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Women Living Well: Mind/Body Connection - 2002
Student Papers
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The mind and body are both things that we deal with everyday, but not every often do we consider the connection between them. Attending this seminar helped me to become very aware of these things. I think for myself, awareness is something that I am lacking in a lot of things, especially here at Bryn Mawr. They call campus life here as being in a "Bryn Mawr Bubble". Not only is it difficult to keep up with the events of the world and the community, but ironically it is so easy to become unaware of our own bodies. Especially in the area of sleep deprivation and exercise, I have come to realize how much I was lacking in actively thinking about these things.
Attending the seminars and talking about the mind/body connection helps me to realize the importance of improving my life style habits, practices, choices, etc to function more effectively and productively. For example, eating breakfast or getting enough sleep is something that is compromised many times for things that seem more pressing at the time, such as going to class or studying for an exam. Incidentally, my outlook and perspectives on how to improve my study habits were changed. There is no purpose in studying and studying if I am undermining the study hours by depriving my body of sleep, or suffering from effects of depression or mood changes due to simply physiological things. I've learned to improve habits and make my studying hours most efficient.
Your mind and body must work together in order for you to be a whole, productive person. There is no purpose in denying either or mind or body for the benefits of the other, because this is a practice that is ineffective. My hope is that I will be able to take these lessons with me as I prepare to leave Bryn Mawr and join the ranks of the working. Millions of Americans suffer from mind and body diseases and problems, things that could have been prevented with knowledge and a little bit of care. The lessons I've learned are not things that I SHOULD do (eat right, exercised, learn to listen to your body), but things that I've done that I should no longer do. I think also that having this knowledge of topics such as addiction and depression, while it does not affect me directly now, will help me better to understand and deal with people that I come in contact with that do face these problems.
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