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Women Living Well: Mind/Body Connection - 2002
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Final Thoughts on Women Living Well

Marie Brown

The Women Living Well series was truly eye opening. I had always suspected that there was a connection between the mind and the body, but never had any definite proof. Listening to different speakers from a variety of disciplines talk about the mind/body connection week after week has given me that proof. I have a new resolve to try and become more aware of, and improve, my personal mind/body connection.

One of the major changes to my thinking has been the idea of a spectrum spanning the feelings of "well" and "unwell." Until recently I lived with the notion that "wellness" and "sickness" were two separate situations. A person was either one or the other. Now I realize that these two are linked by a gray area, wide range of feelings that lie somewhere in between. Each day we wake up at a different point along the spectrum. The talks also helped me to understand that I do not always have to strive to live at the "well" end of the scale. Stress, anxiety, and mood changes are all healthy and productive in moderate amounts. Coming to terms with the idea that I do not, and should not, always feel at my 100% best has given me a more accurate understanding of my health.

Of course, often times we do want to make ourselves feel better, to increase our sense of wellness. I learned from the lectures to not always look at physical causes when I feel sick. In addition to viruses and bacteria, physical sickness can also be triggered by unwell emotional or mental states. Because I don't like to put anything in my body that doesn't need to be there (i.e. medicines), I am very grateful for this new outlook. Now when I feel a cold or a migraine coming on, I am going to stop and evaluate my mental situation. By addressing the other areas of my life in which I may be feeling unwell or experiencing higher than normal stress, I can work towards eliminating the physical ailments as well.

After this six week seminar I feel as if I have a much better grasp on my health. I am viewing my body much more holistically, connecting the mind and body instead of keeping them separate. As Professor Grobstein said, we are all experts on our minds and body. Women Living Well has given me some tools with which to better understand how my personal mind and body connection operates. With a raised awareness of the interdependence between the mind and body, I am better prepared to improve and maintain my health.

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