As promised, I put my and Jen's talking notes for today up on-line @ (you can also find the link now activated @ the 9/5 entry on the course syllabus, @

And here's an addendum:

Following up on Thorne's observation that the painfully sparse language that kids have for relationships between girls and boys...underscores the need for more images of and more experiences with, cross-gender relationships based on friendship and collegiality, as well as Anna's suggestion that we need to start w/ our children as thoughts in our brains or ripples in our ovaries, I asked you all today to describe what concrete images you could call up, as alternatives to "the heterosexual romance": how would you like the world to look, to your children? You answered

different(ly colored/gendered/classed) people paired to work on science projects
home: a house with a red door
playing in the forest
pictures drawn w/ the left hand
taking a hike, with a cairn (a marker, telling you where you are) always in sight
children holding hands in a circle, singing "kumbaya"
San Francisco (=welcoming lots of difference)
safe, in a gated community
lots of differently colored people singing together, as in the Coca-Cola ad, "I'd like to teach the world to sing" (but without the corporate sponsorship)
the southern decadence and pagentry of Mardi Gras in New Orleans
the last scene in Angels in America: flying to San Francisco, while the souls of the dying are fixing the holes in the ozone
a multigenerational/multi-colored picnic in the backyard, with everyone dancing to Otis Redding's "Heard it through the Grapevine"
sitting on a couch on a sunny spring day, being told that you can trust your mother with anything
"following your passions" on Halloween
a home where the mother and dad are like Gretel and Hansel: they treat each other as siblings, as equals
the perfect snow day
a relay race: each child has a sense of her own contribution, and that of others, to "something bigger"
(n.b. limits of this metaphor: the sense of life as a competition with winners and losers)
a bowl of vegan lucky charms
the scene from Ursula LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness, in which a human and an alien are making their way across thin ice, by pulling and pushing a sledge together