Serendip's mental health resource lists are intended to provide access to web materials which we believe are of continuing usefulness in discussions of mental health issues. This "News" section is aimed at helping people be aware of possible "growing points" relevant to mental health discussions, news reports which offer what may become important new perspectives on mental health, relating either to mental health itself or to related social, political, and economic phenomena that impact on it.
April, 2001
Whites in Minority in Largest Cities, the Census Shows, April 30, 2001
For the first time, nearly half of the nation's 100 largest cities are home to more blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other minorities than whites, an analysis of the latest census figures shows.
Undocumented Immigrants Rush for Legal Status, April 30, 2001
Illegal immigrants scrambled to take advantage of a program that allows those with family or employer sponsors to apply for legal status in the United States without leaving the country.
In Rural Counties, the Squeeze of Poverty Can Be Stronger, April 29, 2001
An example of how people who spend a period of time in poverty and/or on welfare continue to experience economic hardships throughout life.
Search for the Right Church Ends at Home, April 29, 2001
A growing number of Christians across the country are choosing a do-it-yourself worship experience in what they call a "house church."
Prewar File Told of Hitler's Mental State, April 28, 2001
A C.I.A. file on Hitler made public today included a prewar description of the Nazi leader as a "border case between genius and insanity" and the prediction that he could become the "craziest criminal the world ever knew."
House Approves Bill Criminalizing Violence to Fetus, April 27, 2001
The House approved a bill today that would establish criminal penalties for harming a human fetus during the commission of a federal offense against a woman.
Physicians Divided on Prescribing Medical Marijuana, April 27, 2001
A new national survey found that physicians are evenly divided on the issue of medical marijuana. From Reuters.
Prescription for Improved Treatment System Must Include Physicians, April 26, 2001
Education, training, and infrastructure-development would go a long way towards getting doctors to screen their patients for addiction and to advocate for treatment and recovery, according to physicians who took part in Join Together's inaugural Demand Treatment Institute. From JTO.
JTO Interview: NASADAD Executive Director Lewis Gallant, April 26, 2001
An interview with Dr. Lewis Gallant, the new executive director of the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD), about his new position, dealing with the Bush administration, and major issues currently confronting the addiction field. From JTO.
Gun Show Background Check Act, April 25, 2001
Introduction of the Gun Show Background Check Act, a strong piece of legislation designed to close the gun show loophole. From JTO.
Supreme Court Limits Scope of a Main Civil Rights Law, April 25, 2001
Supreme Court today substantially limited the effectiveness of one of the most important civil rights laws as a weapon against discrimination in the way federal grant money is used.
Few Women Admit to Drinking During Pregnancy, April 25, 2001
A new government study shows that only one in 20 women who drink during pregnancy disclose it on the child's birth certificate. The Associated Press.
Church-Based Projects Lack Data on Results, April 24, 2001
Issues in measurement of the influence of religion on social problems.
Suit on Sex Harassment at Work Fails to Meet High Court's Test, April 24, 2001
The Supreme Court ruled today that because the federal law against sex discrimination in the workplace does not extend to isolated incidents of teasing or sexual innuendo, it also does not shelter employees who complain about such incidents from retaliation by their employers.
Abortion in India Is Tipping Scales Sharply Against Girls, April 22, 2001
Early figures from the 2001 census reveal that female fetuses are being regularly aborted, continuing a trend from the 1980's, which has resulted in a fall in the ratio of girls to boys. From the New York Times.
In Some States, Sex Offenders Serve More Than Their Time, April 22, 2001
The debate over whether and when to release covicted sex offenders. From the New York Times.
Promised Sex-Ed Report Languishes, April 21, 2001
The Surgeon General laid the groundwork for a far-reaching report on sexual attitudes and education which was never published. From the New York Times
One in Six American Kids Impoverished, April 20, 2001
Parents' low-paying jobs and lack of government support are some of the reasons why one of six American children lives in poverty, according to a new report. From JTO.
Schools Are Now Marketers Where Choice Is Taking Hold, April 20, 2001
An increasing number of school districts around the country are allowing parents to choose their children's school, resulting in schools marketing to the public. From the New York Times.
Seriously Ill Join Marijuana Buyers' Clubs for Medicine, April 20, 2001
This article from the New York Times discusses the debate over legalized marijuana use for medical treatment.
Drug Financial-Aid Law Enforced, April 18, 2001
More students who have drug convictions will be denied federal financial aid now that the Bush administration has decided to enforce a law on the books since last July. From JTO.
Drug Companies Begin Talks With South Africa, April 18, 2001
Drug companies have begun negotiating with South African officials to settle a lawsuit seeking to prevent South Africa from importing cheaper anti-AIDS drugs and other medicines, a drug company official confirmed tonight. New York Times.
Democrats and G.O.P. Hail Court's Districting Decision, April 18, 2001
Republicans and Democrats both claimed victory today after the Supreme Court ruled that race could be an element in redistricting decisions so long as it was not the controlling factor. New York Times.
Justices Permit Race as a Factor in Redistricting, April 18, 2001
In a crucial ruling on the role of race in legislative districting, the Supreme Court upheld a North Carolina Congressional district against the accusation that the 47-percent-black district was the product of an unconstitutional racial gerrymander. From the New York Times.
VPC: Analysis of High-Profile Shootings Released, April 18, 2001
A Violence Policy Center analysis of firearms used in high-profile shootings finds that most were acquired leagally. from JTO.
Before College, Year Off Beckons to Well Off, April 17, 2001
As a result of school burn-out, high school graduates should take time off before entering college. From the New York Times.
Pulitzer Prizes Include 3 for News Coverage of Immigration and Ethnic Complexity, April 17, 2001
Three Pulitzer Prizes in journalism were were awarded for articles that highlighted the perplexing, sometimes traumatic legacy of immigrationand the country's changing ethnic mix. From the New York Times.
The 90's Suburbs of West and South: Denser in One, Sprawling in Other, April 17, 2001
From The New York Times, this article discusses the transitional nature of suburbs in the United States.
Rural Hospital Focuses on Its Financial Health, April 17, 2001
From the New York Times, this article discusses the financial crisis of hospitals and how they are dealing with this problem.
Keeping College Freshmen on Course, April 17, 2001
How children are nurtured at school could make the difference between a successful college experience and a disastrous one.
New Initiative on Prescription Misuse and Abuse, April 13, 2001
NIDA announced a new, nationwide public-health initiative is aimed at raising awareness about recent trends in the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs. From the New York Times.
Justice Dept. Requests Continued Funding for Tobacco Lawsuit, April 13, 2001
The Justice Department is requesting that Congress continue to fund its lawsuit against the tobacco industry, even as the Bush administration decides whether to continue to pursue the case. From JTO.
Phillip Morris Supports Limited FDA Tobacco Regulation, April 13, 2001
Philip Morris, the leading U.S. tobacco company, is lobbying Congress to give the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the authority to regulate tobacco within certain limits. From JTO.
Liquor Industry Supporting Lower DUI Standard, April 13, 2001
The liquor industry has agreed to lobby for legislation that would lower the drunk-driving standard to 0.08 percent.
New England Groups Seek Common Ground, April 13, 2001
In New England,gun violence prevention groups are finding value in sharing good news and bad with each other. From JTO.
Action Alert: Fairness in Treatment Act, April 13, 2001
Partnership for Recovery urges constituents to meet with their congress members during spring recess to encourage them to pass the Fairness in Treatment Act 2001 for substance abuse. From JTO.
International Small Arms Proliferation, April 12, 2001
An editorial in the New York Times said leaders must address the wide availability of low-tech weapons, responsible for most of the world's conflict-related killing in the decade since the end of the Cold War. From JTO.
Report Finds Insufficient Data on War on Drugs, April 11, 2001
A report commissioned by the White House said there is insufficient information available to determine the effectiveness and progress of the war on drugs. From JTO.
Mentoring Relationships Reduce Youth Drug, Alcohol Use, April 11, 2001
A commentary noted that while mentoring programs can be effective in reducing drug and alcohol use among youths, it is important for the U.S. government to provide funding. From JTO.
Court Throws Out New Orleans' Gun Lawsuit, April 5, 2001
In a 5-2 ruling, the Louisiana Supreme Court blocked a lawsuit against the gun industry filed by the city of New Orleans. From JTO.
A Question of Efficacy: Regulate Gun Owners or Regulate Gun Industry?, April 3, 2001
Licensing and registration was a central campaign theme of many candidates who favored stronger gun laws in 2000. Was that message counterproductive? From JTO.
Gun Violence Prevention Bills Hearing Held in Boston, April 3, 2001
State Senators Jacques, Creem, Linsky and gun violence survivors will testify on gun violence prevention bills before two legislative committees on Tuesday, April 3. From JTO.
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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