The Global Teenager Resides in East Germantown, PA

By: Janet P. Middleton

"Global Teenager" defined:

Did you know there are 2 billion Teenagers in the world? That's right, they are part of a group known as the Global Teenager. The term Global Teenager was coined in the 1980's to alert the business community to the 2 billion teenagers that would inhabit the earth by the year 2001. The expected behaviors of course would be this group would buy, buy, buy! The pressure of their numbers will be so immense, they will reshape the world.

Of this 2 billion approximately 7,500 teens reside in the East Germantown section of the city of Philadelphia.

Similarities and Differences of Teens Around the World

This special group you has similar cultural experiences to teens in Brazil, India, Jamaica, Japan, Nigeria and South Africa.

Teenagers you are expected to exhibit a vivacious, exploring, confusing and rebellious behavior. Caution, adults sometimes believe teens are capable of doing this all at once.

Teens share some of the same concerns, getting help with their math homework, listening to quality music and keeping up with the newest in fashion and technology.

Although they may speak a different language or have different cultural differences there is one thing teenagers have in common around the world,

Community Service

As a Global Teenager they are faced with many challenges. When teens around the world were polled their number one concern was environmental issues. What does this mean to you? Teens growing up in Philadelphia are encouraged to participate in community service. What better way to stem the tumultuous behavior of some teens than to be a mentor. As a mentor the National Commission on Resources for Youth strongly recommends that programs that are selected should enable a teen to:

Test and discover new skills
Develop a sense of competence - a great promoter for feeling good about one's self during this stage of life
Socialize and tryout new roles
Be exposed to a variety of role models, adults who represent different backgrounds and occupations
Speak and be heard, so they can make a difference
Test their developing morality and value structure in real life situations
Have visible outcomes either short-term or clearly visible in defined stages
Share in decision making
Introduce them to meaningful community service projects within their community.

The Global Teen at Ada Lewis Middle School

There are approximately 800 students who attend this school which services students in the 6th through 8th grade. They are part of the Global Teenager phenomenon even if they don't realize it. The students at Lewis enjoy much of the same things as teens around the world.

Community Service Project Resources

Youth as Resource
Youth Vision
County of Los Angeles Public Library
Philadelphia Cares
Global Vision

Tell me and I forget
Teach me and I remember
Involve me and I learn-