Forum 2- What story does the picture to the right represent? What is understanding? How does science fit into it?
Name: Bob Farber
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Story of meaning of brain picture
Date: 2002-07-08 10:50:52
Message Id: 2160
The whole brain is a is a mystery to us. The thin strip representing the spinal cord and our understanding of it is a graphic presentation of our thin understanding of the brain at this time. The pieces that are falling from the brain are the insights that we are gaining in our efforts to understand the parts and functions of the whole brain.
Name: Hope M. Glover and Aliya Bradl
Username: and
Subject: Thinking outside the box
Date: 2002-07-08 11:01:50
Message Id: 2161
A literal interpretation of the water color, "Transformations" is that of solid colored pieces from a square box falling out on to a colorful circular item. We feel that the pieces represent the tendency of many to try to think inside the box by forcing the pieces to fit. However science should be more exploratory...thinking outside the box. Asking questions about concepts, theories and phenomenom that occur that can't be explained inside the box forcing one to think beyond traditional thought.
The color pieces blend into the circle object representing more questions as opposed to answers. Our understanding of science is expanded but nothing definite can be guaranteed.
The solid pieces can also represent a single thought from a single person which meshes into a blending of thoughts no longer owned by one individual. It represents ideas about science that are universally accepted but ever changing as more questions are asked and more pieces of the puzzle that actually fit are put in place. This represents man's quest for knowledge about his environment and the universe.
Name: Tunde, Sharon, Gerry and Dana
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Compelling Whys
Date: 2002-07-08 11:02:50
Message Id: 2162
The brain is like a puzzel with many pieces already in place and with many compelling whys (who, what when, where and how) which must be assimulated into the pattern. What is not needed is eliminated. Once completed, we can hypothesize a conclusion or construct some meaning.
Name: Lois, Cynthia, Charles, Sam
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Our Views "Transformation"
Date: 2002-07-08 11:05:09
Message Id: 2163
If questioning is understanding then we learn from varios aspects of our culture. This is reflected in the multiple colors of the cube. The puzzle pieces falling from the cube tells us that we never have it "all together". What we think has to be torn apart and becomes part of a global understanding on a larger scale because we have to share our knowledge.
Lois, Cynthia, Charles, and Sam experienced this by processing our views of the picture.
Name: Ramona Adams/Michael Boyd
Username: RWarner@ucw.philly.rr. com/
Subject: Transformation
Date: 2002-07-08 11:08:43
Message Id: 2164
Michael Boyd
RaMona Adams
In response to the picture transformation, we thought that it represented a brain in the thinking process. The base contains question marks and the stand represents understanding. These two items are needed in the thought processes of the brain. The square top is an actual representation of the brain at work. The falling pieces represent thoughts being formed and the colorful ball is the concrete concept that is now formed.
Name: Brian & Joan Malin
Subject: Viral learning
Date: 2002-07-08 11:12:23
Message Id: 2165
Hi. My name is Kan B. More. I am your friendly, exotic, knowledge-bacteriophage, losing pieces of myself in the hope of expanding my horizons. When I combine my brain peices with others - not of my kind- I become more than my original self. My ephemeral body is lost in the process - but my brain goes on forever. Knowledge is the product of numberous encounters with foreign beings. My identify is often in flux. I am capable of incorportaton with foreign entities. I can unlock their deepest possibilities with my chemical "Keys"- I know what they know. When I exit, I leave parts of myself behind with my former-hosts. Sharing what I've learned from others.
Name: Shellie, Dawn, Ray
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Out of Chaos. . .
Date: 2002-07-08 11:13:23
Message Id: 2166
Once upon a time 3 friends from planet Confusion went on a quest. The quest came from chaos and led them in search of Master Understanding.
First, they visited with the professors to gain insight to know what questions and answers they needed. Leaving the proffessors they found they had more questions than answers. So off to the library and internet they went with their aresenal of questions.
They searched the books from A-Z and went to the end of the world wide web, when the were finished they had answered many questions but still had many left to go.
They came to the conclusion that for every question there are many answers and for every answer there are many questions. Master Understanding is a very complex individual that can never be fully understood.
Name: Tunde, Sharon, Gerry and Dana
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Compelling whys - Part II
Date: 2002-07-08 11:17:55
Message Id: 2167
The base is the newborn child with so many questions about life (the compelling whys). As he/she grows up and climbs the ladder of understanding, taking him/her to the box of knowledge (the puzzel), which is not absolute, puzzel pieces will begin falling of and disintegrating (enjoying to be wrong) and new pieces will form.
Name: Tunde, Sharon, Gerry and Dana
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Compelling whys - Part II
Date: 2002-07-08 11:19:38
Message Id: 2168
The base is the newborn child with so many questions about life (the compelling whys). As he/she grows up and climbs the ladder of understanding, taking him/her to the box of knowledge (the puzzel), which is not absolute, puzzel pieces will begin falling of and disintegrating (enjoying to be wrong) and new pieces will form.
Name: Tunde, Sharon, Gerry and Dana
Username: Anonymous
Subject: Compelling whys - Part II
Date: 2002-07-08 11:22:26
Message Id: 2169
The base is the newborn child with so many questions about life (the compelling whys). As he/she grows up and climbs the ladder of understanding, taking him/her to the box of knowledge (the puzzel), which is not absolute, puzzel pieces will begin falling of and disintegrating (enjoying to be wrong) and new pieces will form.
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