Web Resources
- Electronic Journal - Child Welfare Review
An electronic journal of issues related to the well-being of children. Contains both links to articles related to child welfare and original articles in the following categories: child abuse, foster care and adoption, welfare reform and children, child poverty and inequality, child advocacy, and values and children.
- Links to Child Welfare Resources
Links to information related to the welfare of children. Site includes a library (containing journals, think tanks, research organizations, resources and news), information on children and the Internet, books for purchase, links to child welfare organizations and a search engine.
- National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
The mission of this site is to facilitate the secondary analysis of research data relevant to the study of child abuse and neglect. Includes data sets, e-mail list serves, publications, and training institutes and workshops.
- National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect
Provides information products and technical assistance services to help professionals locate information related to child abuse and neglect and related child welfare issues. Includes statistical information, state statutes, publications, and searchable databases of organizations and of documents.
- National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information
A national resource for professionals and others seeking information on child abuse and neglect and child welfare.
- Facts in Action
The web site of the Early Education Clearinghouse that works to put research-based knowledge and tools into the hands of those who serve in the early childhood field, as well as those who influence or make policy that affects the field.
- Child & Family Web Guide
Describes and evaluates web sites that contain research-based information about child development.
Government Organizations / Information
- Taking Stock of Risk Factors for Child/Youth Externalizing Behavior Problems, January 4, 2002
- Health Care Financing Administration: Children's Health Insurance Program
This site provides materials of interest to various audiences regarding the passage of SCHIP, also known as Title XXI, as part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Includes state plan submisisons, outreach, Title XXI legislation, regulations and allotment notices, and SCHIP-related White House and department information.
- Justice for Kids & Youth
From the U.S. Justice Department offers ideas on how youth can become part of the solution to fighting crime by joining community programs.
- Health Care Financing Administration
The federal agency that administers Medicare, Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Site includes information on Medicaid, Medicare, SCHIP, statistics and data, laws and regulations, research, and public affairs.
- The Children's Bureau
The oldest federal agency for children located within the US Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families. It is responsible for assisting States in the delivery of child welfare services.
Non-Profit Organizations / Associations
- Connect for Kids
An award-winning multimedia project of the Benton foundation, helps adults make their communities better places for families and children. The Web site offers a place on the Internet for adults who want to become more active citizens with kids in mind.
- Child Trends
A nonprofit research organization that studies children, youth, and families through research, data collection, and data analysis.
- World Association For Infant Mental Health
An interdisciplinary and international association that promotes education, research, and study of the effects of mental, emotional, and social development during infancy.
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
This site provides information to AACAP Members, Parents and Families to aid in the understanding and treatment of developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders. Site provides information on child and adolescent psychiatry, fact sheets, current research, practice guidelines, managed care and a search engine.
- National Head Start Association
A private not-for profit membership organization representing the children and staff of Head Start programs in America. Site includes information on transitions, healthy kids, advocacy and research, discussion lists and training.
- Zero to Three
A national nonprofit founded by leading pediatricians, child development specialists and researchers in 1977 to promote the healthy social, emotional and intellectual development of babies and toddlers.
- Children's Defense Fund
The mission is to ensure every child a healthy start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. Site includes information on programs, state data, the parent resource network, and a search engine.
- Action Alliance for Children
Provides information on current issues, trends, and public policies that affect children and families. Site includes the Children's Advocate news magazine, resources, calendarand a search engine.
- Children's Mental Health Education Campaign
A four-year national public education campaign to support children and adolescents. Site includes information on Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and their Families (Annual Report to Congress, 1998), programs, speeches and presentations, publications, and links to related resources.
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Provides national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization.
- National Center for Children in Poverty
The center identifies and promotes strategies that prevent young child poverty in the United States and that improve the life chances of the millions of children under age six who are growing up poor.
- The Child Trauma Academy
Focuses on service, training and research in the area of child maltreatment. Site includes information for caregivers, professionals and interdisciplinary teams; research; resources; and related links.
- Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice
This center fosters the development and the adjustment of children with or at risk of developing serious emotional disturbance. Site includes current events, related organizations, links, issue areas, and a search engine.
- The National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice
The center is designed to develop more effective responses to the needs of youth with disabilities in the juvenile justice system or those at-risk for involvement with the Juvenile Justice System. Site includes focus areas, links, training resources, current research and publications.
- Center for Children's Mental Health
The Center is a division of Georgetown University's Department of Pediatrics that serves vulnerable children and their families as well as influences local, national, and international programs and policy. This site provides information on training, research, community outreach, public policy, conferences and workshops, publications, and links to related sites.
- Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health
The Center's research and training activities focus on improving services to children and youth who have mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and their families. This site includes information on current research, training, publications, on-line resources (a clearinghouse of related organizations, glossaries, dictionaries, and data trends).
- Research and Training Center in Rehabiliation and Childhood Trauma
The center conducts research to increase knowledge about the causes, treatment, and outcomes of injuries to children, improve the delivery of health services, and disseminate information to families, their children, and multi-disciplinary professionals.
- Children's Institute International
A private, non-profit organization specializing in the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect. Includes information on programs and services, trianing, employment, press releases and related links.
Papers / Articles
- Children At Risk: State Trends, 1990 - 2000
A Population Reference Board/KIDS COUNT report based on the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey looks at changes in 11 key measures of child well-being.
- Overlaying with Bruises/Abrasions Indicates Possible Abuse, February 28, 2002
A recent study of infants who suffocated after "overlaying" offers insights for investigators of child fatalities.
- Community Interventions to Promote Healthy Social Environments: Early Childhood Development and Family Housing
A report on recommendations of the task force on community preventive services.
- Childhood Psychosis
A page from the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, describing various types of childhood psychoses.
- Psychopathology and Health Care Use Among Preschool Children: A Retrospective Analysis
This study examined the relationship between health care use, psychopathology, and demographic characteristics of preschool children.
- Common Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Problems and their Management in the Community
Discusses the important issue of child and adolescent mental health and includes information on assessment, various psychiatric disorders, psychological treatment, and parmacotherapy.
- Practice Parameters with Children
Practice Parameters with corresponding summaries that may be viewed as full text documents on various topics (i.e., ADHD, OCD, Language and Learning). Each Summary was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
- Medication Treatment for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders: What is the Evidence?
Article summary about the evidence supporting the efficacy and safety for the use of psychiatric medications with children and adolescents.
- Depression: Children and Adolescents
From NIMH, this paper presents how to talk about depression, what to do when a friend is depressed, fact sheets for physicians and new clinical trials.
- Report of the Surgeon General's Conference on Children's Mental Health
This report introduces a blueprint for addressing children's mental health needs in the United States. It reflects the culmination of a number of significant activities over the past year.
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
National Institutes of Health - NIH- consensus development conference statement (November, 1998).
- Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress
New imaging studies are revealing, for the first time, patterns of brain development that extend into the teenage years.
Papers Written by Students at Bryn Mawr College
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Bipoloar Disorder
Web Resources
- Adolescent Links
A list of links to informational web resources deaing with mental health issues of children and adolescents.
- Troubled Teens
Developed by the parent of a troubled teen, this site provides hope, support and information for parents. Includes links, top web sites and articles.
The teenage health interactive network. A website for teenagers that assists them with learning and talking about their physical and mental health.
- Mental Health Risk Factors for Adolescents
A collection of mental health electronic resources is intended for parents, educators, researchers, health practitioners, and teens.
- Kids'Health
A site for kids, parents, and medical professionals devoted to the health of children and teens and touches on emotional issues, as well as the traditional illness/wellness topics. The site features articles on a variety of topics as well as links to other sites.
- Adolescence: Change and Continuity
An introduction to some of the developmental changes that shape adolescents' lives between puberty and the end of college. Links to hundreds of articles on specific aspects of adolescent development and additional resources.
- Focus Adolescent Services
State by state listing of information, resourses, and support for teens and their families regarding mental illness and behavoiral and substance abuse issues.
Non-Profit Organizations / Associations
Papers / Articles
- Teens
A list of Internet articles dealing with teenagers and various adolescent issues.
- Psychiatric Contacts Among Youths Aged 13 through 24 Years Who have made Serious Suicide Attempts
This study compares rates of contact with a range of psychiatric services, for young people who made serious suicide attempts and for control subjects.
- A Literature Review of Developmental Psychopathology and Adolescent Offenders
A paper of the ever-growing phenomenon of youth crime in Canada and a study of juvenile offenders.
- Fathers of Children Born to Adolescent Mothers
Examines the characteristics of fathers of children born to adolescent mothers and obstacles thathinder involvement in their children’s lives.
- Adolescent Psychopathology
From, The Doctor Is In, this page, by Dr. Luciano Anthony Picchio, M.D., provides information on adolescent psychopathology, with links to articles on specific mental health issues.
- Adolescent Psychiatric Conditions
A page from the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, dealing with various types of adolescent psychiatric conditions.
- Youth And Mental Illness
From the Canadian Psychiatric Association, this paper presents information on adolescent mental illness, myths and facts, family issues, signs, and help.
- Adolescent Health
From the Health Policy Tracking Service, this document examines state legislative initiatives for adolescents, with a particular focus on school-based mental health services.
- Adolescent Mental Health Issues
From the Indiana University Center for Adolescent Studies 'Teacher Talk' newsletter, this page of electronic resources links to information on adolescent ADD, depression, suicide and eating disorders.
- You Asked About... Adolescent Depression
This paper, from the Canadian Journal of CME (May, 1995), discusses adolescent depression, problems with idenitification, symptoms, treatment, and suicide assessment.
- Suicide By Teens
This short paper discusses depression and suicide among teenagers.
- Dr. Michael Fenichel's Current Topics in Psyuchology
A listing of links to informational pages dealing with various issues in adolescent health and mental health.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
A listing of links to informational pages from NIMH on various mental health issues related to children and adolescents.
- Mental Health Needs Among Adolescents Committed to the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice
Prevalence report on the mental health needs and the trends in psychotropic medication use among adolescents who have been remanded to Virginia's Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) over the past eight years. By implication, it provides an overview of the mental health issues of adolescents committed to the DJJ.
Web Resources
- Alzheimer's Outreach
Information about Alzheimer's Disease for caregivers, directories of documents on such topics as difficult problems, symptoms, stages, medications, medical and legal matters, current drug trials, and nursing home issues. Personal accounts and a poetry gallery.
- Senior Law Homepage
A Web site where senior citizens, their families, attorneys, social workers, and financial planners, can access information about elder law (Elderlaw), medicare, medicaid, estate planning, trusts and the rights of the elderly and disabled. Search engine.
- ElderConnect
The Elder Care Information Network (ECIN) database contains information with over 35,000 acute rehabilitation facilities, retirement communities, and facilities specializing in all levels of long-term nursing care as well as home health agencies.
- Elder Web
A research site for both professionals and family members looking for information on eldercare and long term care, and includes links to information on legal, financial, medical, and housing issues, as well as policy, research, and statistics.
- Best Senior
News and information for seniors about medical health and wellness. Information provided on pharmaceuticals, health providers, alternative medicine, vitamins and supplements, health information, self-improvement, healthy lifestyles, and caregiving.
- Health and Age
Sponsored by the Novartis Gerontology Foundation, this site includes information for seniors on health and lifestyle centers, news, articles, ask the doctor, drug database, and alternative medicine.
- Friendly 4 Seniors
Searches the Internet to find useful sites for Seniors and their loved ones. Their collection of links cover the many aspects of aging, caregiving, and senior lifestyles.
- Seniors Site
Dedicated to providing a unique, informative, interesting, and entertaining Web site for adults, age 50 and older, and younger folks that help or deal with parents, grandparents, or older friends.
- ALZwell Caregiver Support
Dedicated to helping dementia caregivers to find understanding, wisdom and support thoughout the caregiving journey. Infomation provided on legal issues, resources, library, what's new, caregiver support, and a search engine.
- Elders' Mental Health
A list of links to mental health sites dealing with the elderly.
- The Elderly Place
Site provides information on dementing diseases and informational links on organizations and associations, alzheimers, dementia, nursing homes and elder abuse.
- Fighting Fraud Against Older Consumers
Information and links to aid seniors in combating telephone fraud.
- Novartis Foundation for Gerontology
This foundation supports education and innovation in healthy ageing, geriatrics and in the care of elderly people. Site provides information for the elderly, physicians and researchers, and healthcare professionals.
- Council for Jewish Elderly
This site provides infomation on CJE, for professionals, links to related resources and a site search engine.
- Ethnic Elders Care Network
A site for caretakers of ethnic elders with Alzheimer's, scientific abstracts, treatment guidlines, and resources.
Government Organizations / Information
- Administration on Aging
A comprehensive government website poviding information on the Aging Network, National Aging Information Center, National Aging Information Center, current events, press releases, and research.
- Geriatric Assessment Methods for Clinical Decision Making
From NIH, this site offers comprehensive geriatric assessment that includes evaluation in which the multiple problems of older persons are uncovered, described, and explained. Effectiveness, clinical consequences, and future outcomes are discussed.
- Social Security Programs Throughout the World, 1999
From the Office of Public Policy of the Social Security Administration, this research report highlights the principal features of social security systems throughout the world.
- The US Senate Special Committee on Aging
This committee has served as a focal point in the Senate for discussion and debate on matters relating to older Americans. Site includes information on hearings, legislative information, and news releases.
- The Resource Directory for Older People
A cooperative effort of the National Institute on Aging and the Administration on Aging. The directory contains names, addresses, phone numbers, [web addresses] and fax numbers of organizations which provide information and other resources on matters relevant to the needs of older persons.
Non-Profit Organizations / Associations
- The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping older Americans achieve lives of independence, dignity and purpose. Content addresses relevant issues concerning seniors.
- Alzheimer's Association NSW
An association for people living with dementia, their carers and families. Includes dementia information, help notes (available in several languages), a monthly newsletter, counseling and and suppport groups.
- Mental Health and Aging
Assists older adults, their families and caregivers in obtaining mental health services specific to the needs of older adults. Provides information on how to advocate to get needs met.
- Caregivers Helping Caregivers
Assists caregivers in getting the information they need online, as well as providing a forum where they may learn what others have experienced while caregiving. Information provided on resources, experiences, caregiving, and network.
- Senior Net
Provides adults 50 and older access to and education about computer technology and the Internet to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom.
- Strathclyde Elderly Forum
SEF is a non-political older people's lobbying and campaigning group. Site includes forums, information, who's who, news and links.
Papers / Articles
- Mental Health of the Elderly
From the American Psychiatric Assocation, this paper presents facts about the elderly and different mental illnesses, such as depression, dementias, pseudodementias, and Alzheimer's.
- Older Adults and Depression
From NIMH, this paper discuss depression and suicide, treatment and clinical trials in the geriatric psychiatry research program.
- Depression in the Elderly
A fact sheet from the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Includes information on symptoms, causes, treatment and resources.
- Observations on the Elderly that may be Helpful in Spotting Depression
Signs, symptoms and prevention of depression among the elderly.
Web Resources
- Toward a Stronger Family
A page of links to internet articles and resources celebrating mothers and women.
- National Parent Information Network (NPIN)
Provides access to research-based information about the process of parenting and about family involvement in education.
- Practical Parenting Advice
A one-stop resource for parents and professionals wanting tips and support on child behavior, development and family relationships.
- Leeds Family Therapy and Research Centre
the center focuses on developing professional skills in treating families who need mental health assistance. Includes information on research, publications, systems, and Journal: Human.
- Kids' Health
Various kinds of information provided on physical and mental health for parents, kids and teens, from the medical experts at the Nemours Foundation.
- Sociology of Family and Children
World-wide web resources dealing with sociology and familiy issues.
- American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence
Help and referral information, list of organizations and links to related sites.
- Tables Summarizing [Family] Law in the Fifty States
A selection of tables providing a quick view of various aspects of family law for the fifty states in the areas of alimony/spousal support factors, custody criteria, child support guidelines, grounds for divorce and residency requirements, property division, and third-party visitation.
- Father Net
Includes information on the importance of fathers, fathering and how fathers can be good parents and parent educators. Includes research, policy and opinion documents to inform users about the factors that support and hinder men's involvement in the lives of children.
- Inside Health Care
An online information service offering news, directories, search engines, business research tools, funding sources, organizations, and publications relating to health care.
- Family Preservation & Child Welfare Network
The goal of this program is to develop, provide and/or coordinate services which protect children of all ages from abuse or neglect. This site provides information for both professionals and laypeople. Topics include family violence, childhood disability, foster care, adoption, and federal child and family statistics.
- Stepfamily Information
Information about stepfamilies, the relationships of members within the family, extended family groups, problems and conflicts that can arise within the family, and information on this conflict resolution.
- The Divorce Homepage
This is a web site devoted to connecting you to the most valuable and comprehensive divorce related information on the internet.
- Couple's Place
An online learning community for solving marriage problems, improving relationship skills, celebrating marriage, and achieving happiness with a partner.
- Mental Health Links for Families and Individuals
A list of links providing information on mental health issues among children, adolescents, and the elderly.
Government Organizations
- The Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Under the Department of Health and Human Services, the ACF is responsible for federal programs which promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. Links to government reports, fact sheets, and specific ACF programs.
- Prevention and Treatment of Depression in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period, January 31, 2001
NIMH Division of Services and Intervention Research and the Office of Women's Mental Health convened a one day roundtable discussion of research on the prevention and treatment of depression in pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Non-Profit Organizations / Associations
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Information about the problem of domestic violence, public policy information, and links to related sites.
- Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
A national parent-run organization focused on the needs of children and youth with emotional, behavioral or mental disorders and their families.
- Committee for Hispanic Children and Families
An advocacy organization working to improve the quality of life for Latino families through community education, youth services, and public advocacy. Includes information on youth services, child care, community building and initiatives.
- Families USA
A national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health and long-term care for all Americans. Includes information on Medicaid, Medicare, children's health, and resources.
- Developmental Delay Resources (DDR)
A non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of those working with children who have developmental delays in sensory motor, language, social and emotional areas. Links to specific topics, inlcuding drugs, laws, research, autism, diet and ADHD.
- National Council on Family Relations
A forum for family researchers, educators, and practitioners to share in the development and dissemination of knowledge about families and family relationships, establishes professional standards, and works to promote family well-being.
- Children, Youth and Families Education and Research Network
CYFERNet is a national network of Land Grant university faculty and county Extension educators working to support community-based educational programs for children, youth, parents and families.
- MINCAVA Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse
Links to reports and fact sheets, bibliographies, web sites, etc. on aspects of violence and abuse.
- Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health
The Center provides services for families and their children who are, or may be affected by mental, emotional or behavioral disorders. Site includes links to publications, research, data trends, and links to online resources.
- National Center for Fathering
The mission is to inspire and equip men to be better fathers. Site includes information on research, chats, links, community initiatives, fathering tips and training.
Papers / Articles
Back to Mental Health Project.
These resource lists are being maintained by Debbie Plotnick, working with Paul Grobstein, Department of Biology, and James Martin, School of Social Work and Social Research, at Bryn Mawr College. Suggestions for additions to the list are welcome, as are more general thoughts about how to most effectively make available information, and promote conversation, about issues of mental health. Contact - -
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