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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.


Serendip is a gathering place for people who suspect that life's instructions are always ambiguous and incomplete. Originating in interactions among neurobiologists, computer scientists, business people, and educators, Serendip is both an expanding forum and a continually developing set of resources to explore and support intellectual and social change in education, in social organization... and in how one makes sense of life.

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What's New?

Change ... as always. Sometimes more, sometimes less. A lot for 2001. The new menu bar above appears on every page, and gives you a quick way to get from one place to another. Click around, there's new material on every section page. And a new randomizing function built into the Serendip logo at the left of the menu bar. Click on it to explore Serendip serendipitously. A new way to look into a particular complex system, and more incentive to think about the importance of randomness in generating new possibilities and questions for making sense of the world.

There are also lots of new exhibits (see What's New for a complete list). Including:

  • Is "Brain = behavior"? The new Time to Think interactive exhibit is one approach to that question. You can use Serendip to measure simple reaction times, as well as reaction times in a number of increasingly complex "thinking" tasks. Does "thinking" take time? Compare reaction times under different conditions and in different people. Make your own observations on "thinking", for everyone to think more about.

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