Name: Allen Hathaway
Subject: Prisoner's Dilemma
Date: Sun Feb 22 09:56:09 EST 1998
It has been empirically shown (though I'm not sure mathematically proven) that a strategy of TIT FOR TAT will yield the maximum payoff in an iterated prisoner's dilemma.
I have done a study for my anthropology class on a multi-player version of the prisoner's dilemma (free rider dilemma) and noted a difference between genders. I'm now trying to put together a study on a true (one shot) prisoner's dilemma, as well as chicken, deadlock, and stag hunt. I will be looking for biases based on gender, age, and economic status. Any info or references on other work in this area will be appreciated.
Name: Allen Hathaway
Subject: Feedback
Date: Sun Mar 22 20:11:13 EST 1998
Wow, this is a lively site!
Name: Chris Ramshaw
Subject: Prisoner's Dilemma
Date: Sat Oct 24 08:31:18 EDT 1998
Serendip seems to be using a strategy of Tit for Tat in its simulation of a Prisoner's Dilemma game. This makes it very hard to do get an average of more than 3 coins. Given that n turns are required, a good idea might be to co-operate until turn n-1, and then defect on the final turn - this means that Serendip does not have a chance to 'repay' the defection. An extensive discussion of computer simulated Prisoner's Dilemma strategies can be found in Douglas Hofstadter's 'Metamagical Themas', pp.715 - 766.
Name: Ryan Brooke
Subject: Prisoner's Dilemma
Date: Sun Nov 1 23:35:08 EST 1998
I'm not thoroughly familiar with game theory, but prisoner's dilemma is
a lot like a game called "win as much as you can." Using the strategy
of cooperating every turn yielded 12 coins, and I tied with serendip.
The second (and last) time I played I cheated the first turn, then
cooperated every turn after that. I beat serendip by three coins, I
believe, using that strategy.
Name: meg
Subject: huh???
Date: Fri Mar 5 04:35:53 EST 1999
Okay the only reason I played this game is because I have to for a psyc project.. Out of four games my #of coins was between 15-21!! I found that I cheated I would end up with more coins..At one point the computer told me I was on a flirtacios role whatever that means.. I understand why we had ti do this for our class,however,not something within my forte!!
Name: Liz Croydon
Subject: prisoner's dilemma
Date: Wed May 12 16:13:23 EDT 1999
The way i found to best win by the largest possible margin, and i hope it's not a reflection of the real world, is of course to cooperate until the final turn, and then shaft your fellow prisoner. no retribution is possible. it's done without consequences which are in anyway negative to you, and it's done in full certainty that the other fellow will cooperate.
Name: Zé Maria
Subject: bug
Date: Tue Sep 7 10:01:04 EDT 1999
I'm sure that after playing Prisoner's Dilemma, and considering the fact that Serendip uses tit for tat, I'm sure there is an incredible system to maximise gain, but have you noticed when you accidentally press "Play it!" without making a choice, you and Serendip are left with zero total coins, making it so that on the next round, the game averages the sum of zero and the last turn score by the total number of turns, ending the game.