Biology/English 223/College Seminar II
Bryn Mawr College
Spring 2005

The Story of Evolution and the Evolution of Stories:
Exploring the Significance of Diversity

First Web Papers
(as of February 21, 2005):
Think through some problem raised in your mind
by our discussion of biological evolution.

Nada AliThe Story of Evolution as told by Ernst Mayr
Austin AndrewsStory vs. Fact: How evolution should be taught in schools
Rebekah BagliniThe Interconnected Nature of Altruism, Culture, and Human Evolution
Arshiya BoseMy Tryst with the Blind Watchmaker
Haley BruggemannIntelligent Design: Will it Stand the Test of Time?
Eleanor CareyEvolution in Schools
Carolyn DahlgrenMalo spiritu ad templum propellbar-(Translation: I was pushed towards/against the church by an evil spirit)
Laine Edwards"Whodunit?" Writing Evolution as a Murder Mystery
Maureen EnglandEvolution: A Story With Purpose
Britt FremstadThe Useless Vestigial: the Human Appendix
Jennifer GerfenMolecular Evolution
Maja HadziomerovicThe Evolution of Culture: trapped in two cultures with one future
Becky HahnEvolutionary "Progress"
Michael Heeney"Survival of the Fittest": The Flaws and Dissemination of Social Darwinism
Alexandra MnuskinEvolution and the Theory of Everything
Liz PaterekTeaching Science
Brittany PladekWhat Evolution Isn't
Jessica RosenbergReligion and Science
Tonda ShimboGenetic Engineering as the End of Human Evolution?
Kate ShinerThe Hegelian dialectic: A productive method of evolution?
Ariel SingerThe Classic Example
Kelsey SmithOf the Body: How Evolution Fits with other Creation Stories
Anne SullivanMayr's Use of Biological and Literary Contexts
Eileen TaloneWomen Unite, Take Back Control of Human Development
L.T.The Story of Science
Anjali VaidyaThe Evolution of Ideas
Ivelina YonovaThe Clash between Creationists and Evolutionists
Ghazal ZekavatFrom Mineral to Man
Lauren ZimmermanIntelligent Design and Evolution

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