Bridging Cultures Institute 2002

Discussion on Science and Evolution

Prefer story of earth as round or flat and why?

Name:  RaMona Adams
Subject:  The Earth
Date:  2002-07-23 09:44:22
Message Id:  2291
I prefer to believe that the Earth is round. The reason I believe that the Earth is not flat is the fact that there is no end. No has seen the end of the earth and no one has proven to me that the Earth is in fact flat. Therefore, the story I tend to believe is that the Earth is round. Why else would the world globe be round?
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  The round earth
Date:  2002-07-23 09:45:17
Message Id:  2292
We believe the earth is round because of prior knowledge pertaining to
Christoper Columbus who sailed into unknown territory and did not fall off
the edge as warned by other navigators. In addition, we have experienced
traveling on the water for many days without falling off.
Name:  Randal Holly
Subject:  Round Earth
Date:  2002-07-23 09:46:01
Message Id:  2293
The round Earth concept is supported by images taken by satellite photgraphs and images captured by various space travel vehicles owned by different countries. Thus, unless some sort of global conspiracy exisits aimed at duping the Earth's six billion residents, the Earth is in fact very nearly round.
Name:  Carolyn Fitchett
Subject:  the earth is round
Date:  2002-07-23 09:46:01
Message Id:  2294
The eaarth is round appeals to me because, Christopher Columbus sailed to the new world thus, I think the surface needs to be something other than flat. There are other parts of the earth and outer space that would not seem to fit on a flat surface. The rotation of the earth indicates to me that it could not be a flat surface. THE EARTH MUST BE ROUND!
Name:  S. Cooper L. Mackey
Subject:  story preferemce
Date:  2002-07-23 09:46:44
Message Id:  2295
The earth is round. Previous teachings indicate the earth is round.
Using references that show pictures of the earth it appears to be round.

Sylvia /Lois
Name:  shdaly and shalee
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  The round earth
Date:  2002-07-23 09:46:58
Message Id:  2296
We believe the earth is round because of prior knowledge pertaining to
Christoper Columbus who sailed into unknown territory and did not fall off
the edge as warned by other navigators. In addition, we have experienced
traveling on the water for many days without falling off.
Name:  Tunde and Tola.
Username:  tunatol
Subject:  Flat/Round earth
Date:  2002-07-23 09:46:58
Message Id:  2297
We are of the opinion that the earth is round. I fact we prefer it to be round because of the following;

1. No one will fall off the edges because it is round.

2. There is no beginning and no ending.

3. Night and day which are the result of a round shaped earth will not exist

if the earth was flat.

4. Time zones will be non existent with a flat earth.

5. Different weather seasons as we know it are the result of a round earth.

Name:  Tom
Username:  mrwit @
Subject:  Shape of earh
Date:  2002-07-23 09:47:31
Message Id:  2298
It is likely that the earth is neither flat nor round. It is spherical.
This can be demonstrated by a variety of "experiments". One is by circumnavigation in any direction.
Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  earth
Date:  2002-07-23 09:48:22
Message Id:  2299
I prefer the earth is round theory firstly because that is what current beliefs are and that is what I have been taught to believe. Secondly, I believe this could be true because I can only view the earth for a certain distance ( I'm told 15 miles). This would be consistent with the roundness theory. Also, I can see the moon and other heavenly bodies which appear to be round. Also, the evidence of the shadow of the earth on the moon forming its crescent is convincing evidence.
Name:  Tom
Username:  mrwit @
Subject:  Shape of earh
Date:  2002-07-23 09:49:01
Message Id:  2300
It is likely that the earth is neither flat nor round. It is spherical.
This can be demonstrated by a variety of "experiments". One is by circumnavigation in any direction.
Name:  Charles Foster
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Flat/round earth
Date:  2002-07-23 09:51:43
Message Id:  2301
I believe the earth is a sphere. Navigators and explorers even in earlier times understood that the earth was round based on their maps that have been found. Satellite photos have also indicated that the earth is round. The Flat Earth Society is a "tongue and cheek" organization that is often associated with biblical beliefs. However, the Bible does not state that the earth is flat.(Isaiah 40:22)
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  evolution from a bridging perspective
Date:  2002-07-23 09:53:33
Message Id:  2302
i believe the earth is round. reason, scientist have already done researh on this problem. modern technology has made it possible to photograph the earth from space. and because that is what i was taught over and over again

Prefer story of earth going around sun or sun around earth and why?

Name:  RaMona Adams
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Sun/Earth
Date:  2002-07-23 10:00:47
Message Id:  2303
The Earth goes around the sun because when you stand and look up at the sun it seems to be completely still. But when you begin to walk to sun moves with you. Therefore, when the earth or objects on earth move the sun follows. Hence, the eath goes around the sun.
Name:  carolyn fitchett
Subject:  earth moves around sun
Date:  2002-07-23 10:02:33
Message Id:  2304
I believe the earth moves around the sun, according to observations and investigations by astromers showing evidence of the earth's movement. The solar system is thus named because of the position of the sun and the revoling of the earth.
Name:  shdaly and shalee
Username:  Anonymous
Date:  2002-07-23 10:03:11
Message Id:  2305
We believe that the Earth revolves around the sun because that is what we
learned from our science courses. It is the reason for the seasons because
the earth is tilted on it's axis. In this position the earth is in differen
positions in relation to the sun.
Name:  Tom
Subject:  Getting around to it
Date:  2002-07-23 10:03:45
Message Id:  2306
Depending on one's point of reference either statement may be true. I prefer the sun centered story because it requires less complicated geometry to explain. I will, however, continue to use such terms a "sunrise and sunset" just to keep life simple.
Name:  Charles Foster
Subject:  earth/sun:which is the center
Date:  2002-07-23 10:04:05
Message Id:  2307
From the observation of one on earth, the sun does appear revolve around the earth. However, Galileo was correct(not less wrong) the earth revovles around the Sun.
Name:  Randal
Subject:  Heliocentrism
Date:  2002-07-23 10:04:18
Message Id:  2308
I cannot discuss any reasons for this belief based on personal observations. Again, it is a conclusion I have drawn based on the obsevations of others who's findings and interpretations I have confidence in.
Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  sun/earth
Date:  2002-07-23 10:04:20
Message Id:  2309
I prefer the earth goes around the sun once again for reasons that I have been told. (Questions of relativity of course must be set aside.) Observations of the sun setting and rising would be counter to this belief on the face of it.
Name:  S. Cooper / Lois Mackey
Subject:  Movement of the earth
Date:  2002-07-23 10:04:43
Message Id:  2310
The earth goes around the sun. Why ?In past observations of scientist, previous theory has proven this to be factual.
Sylvia /Lois
Name:  Tunde and Tola.
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  The Earth On The Move
Date:  2002-07-23 10:04:57
Message Id:  2311
We will prefer that the earth moves around the sun for many reasons among which are:
a, The sun is too big to move around.
b, Movement of the earth effects the day and night phenomenon
c, If the sun moves it could bump into other planets and eventually knock us out of the solar system.
d, The earth movement causes the winds to blow from place to place.
e, Heat and cold are a direct result of the earth moving around the sun.
Username:  Anonymous
Date:  2002-07-23 10:07:55
Message Id:  2312
i prefer the story of galileo that the earth goes around the sun.reason he was able to use a instrument in their era would have been considerd advanced (teloscope)to aid him to look into space. modern tech has improved this equipment and made it possible to confirm this discovery. and i was taught this over and over again in school

Prefer what story of origins/genesis and why?

Name:  RaMona Adams
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Evolution
Date:  2002-07-23 10:29:20
Message Id:  2313
Existing forms are as they are because of a previous and ongoing process of evolution consisting of random change and natural selection. I believe this because my social studies teachers would show the class pictures and films of how man has evolved. When you are young you tend to believe those less wrong stories and when you get old you hold on to them.
Name:  your name
Subject:  I think therefore I am what I am.
Date:  2002-07-23 10:30:09
Message Id:  2314
These stories are not mutually exclusive. I've been educated by different instituions to accept all three stories. I believe them all to be true, tough the latter two require a faith in something which is, by definition, unobservable.
Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  story III
Date:  2002-07-23 10:30:19
Message Id:  2315
I prefer a combination of 1 and 3. I do not believe that the theory of evolution negates the creation theory. Perhaps 2 and 3 could also be a possibility. There's nothing to say evolution couldn't be a tool of the "supernatural being".
Name:  shirley and Sharon
Date:  2002-07-23 10:31:09
Message Id:  2316
We believe in number two because we believe in a supreme being being God
who created the earth and everything in it. We believe he continue to
affect life and everything in it. This is a belief souly based on religion.
Name:  carolyn fitchett
Subject:  beginning life forms
Date:  2002-07-23 10:34:13
Message Id:  2317
This idea is sooooooo amazing to me. In a bibical sense I accept that the earth evolved by a supernatural being with a plan and intent to create life.
From science I believe that life evolved from lower cells, maybe the ocean.
Name:  Randal
Subject:  Supernatural Being?
Date:  2002-07-23 10:34:58
Message Id:  2318
I am uncomfortable with the idea that a supernatural being would perform an act that ultimately leads to failure. Failure, I describe as being the continual extinction of various species. Also, new organisms come into existence on a continual basis, which implies an ongoing experiment (or act) that has gone haywire. Further, these organisms come into existence in response to environmental concerns. So, unless the "being" is also continually tweaking environmental factors as well, this idea poses problems. (mutations)
Name:  Cooper/Mackey
Subject:  Evolution vs Supermatural Being
Date:  2002-07-23 10:36:55
Message Id:  2319
I select story #2 based on my personal biblical beliefs.
Name:  Tunde and Tola
Subject:  Supernatural being in on going creation.
Date:  2002-07-23 10:38:18
Message Id:  2320
We prefer to believe that a Supernatural being started the process of creation and is still involved in its ultimate perfection for the following reasons;

1. The orederliness and precision that characterises nature is only explanable with the subject of our writing. For example, we are presently in a computer lab with all the computers, tables, lightings etc in place. It's only logical to argue that an intelligent technician put them in place with specific guidelines. Anything short of that will tantamount to chaos.

2. According to the Bible, this Supernatural being promised that if we ask anything in His Name, He will grant it. This explains the assertion that He is still involved in the process of creation and bringing it to perfection.

Name:  Charles Foster
Subject:  Storytelling 3: Existing Life
Date:  2002-07-23 10:40:46
Message Id:  2321
As a Christian, I believe that all life forms, including humans, are the result of a supernatural being (God) who exists outside of time, space, and matter. He had a plan and purpose for all of His creation and continues to involve Himself in His creation. Because we have been created with a freewill, it is our choice to respond to His involvement. I also do not think there is a conflict between science and creation.
Username:  Anonymous
Date:  2002-07-23 10:47:41
Message Id:  2322
i prefer to go with other. reason, i'm not confortable in responding to the chooses that were avaible. i believe that a higher being created life form and that science studies the reproductive process with intent to alter or change for scientific purposes or i my not truly understand

How should the various stories of genesis/origins/evolution be handled in science and other classrooms, and why?

Name:  Tom
Subject:  Where to teach what
Date:  2002-07-23 11:47:56
Message Id:  2323
The story of evolution sould be told in science classrooms. There is sufficient evidence to support this as a viable theory.
Other stories should be told in other venues by those qualified to tell them.
Name:  lee and sharon
Username:  shdaly/
Date:  2002-07-23 11:48:10
Message Id:  2324
We prefer to teach evolution as one among several equally good stories of origins in science classrooms. The reason we choose this one is because of
the different beliefs systems we would find in the classroom. This approach
possibly would not offend any group.
Name:  carolyn fitchett
Subject:  evolution in the classroom
Date:  2002-07-23 11:48:57
Message Id:  2325
My preference is to teach evolution as one of several "good" stories of orgin in the science classroom because, there is really no absolute proof that any one story is completely wrong /without merit. Science and religon are not complete opposites.
Name:  Randal
Subject:  Education or Indoctrination?
Date:  2002-07-23 11:50:38
Message Id:  2326
It would appear that it takes a certain kind of individual to be an educator in respects to the issue of teaching evolution or creationism. It is far more easier, and societally acceptable, to choose one belief or the other. Moreover, depending upon your institution of learning, you not even have any choice in the matter. In light of this, an overwhelming number of us, albeit unintentionally, prove to be indoctrinators of either pricinciples of evolution or creationism.
Name:  Marita Wagner
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  s/p issue
Date:  2002-07-23 11:50:39
Message Id:  2327
I prefer selection 2. Firstly, because while there is evidence of evolutionary phenomena it may not be the total influence on what is existent and therefore should not be presented as such. Secondly, to respect those who believe differently other theories should be included.
Name:  Tunde and Tola
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Evolution and others
Date:  2002-07-23 11:51:33
Message Id:  2328
We'll prefer to teach evolution as one of the stories of creation that are equally good stories of origin in science simply because of the following;

1. The missing links. The story of evolution is not complete since there are too many vacuums or unanswered questions. Other stories will help to fill this vacuum.

2. The story of evolution is kind of fascinating considering how it's able to put together a sensible explanation of existence of forms of life. It's scentific to make observation and try to offer an explanation.

Name:  Cooper / Mackey
Subject:  Origin:Which Story as Part of Science Educationo Teach?
Date:  2002-07-23 11:52:44
Message Id:  2329
Our selection would be # 2. All stories of orgin should be investigated in the science classroom. Affording students the opportunity to be exposed to different view points, whereby they will be able to draw their own conclusion.
Name:  Charles Foster
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  teaching preference
Date:  2002-07-23 11:55:25
Message Id:  2330
I would teach various models of origin in Science. If students are supposed to be taught to think then they should be able examine the evidence and see which model does the evidence agree with. There is often an assumption that one who proposes a creation model is bias because they are including God. Why is the scientist who excludes a creator or ultimate truth not equally as biased because one option has already been eliminated as an option.
Name:  RaMona Adams
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Teach Evolution
Date:  2002-07-23 11:55:37
Message Id:  2331
I believe that the story of evolution as well as other stories in other classes should be taught. There are many stories and or legends that have been passed on from generation to generation. Let the children decide if they believe them or not.
Username:  Anonymous
Date:  2002-07-23 11:55:41
Message Id:  2332
i selected ques.#2 teach evolution as one among several equally good stories of origins in the classroom. reason, this would allow students to develop a broader perspective related to the topic of evolution. creat open discussion to express personal opinions and to challenge reseach information.

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