Bryn Mawr College

Center for Science In Society

To facilitate the broad conversations, involving both scientists and non-scientists, which are essential to continuing explorations of
  • the natural world and humanity's place in it,
  • the nature of education,
  • the generation, synthesis, and evaluation of information,
  • technology and its potentials,
  • the relationships between forms of understanding.

Language: A Conversation

Language and language usage seems like an area where a broad conversation bringing together people who do not usually work together would be useful. Language is a matter of both theoretical/conceptual inquiry and of practical/cultural/social importance. To bring these perspectives together, a language working group has been formed to invite speakers to the community, assemble relevant web materials, and encourage continuing conversation. People who are interested in joining this conversation are invited to contact Eric Raimy, Paul Grobstein, or Anne Dalke.

The group will be meeting biweekly during the spring semester 2002. At the first meeting discussion will be centered on

First Meeting - Notes

Second Meeting - Notes Third Meeting - Notes Fourth Meeting - Notes Fifth Meeting - Notes Sixth Meeting - Notes

Visiting speakers:

Fall semester, 2002

9 Sept - Organization and discussion of Color Realism and Color Science

Working Group Forum Area

Other relevant resources:

Suggestions for future readings: