Women, Sport, and Film Course

Cosponsored by Athletics and Physical Education at Bryn Mawr College and the Exercise and Sports Studies Department at Smith College, with support from the Center for Science In Society at Bryn Mawr College and the Serendip website.

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Amy Campbell - acampbel@brynmawr.edu
Amy Campbell is Bryn Mawr's Director of Athletics and Physical Education. Her collegiate athletic career, pre-Title IX, included field hockey, volleyball, basketball and lacrosse although she admits to lacrosse as her favorite sport to play. She currently enjoys hiking and walking, especially on the east coast of Maine or in the Rockies.

Anne Dalke - adalke@brynmawr.edu
Anne Dalke is a member of the Bryn Mawr College English Department and co-ordinates the College's Feminist and Gender Studies Program. She was a high school cheerleader, and has swum 20+ years for fitness (whenever she can find the pool open). Although she never bets (this a Quaker principle), she is proud to report a recent game of "cosmic bowling" (ten pins and NOT alone) with a life-time high score of 179.

Ann Dixon - adixon@serendip.brynmawr.edu
Ann Dixon graduated from Bryn Mawr in 1983 with an A.B. in English, got her master's in Computer Science a decade later from Penn, and co-founded the Serendip website with Paul in 1994. She played varsity badminton doubles at BMC, and has her PAIAW trophies proudly displayed in her office to prove it. Every year, she flaunts Quaker principle to bet $1 on the Super Bowl with an old geezer who enjoys the friendly rivalry.

Paul Grobstein - pgrobste@brynmawr.edu
Paul Grobstein is a Professor in the Bryn Mawr biology department, director of the College's Center for Science in Society, and co-founder of the Serendip website. He played basketball and ran track and cross-country in high school. He decided when he reached college that he had run far enough but continued to play pickup basketball until .... he reached an age where it no longer seemed wise. He remains (at least in his own mind) a deadly outside shooter and brilliant passer.

David Karen - dkaren@brynmawr.edu
David Karen, who teaches in the Bryn Mawr sociology department, recently gave up his ambition to be a professional football player. He now hopes to play on the senior circuit in tennis, perhaps the 80 and overs. That should give him enough time (30+ years) to hone his game. With Bob Washington, he wrote "Sport and Society," published in Annual Review of Sociology (2001). Bob and David also teach a course on "Sport and Society."

Christine Shelton - cshelton@email.smith.edu
Christine Shelton is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Exercise and Sports Studies Department and co-director of the Project on Women and Social Change at Smith College. Chris served several years in the Peace Corps in Latin America and is a past president and executive director of the National Association of Girls and Women in Sport (NAGWS).

Nicole Smith - n2smith@brynmaw.edu
Nicole Smith is Bryn Mawr's head field hockey and head lacrosse coach. She was a two-time field hockey All- American field hockey player at Wesleyan University, Nicole currently plays soccer and street hockey for the co-ed social recreational league PSFL.

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