Thinking About an Elementary Science Education Curriculum:
Continuing the Conversation
19 April follow up
Further discussion of "transactional", "open-ended" re "child-centered", "constructivist"
- Make teacher a learner, as well as a modeler of open-ended inquiry
- Make students teachers
- Make things more alive both for students AND teachers
- Help students see teaching/growing up as appealing
- How put in constraints on inquiry?
- Guess at likely "generativity"
- Won't work some times
- Requires being willing to be wrong, non-authoritative (fits Quaker "seeking")
- Need to ALSO make science "visible"
- For next level of education, for careers, for parents/reviewers
- How value/use "expertise"?
- Can imagine where people going but never know for sure, can be surprised
- Some kids overprogrammed but there are also legitimate needs for structure
- Fit structure to kids but always with objective of making better inquirers
- Developmental competences, re inquiry, re observations/interpretations, subtleties thereof, re content
Further PG thoughts
- Aspiration is to make teachers "scientists"
- Active inquirers AND aware of additional relevant bodies of observations/interpretations
- Need to think more about/understand better developmental competences
- Need to work, in that context, on
- Overall curricular coherence
- Content
- Making science visible
- Information technology
- PK and K ... help develop taste for discovering new ways to see things?
- Begin with scales in space/time, changes in space/time
- Use self/humans as reference point
Today ... Wil Franklin,
- Grounds as inquiry space, particular classroom activities
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