Students will be able to classify animals in groups based on their common characteristics.

Students will be able to show that clasification makes it easier to find, identify, and study various animals.


Several pictures of various animals.

Books on animals

Computers with internet access.

DURATION: 3 Weeks.


1. Give each child a bag of different shaped and colored objects.

2. Ask each child to classify his/her shapes according to preference.

3. Discuss their parameters of classification.

4. Ask questions that require the use of the different classes of their objects.

5. Conclude that it is easier to find, identify and study these objects because they were classified .

6. Have each child work in a group of 6 students with pictures of animals. Each group will classify their own animals according to what they know.

7. Discuss the various classes of animals in the pictures. Have students post their pictures in classes they identified on walls around the room.

8. Explain the various classes of animals as we have them today: with backbones, without backbones, mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians and birds. Link this to the School District new Scope and Sequence.

9. Have each group pick books of interest to read about one or more animals with the goal of classifying that animal or animals with as many details as possible . Each group must be ready to make a presentation to the class.

10. Discuss with kids that there are levels of classification and that each level of classificaton eliminates some animals that could be in the previous level. Have students give examples of mammals in the sea and eliminate the ones that will not be classified as fish for obvious reasons.

11. Allow each child to get on the computer with his/her partner and research into different classes of animals. adaptations.


a, classify animals.

b, living things.


Have students go to the library and get at least three animal books, find animals in different classes and write their names under each of the 5 groups of vertebrates as discussed in class.

  • Fish
  • Amphibians
  • Reptiles
  • Birds
  • Humans

    Write a story of how you think life could start from the fish and proceed to humans. (Evolution).


  • Observe students' participation.
  • Students' folders.
  • Individual group presentation.


    a, field trip to New jersey aquarium or Philadelphia zoo. Have students carry their science journals.

    b, invite a specialist from a biology department in a near-by college to talk about his area. He may have life samples to show the kids and will be able to answer their questions.

    c, Have kids present a show to the school on animal superiority in the kingdom. Students will design their own play and assign parts accordingly.

    Web page was created by Mrs. Tola Oronti for 3rd and 4th grade classes. August 1st, 2002. Dedicated to Tinuoluwa Orederu.