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about dr.b.

grew up in Ohio (Dayton, Lima)

has one brother and two sisters; is oldest

married with two sons, Alan (5th grade) and Andrew (2st grade).


B.S., Chemistry and French, Heidelberg College

Ph. D., Inorganic Chemistry, U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill

professional positions

1984-1986 Exxon Research and Development, post-doc

1986 Bryn Mawr College, Assistant Professor

1992 Bryn Mawr College, Associate Professor

1994-1999 Bryn Mawr College, Department Chair

2000 Bryn Mawr College, Professor

2002 Bryn Mawr College, Acting Chair

about Burgmayer group research


what i am doing when I'm not in my office

some of my watercolors


family shots 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |