Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Philadelphia Regional Network Workshop
6 April, 2002
Bryn Mawr College

Enhancing Connections:
The K-16 Community and Integrating Science in the Curriculum

Initial announcement - to be updated as planning procedes
For further information contact Kathleen Carter, Paul Grobstein, Elizabeth McCormack

This meeting, to be held 6 April at Bryn Mawr College, is intended to bring together regional precollege and college educators who share a common interest in making science and mathematics a more successful and integral part of the student experience at all levels of the educational process. The meeting has four general objectives

  1. To provide K-12 educators a forum in which they can make known the realities of K-12 education as it bears on science and mathematics, and how college and university educators might most effectively assist with K-12 education.
  2. To begin surveying existing K-16 collaborations in the Philadelphia region, both to create a resource base and to try and determine what is effective, what is not, and why. The objective is to identify and publicize "best practices" so as to enhance K-16 collaborations in the future.
  3. To begin discussion of the question of whether K-16 science and mathematics education might be made more successfully inclusive by efforts to better integrate science and mathematics into curricula generally, rather than treating them largely as isolated and specialized subjects. This might involve new working relationships among teachers of math and science, social science, and humanities.
  4. To facilitate the development of supportive networks of familiarity among individuals with a common concern for the improvement of education in sciences and mathematics, and of education generally.


Tentative Program Outline (22 February)

8:30 am Gathering and Coffee
9-10:30 am
Session I

K-12 Forum - Thoughts of K-12 educators on how college and universities can be most helpful

Speakers to be announced, followed by general discussion, summary to be prepared for appearance on web

10:30-10:45 am Coffee Break
10:45-12:45 am
Session II

K-16 Collaborations: A Survey

A poster session followed by discussion of best practices, summary to be prepared for appearance on web

12:45 am-1:45 pm Lunch
2-3:15 pm
Session III

Ending the Isolation? - Pros and Cons of Better Integrating Science and Mathematics In the Curriculum

Speakers to be announced, followed by general discussion, summary of where to go next to be prepared for appearance on web

3:15-3:30 pm Coffee break
3:30-4 pm Wrap up session, plans for future meetings/activities

Hosted by Bryn Mawr College and the Bryn Mawr College Center for Science in Society