of homeland defense not seen since World War II rose across the nation in response to last week's terrorist attacks.
Taliban Reject Pakistan's Call for bin Laden, September 18, 2001
Afghanistan rebuffed an American demand relayed by Pakistan that the Taliban surrender Osama bin Laden, but set a meeting for Tuesday to make a final decision.
Wall Street Reopens; Stocks Slide, but Do Not Crash, September 18, 2001
Stock prices plummeted seconds after the opening bell but never succumbed to the frenzied selling that government and business leaders had worked hard to avoid.
A Nation Binds Its Wound in Red, White and Blue, September 17, 2001
The American flag bloomed across the nation, waved and worn by countless people who wanted to do something to vent their anger and sorrow.
Pakistani Team Giving Afghans an Ultimatum, September 17, 2001
Pakistan will send a group of high-ranking military officers to Afghanistan on Monday to demand that the Taliban government hand over Osama bin Laden.
Bush Warns That Coming Conflict Will Not Be Short , September 16, 2001
President Bush told the American military to get ready for a long war against terrorism, and vowed to "do what it takes to win."
Pakistan's Antiterror Support Avoids Vow of Military Aid, September 16, 2001
Pakistan carefully avoided any specific commitment to provide the United States with military assistance in an operation against terrorist bases in Afghanistan.
A Gradual Slowdown Suddenly Becomes a Wrenching Halt, September 16, 2001
Six days ago, the economy seemed to be at best stagnant. Now many experts believe it is already contracting.
Bush Presidency Seems to Gain Legitimacy, September 16, 2001
With the eyes of a nervous nation fixed upon him, George W. Bush began coming of age as president this weekend.
The Mood: Glimpses of the Normal Even as Obstacles Grow Clearer, September 15, 2001
Efforts to resume daily life continued and grew, but enormous obstacles remained, in some cases, clearly perceived for the first time.
Real Estate: As Hard Hats Volunteer in Rubble, City's Building Boom Falls Into Doubt, September 15, 2001
President, in New York, Offers Resolute Vows Atop the Rubble, September 25, 2001
President Bush met rescue workers as he led the nation in a day of mourning and remembrance for the victims of the terrorist attacks.
The Coalition: U.S. Demands Arab Countries 'Choose Sides', September 15, 2001
The State Department is giving Arab nations a stark choice: Either become members of an international coalition against terrorism, or risk being isolated in a growing global conflict.The State Department is giving Arab nations a stark choice: Either become members of an international coalition against terrorism, or risk being isolated in a growing global conflict.
Some Prison Cells Now Stand Empty, September 15, 2001
Prison cells in some states are now standing empty, a situation that could become a national trend as a result of a prison-construction binge, a decline in crime, and relaxed sentencing laws.
Report: Field Messages Must Overcome Blame, Emphasize Successes, September 15, 2001
As the alcohol and other drug field tries to craft public messages aimed at increasing treatment resources and preventing the stigmatization of people with addiction, an old foe stands in the way: blame.
The Suspect: Bin Laden: Child of Privilege Who Champions Holy War, September 14, 2001
Osama bin Laden has become the world's most reviled symbol of terror.
Intelligence: Spying on Terrorists and Thwarting Them Gains New Urgency, September 14, 2001
A Vow to Erase Terrorist Networks -- bin Laden Is Singled Out, September 14, 2001
The Bush administration singled out Osama bin Laden as a prime suspect in Tuesday's catastrophic terror attacks and vowed a comprehensive military campaign to demolish terrorist networks.
As F.B.I. Tracks Hijackers, bin Laden Tie Is Cited, September 13, 2001
The President: Aides Say Bush Was One Target of Hijacked Jet, September 13, 2001
The Diplomacy: Powell Says It Clearly: No Middle Ground on Terrorism, September 13, 2001
The Alliance: For First Time, NATO Invokes Pact With U.S., September 13, 2001
The NATO statement strongly suggested that the U.S. would have the support of the allies if it takes military action against those responsible for attacks.
Hijacked Jets Destroy Twin Towers and Hit Pentagon, September 12, 2001
Hijackers rammed jetliners into each of New York's World Trade Center towers on Tuesday, toppling both in a hellish storm of ash, glass, smoke and leaping victims, while a third jetliner crashed into the Pentagon in Virginia.
The Attack on the Military: A Hijacked Boeing 757 Slams Into the Pentagon, September 12, 2001
The President: A Somber Bush Says Terrorism Cannot Prevail, September 12, 2001
The Government: Trying to Command an Emergency When the Emergency Command Center Is Gone, September 12, 2001
News Analysis: Nation Plunges Into Fight With Enemy Hard to Identify, September 12, 2001
Today's devastating and astonishingly well-coordinated attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York and on the Pentagon outside of Washington plunged the nation into a warlike struggle against an enemy that will be hard to identify with certainty and hard to punish with precision.
The Afghans: Condemning Attacks, Taliban Says bin Laden Not Involved, September 12, 2001
The Taliban rulers, hosts to the terrorism suspect Osama bin Laden, condemned the attacks on America and said that their notorious guest was not involved.
Children's Sexual Exploitation Underestimated, Study Finds, September 10, 32001
The study estimated that in the United States 325,000 children a year were subjected to sexual exploitation.
Black Families Resist Mississippi Land Push, September 10, 2001
Mississippi's right to emminent domain is being challenged by black property owners whose claims date back to Reconstruction.
For Price Break on Drugs, Congress Looks to Canada, September 10, 2001
Congress is taking steps to allow imports of prescription drugs from Canada, in the hope of giving American consumers access to lower-priced medicines.
After Much Wrangling, an Accord at U.N. Race Meeting, September 9, 2001
After nine days of tumultuous negotiations, nations from around the world agreed to condemn the slave trade and to voice concern for the "plight of the Palestinians".
Saying Too Many Are Losing Jobs, Bush Pushes His Policies, September 8, 2001
President Bush cast the surge in the unemployment rate as reason for Congress to advance his economic agenda by expanding trade agreements and reducing energy costs.
Racism Talks Still Seek to End Impasses on Israel and Slavery, September 8, 2001
Although the conference was to have ended Friday, diplomats vowed to continue negotiating through the night in an attempt to reach consensus.
Rumsfeld Defends Missile Defense Funds, September 7, 2001
Cutting the Pentagon's request for missile defense spending would undermine research and testing, the defense secretary said today.
Overshadowed, Slavery Debate Boils at Racism Conference, September 5, 2001
The Middle East conflict has dominated the U.N. conference, but the debate over Africa's sufferings and the responsibility for it threatens to derail what is left of the meeting.
At Race Talks, Delegates Cite Early Mistrust, September 5, 2001
As South Africa and the European Union scrambled to salvage a United Nations conference on racism, the delegates were trying to figure out what went wrong and how.
U.S. and Israel Quit Racism Talks Over Denunciation, September 4, 2001
The United States and Israel withdrew after lamenting that a meeting intended to celebrate tolerance and diversity had degenerated into a gathering riven by hate.
U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits, September 4, 2001
Officials said the research mimicked major steps a state or terrorist might take to create a biological arsenal and was intended to understand the threat better.
U.S. and Israelis Threaten Boycott of Race Conference, September 3, 2001
Israeli and American officials warned that diplomatic efforts aimed at eliminating criticism of Israel seemed to be bearing little fruit.
British Doctor Touts Cannabis Spray for Pain, September 3, 2001
A British doctor said he is pleased with preliminary study results on a cannabis spray used to treat people with chronic pain.
Britain Faces Flurry of Illegal Migrants Using Channel Tunnel, September 3, 2001
Pressure from would-be immigrants, economic refugees and political asylum seekers is playing into an emotional political debate in Britain.
States Easing Stringent Laws on Prison Time, September 2, 2001
A new political climate is spurring a quiet reversal of some anticrime measures, including shorter mandatory sentences and earlier paroles.
NIMH Research on Women's Mental Health: Highlights, 1999 - 2000, September 1, 2001
This report from NIMH presents research accomplishments in mental health disorders, as well as initiatives and activities related to women's mental health.
Study Compares Prison and Non-Prison Treatment, September 1, 2001
A new study shows that women receive different types of benefits from prison-based addiction treatment programs and those located off prison grounds.
Parents Concerned About College Binge Drinking, September 1, 2001
A newly released study from the American Medical Association (AMA) found that college binge drinking is a top concern among parents.
Smoking Declines Among Pregnant Women, Not Teens, September 1, 2001
Although a new study found that smoking has declined among adult pregnant women, it also showed more pregnant teenagers smoking.
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These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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