English 207:
Big Books of American Literature

Bryn Mawr College
Spring 2006, TTh 10-11:30

Checklist for Portfolio

Quantitative (="meeting expectations")
Number of classes missed  
Amount of class participation 
Number of web postings  
# of papers posted on-line  
# of writing conferences  
final in-class presentation 
10-pp. final project on-line 
complete portfolio 

Qualitative (="exceeding expectations")

Review your participation in our group work: how present-and-contributing have you been in our discussions, both large and small, what role have you assumed in our group dynamics, both in-class and on-line? How and what have you contributed to the learning of others?

Review also your written work. Be specific and descriptive, but also evaluative: how much effort have you put into the web postings and each of your essays. What can you say about the quality of the final products? What have you learned in this class? Where have you "moved"?