Making Sense of Change:

Summer Institute on Hands-On Science Throughout the Curriculum

Module Reports


Module Title_______________________Module Presenter_____________________


Your Name________________________Your e-mail_______________________


  1. What aspects of the content used in today's exploration were new or unfamiliar to you?




  1. What aspects of the process of today's exploration were new or unfamiliar to you?




  1. What aspects of the content used in today's exploration did you find relevant to the needs of your classroom/work environment?  What was not particularly relevant? 




  1. What aspects of the process of today's exploration did you find relevant to the needs of your classroom/work environment? What was not particularly relevant? 




  1. What changes would you make to apply this content to your classroom/work environment? Could you repackage (put a new spin on it) to make it more relevant, more engaging for your audience?




  1. What changes would you make to apply this process to your classroom/work environment? Could you repackage (put a new spin on it) to make it more relevant, more engaging for your audience?




  1. Given your particular needs and goals, what kind of evaluation and assessment could you use to get feedback on the effectiveness of this module for student learning?