Kat CorbinCutting off your Nose to Spite your Face
Patricia FlahertyTo All "Feminists" Out There: [Please] Shhh!
Talya Gates-MonaschBeing Hurt is Not a Given: A Feminist's Perspective
Kelsey GaynierGender and Sexualities Paper #3
Sarah HalterHate Crime Legislation: What to do, what to do?
Samantha MartinezMissing Voices, Missing Wombs: Reproductive Technologies and Women of Color
Orah MinderImagined Space
Amy PenningtonThe Empire of Images: Discourses of Female Sexuality
Amy PhillipsEither/Or: Discourse of "Trans-"
Elle StacyGayle Rubin and Claudia Card: The politics of sex, marriage and motherhood
Lindsay UpdegroveThe Eternal Gap: A Myth
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