"Alchemies of Mind": The Emotional Landscape
of Classical Nineteenth-Century Texts
Bryn Mawr College
Spring 2006
Final Web Papers: Re-reading Big Books of 19th Century American Literature
(May 12, 2006)
Erin Bagus
Parenting Techniques: How to Bring our Children Up to Change the World
Alice Bryson
Mythology of the Mississippi
Jillian Davis
Religion: The Opiate of the Masses, or Superstitious Brainwashing with Consent?
Catherine Durante
Self-Forgiveness is Found, Lessons are Learned, and New Friends are Made Along the Way
Laine Edwards
Teaching Huck Finn to Low-Income Students
Allie Eiselen
thinking about childhood
Emily Feenstra
A Different View of Pearl
Marina Gallo
Family Life in "The Scarlet Letter" and "The Adventures of
Chris Haagen
How do we read Moby Dick
Adina Halpern
Linguistics, Controversy, and the Scarlet Letter
Steph Herold
Finding Freedom in a Room of their Own: Margaret Fuller Navigates 19th Century American Literature
Laci Hutto
A Return to Group Psychology.... and an Analysis of My Own Ego
Margaret Miller
A Disorganized Attachment Reading of Huck Finn
Jackie O'Mara
A "Battery of Flowers": Nature between the Lines
Laura Otten
Huck Finn; The Racist Protagonist
Alison Reingold
To Read Uncle Tom's Cabin as a Jew
Jorge Rodriguez
The selfish members of a selfish society: A look at Transcendentalism and Herman Melville's 'Moby-Dick'
Jessica Rosenberg
Exploring the Exceptional: A Case for American Exceptionalism in Literature and the Curriculum
Laura Sockol
The Psychologist Who Mistook a Book for a Patient: The Use-Value of Psychological Assessment of Literary Characters
Sky Stegall
Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said. - Mark Twain
Amy Stern
"But It Doesn't Mean Anything To Me": Narrowing the Distance Between 19th Century Literature and 21st Century Students
Lauren Sweeney
An Amendement to the First Amendment
Catherine Wimberley
The Great Escape Continued
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