Friday, 29 July 2005
Conversation Notes
Session 1
K12 Teachers Talk About Needs
Teachers represented Philadelphia, Chester Upland, Southeast Delco and
Centennial School Districts.
- intellectual stimulation
- for self and for students
- (including 6-7 yr olds can take more)
- help make "future" real
- have people in classroom
- more perspectives
- greater dreams/hopes
- because of standard curriculum, less flexibility
- help not only with intellectual hunger, but also spiritual level
- emphasize community
- encourage questioning
- help kids be realistic (self evalutaion0
- help kids communicate, teachers too
- get students to "catch up"
- so not discouraged
- need power to make happen
- general need to teach reading
- fun opportunities for parents
- community education
- not necessarily in school
- curriculum and basic skills and college prep
- school district can't do it
- need community
- problem school districts
- professional development on site
- specific urban needs
- technology
- "slotedness" of high school AND college
- understand students in addition to learning about content areas
- cultural vaiation
- work with parents
- teachers and their own minds
- dealing with change
- stay in touch with grads
- encourage going into education
- less formal mentoring earlier
- more dialogue, less aloneness
- more attention to middle school
- encourage independence, coordination
Session 2
College/University Educators Talk About Existing K16 Collaborations
Additional programs mentioned:
- Communication and resouces
- Home and School functions
- Widening student horizons
- see them as more than students
- High turnover rate among teachers
- classroom management - more education
- parent/teacher relationships - more education
- engage with students
- Philadelphia School District science coaches
- Word of Mouth
- Parent /teacher community
- Open up classrooms, to each other, to world ... Make them less "private", more public"
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