| Calendar | About
| Getting Involved
| Groups | Initiatives
Getting Involved
"The Center for Science in Society will catalyze and support explorations
of the many ways in which people seek to understand the natural
world and to use that understanding to support its continuing vitality
as well as that of human society. The Center will investigate connections
between scientific methods of inquiry and humanistic ones, and will
bring together the academic and the applied. It will foster hands-on,
exploratory and transdisciplinary approaches to teaching and research
... (and) facilitate the integration of academic learning with scientific
understanding in workplace and policy settings. The Center will
support existing ... programs and facilitate new collaborations
among faculty, staff, and students from the natural sciences, social
sciences, and humanities"
From Center for Science In Society: A Planning
Document (submitted to the President, 30 November 2000)
Within the scope of its objectives, the programs and activities of the Center have evolved and will continue to evolve from the interests and aspirations of members of the Bryn Mawr community. These programs and activities are summarized on these pages and in a regularly updated calendar, and are in general open to all members of the community as well as interested members of the public.
All members of the community and groups within it are also warmly encouraged to suggest new programs and activities that they would be interested in undertaking. Such suggestions should be made to Paul Grobstein, the Center Director, or to any member of the Steering Committee (see bottom of page).
Additional information: | Undergraduates | Graduate Students | Faculty and Staff | Alumnae | Beyond Bryn Mawr |
UNDERGRADUATES are welcome in all Center activities and programs. While the Center has no specific program for the support of individual undergraduates, undergraduates have been and will continue to employed to assist with Center projects. Undegraduates are also warmly encouraged to suggest new activities and programs which they feel will appeal to a significant section of the community, and/or to develop proposals in collaboration with faculty or staff.
At the present time, the Center is particularly interested in hearing from undergraduates who have an interest in developing programs to assist with science and mathematics education in urban school settings. The Center would also like to add some undergraduate representation to the Steering Committee.
For further information contact Center Director Paul Grobstein or any member of the Steering Committee (see bottom of page).
GRADUATE STUDENTS are welcome in all Center activities and programs. While the Center has no specific program for the support of individuals, graduate students have been and will continue to employed to assist with Center projects and in connection with research projects undertaken in collaboration with faculty. Graduate students are also warmly encouraged to suggest new activities and programs which they feel will appeal to a significant section of the community, and/or to develop proposals in collaboration with faculty, staff staff, and undergraduates.
The Center is particularly interested in new models of graduate and post-graduate education. Active projects are being undertaken both in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and in the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. See Graduate Education for specifics of these projects.
For further information contact Center Director Paul Grobstein or any member of the Steering Committee (see bottom of page).
FACULTY AND STAFF from all segments of the community are welcome in all Center activities and programs. In addition, faculty and staff are warmly invited to suggest new activities which they feel will appeal to a significant section of the community and, in so doing, make science a more integrated part of human activity. Faculty may also propose individual Fellowship projects which they perceive may contribute to a richer integration of science and other human activities.
For further information contact Center Director Paul Grobstein or any member of the Steering Committee (see bottom of page). |
ALUMNAE from all segments of the community are welcome in all Center activities and programs. In addition, alumnae are warmly invited to suggest new activities which they feel will appeal to a significant section of the community and, in so doing, make science a more integrated part of human activity. Alumnae may also propose individual Fellowship projects which they perceive may contribute to a richer integration of science and other human activities.
The Center would also like to hear from alumnae who would be interested in serving on the Steering Committee.
For further information contact Center Director Paul Grobstein or any member of the Steering Committee (see bottom of page). |
BEYOND BRYN MAWR ... In addition to its campus activities, the Center is committed to activities and programs which intersect the campus with the broader local, national, and world communities. People and organizations outside the campus who are interested in exploring or developing such programs and activities should contact Center Director Paul Grobstein or any member of the Steering Committee (see bottom of page).
| Calendar | About
| Getting Involved
| Groups | Initiatives
Director: Paul Grobstein -
| Faculty Steering Committee
| Secretary: Lisa Kolonay - lkolonay@brynmawr.edu
© 2003, by Center for Science in Society, Bryn Mawr College
and Serendip