Bridging Cultures Institute 2002

Discussion on Teaching Humanities in an Integrated Manner

Write the story of the picture

Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  picture interpretation
Date:  2002-07-26 09:58:53
Message Id:  2377
I see a contrast between the upper colorful swirling portion of the picture and the subdued structured lower portion. It seems as if the energy of the upper portion is either coming out or entering the lower portion.
Name:  Tom and Jerry
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Tom and Jerry
Date:  2002-07-26 10:00:56
Message Id:  2378
We initially saw volcanic plumes spewing forth from four pyradimal structures positioned rendomly on a grid of alternating brown and white rectangular planes.
the above discription also holds true for the contents of Jerry's stomach after he has consumed a superfluity of oysters.
Name:  Sharon/Claudette
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Explosive Knowledge
Date:  2002-07-26 10:03:02
Message Id:  2379
The pyramid represents the beginning of knowledge. As you grow, your knowledge expands to an unknown level. It's powerful and unlimited.

Sharon Lee/Claudette Stone

Name:  Tunde and Tola
Username:  tunatol@yahoo
Subject:  Analytical thinking
Date:  2002-07-26 10:04:02
Message Id:  2380
We see a chess board with some pyramids indicating the thinking process and output. In a chess game people are usually required to think deeply before making any move. In this picture we can see their thinking erupting like a volcanoe. It is initially thick and becomes lighter as it goes up in spirals.
At the peak of the pyramid the thoughts are close but at theupper level they blend to give a colorful array.
Name:  RaMona Adams
Subject:  Humanities
Date:  2002-07-26 10:04:27
Message Id:  2381
This picture represents the world. On the bottom are the people who fit into a black or white world. No matter what your skin tone may be you will be classified as either white or black. Because of this notion great temples have been built. Within these temples lie the complexity of skin color. When turmoil starts the temples boil and spit out all types of mixed colors. The colors represent the different skin tones and the tornado effect is due to the fight that people of color must pursue to be treated as equal.
Name:  carolyn fitchett
Subject:  art and literature
Date:  2002-07-26 10:04:29
Message Id:  2382
Here we are in the land of make belive!1 We are here to take some chances on pyramids being tortured by those awful terrorist. When they crash they seem to look like a tornado in a bottle creating lots of brilliant color.The blues seem to rule the area. Which color would you choose? Once you're decided on a color all the creatures must change to that color. There is no diversity. Would you want to be here ?
Name:  shirley and sylvia
Username:  shdaly/
Date:  2002-07-26 10:04:43
Message Id:  2383
The picture reminds me of a checker board with pyramids releasing dust and
particles into an area where rings of color are floating out of a yellow
ring cloud. I like the colors.

One usually thinks of a tornado as a terrible experience, but here one sees
small tornadoes evolving into beautiful spirals of colors.

Name:  Charles Foster
Subject:  artwork interpretation
Date:  2002-07-26 10:05:57
Message Id:  2384
In thinking in an integration of disciplines manner the picture looks as if it represents the swirling images coming together to form a pyrimid. The swirling could be the various disciplines coming together for concise understanding.
Name:  Charles Foster
Subject:  artwork interpretation
Date:  2002-07-26 10:06:09
Message Id:  2385
In thinking in an integration of disciplines manner the picture looks as if it represents the swirling images coming together to form a pyrimid. The swirling could be the various disciplines coming together for concise understanding.
Name:  Lois Mackey
Subject:  My Picture Veiw
Date:  2002-07-26 10:08:28
Message Id:  2386
I see four pyrimid spere swirling lavendar color from their tips, which then have a larger yellow swirl evolving from it, from this came splatters of different colors shooting upward.
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  identify image
Date:  2002-07-26 10:11:58
Message Id:  2387
i think i see a checker board or a chess board of tornados moving in space dust particles of color around the atmosphere.i would relate this to some of the daily activities that happen throughout a normal day in peoples lives.
Name:  carolyn fitchett
Subject:  art and literature
Date:  2002-07-26 10:13:23
Message Id:  2388
Here we are in the land of make belive!1 We are here to take some chances on pyramids being tortured by those awful terrorist. When they crash they seem to look like a tornado in a bottle creating lots of brilliant color.The blues seem to rule the area. Which color would you choose? Once you're decided on a color all the creatures must change to that color. There is no diversity. Would you want to be here ?
What do you think about "intermingling"?

Name:  Paul B
Subject:  Pro and Con
Date:  2002-07-26 10:29:07
Message Id:  2389
Advantage - gaining perspective on individual disciplines by seeing them from another vantage point.

Disadvantage - Cost in time to develop a common language

Advantage - Allow entry for students into a discipline that would otherwise not enter it.

Advantage - seems like more fun for teachers. Would hope that this enthusiam would transfer to student.

Name:  RaMona Adams
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Intermingling
Date:  2002-07-26 10:31:13
Message Id:  2390
Interminglings colors is great because then you will get variety. Sometimes when we see the same colors we become bored. So we start to mix them to create more interesting ones. That's how lessons should be presented in the classroom. When you integrate subjects you give the children a chance to explore their own thinking which leads to a better understanding of the material presented. The only disadvantage is trying to get some of the veteran teachers to follow.
Name:  Tunde & Tola Oronti.
Username:  tunatol@yahoo
Subject:  Intermingling curricular
Date:  2002-07-26 10:31:39
Message Id:  2391
With intermingling students can put different ideas together. Remember: Two heads are better than one. Also no one is left out or behind because everyone finds his or her level.
A disadvantage is that a lot of effort will be required to blend ideas if there is a wide range of diversity of ideas. Secondly all the information that revolve around students in a classroom that intermingle curricular could mean less attention span for such students. They really do not get a chance to process one information enough to comprehend it in depth.
Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  intermingling
Date:  2002-07-26 10:31:55
Message Id:  2392
The advantage of intermingling would be that you could get a novel outcome and develop in new areas. The disadvantage might be that issues (like the paint) become clouded and not clearly defined. Refinement and focus on a question is sometimes the only way to get a definitive answer or result. What variables need to be controlled?
Name:  Jerry & Tom
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  pro & con
Date:  2002-07-26 10:32:28
Message Id:  2393
relates science to other aspects of life.
relates other aspects of life to science.
less threatening approach to the study of science.

may water down science content of topic.
difficult to keep students on track; potential discipline problem.
teacher's areas of expertise may not adequately include other disciplines.

Name:  carolyn fitchett
Subject:  interdisciplinary
Date:  2002-07-26 10:32:56
Message Id:  2394
Elementary teachers and most teacher use multidisciplinary teaching to some degree. There should be more integration/intermingling in order to give more depth to a specific subject. As the intermingling grows so should the conversation between teachers K-12 also college professors. There is an advantage of intermingling because it's "real life" and more content will presented/ learned. "Diversity is the spice of life."
Name:  Sharon Lee/Claudette Stone
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Intermingling
Date:  2002-07-26 10:33:37
Message Id:  2397
The students have a holistic view. It enables them to utilize all disciplines. Exposure to various teaching styles help students to understand and connect information from an array of perspectives.
Name:  Mackey / Foster
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Intermingling
Date:  2002-07-26 10:35:51
Message Id:  2401
We both feel that intermingling of the diciplines are is good.
* because the world is a combination of thoughts, ideas, systems.
* it helps to broaden both the teacher and the students.
* it takes away phobia that could exist in subjects such as science and math, enabling the students to see other connections in other subject areas.
Name:  Shirley and Sylvia
Username:  Anonymous
Date:  2002-07-26 10:40:26
Message Id:  2402
An advantage ofintermingling is that students would be able to link each subject as a continum of learning as opposed to science is one subject and math is another and two should not meet. Those students who are weak in one
area would feel more comfortable with their learning because there would
not be such a great distinction of subjects. This would show how the different disciplines are related by making them more meaningful for students in their everyday lives. An disadvantge is that more
planning would be required of the teacher.
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  intermingling curricula advantage/disadvantage
Date:  2002-07-26 10:45:02
Message Id:  2403
i believe intermingling is at a developmental stage throughtout the educational system. some areas of the country have bought into the concept and have collect data showing academic improvement. however, just as intermingling of race in the educational system was a issue in the late 40"S right into the 60'S our society must adopt the concept of intermingly disciplines by incorporating them into their teaching plans and curriculum. i believe children will benefit from this new way of teaching if we all work from the same page.
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  intermingling curricula advantage/disadvantage
Date:  2002-07-29 10:00:00
Message Id:  2412
i believe intermingling is at a developmental stage throughtout the educational system. some areas of the country have bought into the concept and have collect data showing academic improvement. however, just as intermingling of race in the educational system was a issue in the late 40"S right into the 60'S our society must adopt the concept of intermingly disciplines by incorporating them into their teaching plans and curriculum. i believe children will benefit from this new way of teaching if we all work from the same page.
What do you think about "tacit knowledge"?

Name:  Tunde and Tola
Subject:  Tacit Knowledge
Date:  2002-07-26 12:50:21
Message Id:  2404
The only thing we can think of right now is the way we react to our students on different occasions based on what we had gone through at home the previous night before coming to school. Some days we have come in with a lot of enthusiasm but on others it has been really on the downside emotionally. The mood or the emotional state of our classroom atmosphere had always been determined by our state of mind.
Name:  Shirley/Sylvia
Username:  Anonymous
Date:  2002-07-26 12:53:33
Message Id:  2405
Tacit knowledge something that is done unconsciencely
can be a good thing, but when it is something that may be harmful
or not so good it may be very difficult to change.

At this place and time where I am in my teaching of science tacit knowledge did not seem practical although it did evoke some thoughts
for me personally.

Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  tacit learning
Date:  2002-07-26 12:53:41
Message Id:  2406
I really appreciated PG's observation that one must "deal with" students' tacit learning (preconceived notions) in order to really impact their understanding of material that might be contradictory to it.

The exercise of examining tacit ideas is valuable because we can get a more "objective" consideration of a question if we look at it totally free of assumptions.

Name:  Jerry Wasserman
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  tacit learning
Date:  2002-07-26 12:57:53
Message Id:  2407
I agree with everything M.Wagner said.
Name:  carolyn fitchett
Subject:  Tacit knowledge.
Date:  2002-07-26 13:06:45
Message Id:  2409
Tacit knowledge, activity was fun and quite interesting. We do so many things without giving them a specific title. Then, we know our(public school) students are far more knowledgeable than the STAT-9 Test give them credit for. People in politics who make these laws regarding testing are usually no-educatiors.
I'm enjoying ALL aspects of the INSTITUTE. This is a wonderful opportuity to learn , share knowledge, network ,'leave those confort zones' then, think and DO things differently !!
Name:  RaMona Adams
Subject:  Tacit Knowledge
Date:  2002-07-26 13:10:00
Message Id:  2411
Ann's presentation was enlightening. I'm still a little confused on the subject of tacit knowledge. I believe that tacit knowledge is doing something without realizing that you do it. These are things that you may do naturally. In the classroom I sometimes tend to assume that the children should know how to behave appropiately. We all know that this is not true for some students.
Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  tacit learning
Date:  2002-07-29 10:53:14
Message Id:  2413
Teachers should consider that learning-disabled students may be deficient in certain tacit learning that we may assume they have.

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