An Inquiry Day
Lansdowne Friends School
10 May 2008

Paul Grobstein, Eleanor Bliss Professor of Biology at Bryn Mawr College, and Ian Morton, a Haverford senior majoring in Biology at Bryn Mawr, joined colleagues at Lansdowne Friends School to offer an inquiry day on water for the community.

Grobstein and Morton led visitors through experiences on physical and biological properties of water developed in collaboration with Bryn Mawr colleagues, including Peter Brodfuehrer, Professor of Biology, Wil Franklin, Laboratory Coordinator in Biology, Don Barber, Associate Professor of Biology, and Catherine Rihimaki, Keck Postdoc Teaching/Research Fellow in Geology.

Alison Levie, a third grade teacher at Lansdowne, coordinated the program and contributed experiences on water and culture and water and landscapes. Al Gaspar, science coordinator at Lansdowne, and Mingh Whitfield, pre-kindergarten teacher at Lansdowne, led participants through experiences on forms of water developed with colleagues at Bryn Mawr. Susan Stone, Head of Landsdowne Friends, led participants through experiences related to oil and birds, developed with Alison Levie.

Like last year's Exploring Eggs, the general focus of this year's inquiry day was on giving participants opportunities to make their own observations, to tell stories about them, and to use those stories to motivate new questions and new observations. Participants were encouraged to generate and share their own questions, observations, and stories.

"It is really satisfying to see how engaged people people of all ages become with science when it is presented as a creative activity in which to become involved rather than a dry body of facts or something one has to just accept as truth", Grobstein said.

Bryn Mawr College's contributions to the inquiry day were supported by a grant to the College from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and by the College's Center for Science in Society.

Below are thumbnail photos from the inquiry day. Click on any one for an enlargement and for links that will allow one to view each of them in succession.