The Center for Science in Society

Events Calendar
Fall 2003


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September 8, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Brown Bag Lunch Series: Ted Wong  
Why Quantify; or, Why the World Is Not Enough

Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
September 8, Monday
10-5pm - Posters on display
3-5pm - Student Presentations

Afternoon refreshments.
Campus Center Main Lounge
Undergraduate Summer Research Program Poster Presentation Sponsored by the Undergraduate Dean's Office and the Math & Science Departments

Details: Peter Brodfuehrer
September 9, Tuesday
7-9 pm
Thomas Great Hall

Town Hall Meeting:
Diverse Identities: Living in Community

Free and open to the public.
September 9, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion

Details: Ted Wong
September 10, Wednesday
5-7 pm
Dinner provided.
Graduate Idea Forum
Peggy MacIntosh, Feeling Like a Fraud
Anne Dalke (2002) Teaching to Learn, Learning to Teach, P. Lang

Details: Judie McCoyd
September 12, Friday
3-4 pm
Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Diversity Conversations: Moderator Paul Grobstein
Biology and Diversity
Free and open to the public.
September 15, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Anne Dalke
(English, Gender Studies)
Numbers and Narratives: A Humanist Reflects on the Relation
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
September 16, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion 
Paul Grobstein-Buchanan's ''Nexus''

Details: Ted Wong
September 18, Thursday
1:30 - 3 pm
Park Building 227

Language Working Group Meeting
Reading of selection from Ray Jackendoff


Details: Eric Raimy
September 19, Friday
School of Social Work
Graduate Idea Forum: Introduction
Toulmin's "Return to Reason" and Cleland's "Historical Science, Experimental Science and the Scientific Method"
Details: Judie McCoyd
September 22, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Arlo Weil
What I'm Counting, Why and How
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
September 23, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Tim Burke-Emergence in Humanities, Take 1

Details: Ted Wong
September 25, Thursday
4:10 p.m., Park Building 25
Environmental Studies Series: Eleanor Sterling
Director, American Museum of Natural History’s Center for Biodiversity and Conservation
Science In Conservation: A Focus On Vietnam's Biodiversity
Sponsored by Environmental Studies and the Center for Science in Society

Details: Ted Wong
September 26, Friday
3-4 pm
Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Diversity Conversations: Moderator Anne Dalke
Blood Child, by Octavia Butler
Free and open to the public.
September 29, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Elliott Shore
(Information Services)
If You Can Count It, It's Worth Counting
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
September 30, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Tim Burke-Emergence in Humanities, Take 2

Details: Ted Wong
October 6, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Jody Cohen (Education) and Nell Anderson (Praxis)
Moving Beyond the Quantitative Definition of Merit: Learning from and with the Posse
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
October 6, Monday
5:30pm -Dinner
6:30pm -Presentation
Dorothy Vernon Room
Physics Colloquium: Francis Robicheaux
Department of Physics, Auburn University
“Ultracold Hot-matter”
Details: Peter Brodfuehrer
October 6, Monday
4:15pm -Talk
Park Building 328

3:45pm -Tea
Park 355, Math Lounge
Math Colloquium: Lynnell Matthews
University of Pennsylvania
“A Variation on the Tennis Ball Problem”
Details: Victor Donnay
October 7, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Jim Marshall-Metacat, a model of human analogy-making

Details: Ted Wong
October 8, Wednesday
7:15-9:15 pm
Thomas Room 110
Reception following lecture,
Thomas Great Hall
Special Lecture: Panel and open discussion
Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience:
Enemies, Acquaintances, Bedfellows?
A Conversation

Convenor: Bruce Levin
Moderator: Susan Levine

Panel Members:
Elio Frattaroli
Sydney Pulver
Paul Grobstein
Presented by the Bryn Mawr College Center for Science and Society and the Fellows Program of the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia

Co-sponsored by the Alliance for Psychoanalytic Thought, the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work, and the Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research

Details: Paul Grobstein
October 9 , Thursday
4:10 p.m., Park Building 25
Environmental Studies Series: Julie Hagelin
Assistant Professor of Biology, Swarthmore
Chemical Signals In Birds: Implications For Behavior And Conservation
Sponsored by Environmental Studies and the Center for Science in Society

Details: Ted Wong
October 10, Friday
3-4 pm
Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Diversity Conversations: Moderator Ted Wong
"Asian: Race or Category?"

Reading: Frank Wu
Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White (2002): pp. 1-38.
Free and open to the public.

Interested participants can request the large pdf file from Ted; hard copies available outside his office in Park, Anne Dalke's in English House and the Deans' Office in Taylor.
October 13
No Brown Bag
October 20, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Paula Viterbo
(History of Science)
Counting the Days: Natural Family Planning
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
October 21, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Jan Trembley-Emergent Pedagogy

Details: Ted Wong
October 23, Thursday
4:10 p.m., Park Building 25
Environmental Studies Series: Mary Seton
Director and Founder, Greensgrow Philadelphia Project
Demystifying Urban Agriculture
Sponsored by Environmental Studies and the Center for Science in Society

Details: Ted Wong

October 23, Thursday
Park Building, Room 243

Geology Lecture: Steve Jarvela
Federal On-Scene Coordinator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The Vapor Plume at the Tranguch Gasoline Site: A Case Study from Hazleton
Presented by the Philadelphia Geological Society
October 24, Friday
3-4 pm
Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Diversity Conversations:
Free and open to the public.

October 27, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Brown Bag Lunch Series: Elena Bernal  
(Institutional Research)
College Rankings: What Factors Drive Them
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
October 28, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Jim Wright-Cultural Geography

Details: Ted Wong
October 29, Wednesday
Noon- 2pm
Graduate School of Social Work
Graduate Idea Forum: Catharine Stimpson

Catharine Stimpson, Myths of Transformation: Realities of Change, PMLA 115, 5 (October 2000), 1142-1153
Catharine Stimpson, General Education for Graduate Education, The Chronicle Review, from the issue dated November 1, 2002

Catharine R. Stimpson, "The Idea of the Corporate University," Written for a conference at the Society of Humanities, Cornell University on "The Idea of the University," October 18-19, 2002.
Details: Judie McCoyd
October 29, Wednesday
The Ely Room, Wyndham
Special Lecture: Catharine Stimpson (Class of 1958)
Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
New York University
The Future of Graduate School Education
Details: Corey Shdaimah (610) 642-2358
October 30, Thursday
Park Building, Room 229
Refreshments served at 4pm

Biology Lecture: Eli Meir
Research Scientist, MIT and SimBiotic Software
Robustness and Flexibility in Genetic Networks

Details: Paul Grobstein
November 3, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Brown Bag Lunch Series: Radcliffe Edmonds
The Theology of Arithmetic
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
November 4, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Mark Kuperberg-Emergence in Economics

Details: Ted Wong
November 6 , Thursday
4:10 p.m., Park Building 25
Environmental Studies Series: Alec Brownlow
Assistant Professor , Geography & Urban Studies
Temple University
Thoughts On A Multicultural Urban Ecology
Sponsored by Environmental Studies and the Center for Science in Society

Details: Ted Wong
November 7, Friday
3-4 pm
Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Diversity Conversations:
Free and open to the public.
November 7, Friday
Park Building, Room 354 (Computer Lab)
Tri-Co Mellon Faculty Working Group on Math Modeling: Don Barber
Modeling in Weather Prediction (Particularly Hurricanes) and Climate Change

Details: Victor Donnay
November 7, Friday
3:40pm -Refreshements
4:00pm -Presentation
Park Building, Room 180

Chemistry Colloquia: Veronika Szalai (Class of 1988)
Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland

DNA Oxidation by Ruthenium Complexes


Details: Sharon Burgmayer

November 10, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Brown Bag Lunch Series: Liz Mc Cormack
Concepts of Measurement in Physics
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke

November 10, Monday
4 pm
Ely Room, Wyndham

The Rothenberg Lecture: Ian Bowles
Senior Research Fellow, Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs, Cambridge, MA
Executive Director, Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth (MassINC)

The Global Biodiversity Treaty: Why is the United States Not a Party?
Details: Xenia Morin
November 10, Monday
3:45pm -Tea, Park Room 355
4:15pm -Presentation
Park Building, Room 328

Bi-Co Mathematics Colloquium: Fang Chen
Emory University

Multidimensional Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Problem

Details: Rhonda Hughes
November 11, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Karen Greif-Not Peter Corning

Details: Ted Wong
November 17, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: David Ross
Bucks, Values and Happiness
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
November 17, Monday
5:30pm-Dinner, 6:30pm Presentation
Dorothy Vernon Room, Haffner Hall
Physics Colloquium: Robert W. Boyd
Institute of Optics, University of Rochester
Slow Light and Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Response in Novel Materials
Details: Peter Brodfuehrer
November 19, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion
Anne Dalke-Trees and Rhizomes

Details: Ted Wong
November 20, Thursday
Park Building, Room 229
Biology and Psychology Colloquium: Wilson Q. Joe
Ph.D. Candiadte
BMC Neural and Behavioral Sciences Program
An Executive Performance Account of Theory of Mind Expression
Details: Paul Grobstein
November 20, Thursday
4:10 p.m., Park Building 25
Environmental Studies Series: Johanna Polsenberg
Director of Government Relations
National Center for Caribbean Coral Reef Research
Science: Tool Or Weapon On Capitol Hill?
Sponsored by Environmental Studies and the Center for Science in Society

Details: Ted Wong
November 20, Thursday
Park Building, Room 243
Geology Lecture: Walter Leis
Tetrahedron Consultants
Tree Rings as Environmental Indicators: Dendrochronology in Geoforensics
Presented by the Philadelphia Geological Society
November 21, Friday
3-4 pm
Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Diversity Conversations:
Free and open to the public.
November 21, Friday
3:40pm -Refreshements
4:00pm -Presentations
Park Building, Room 180

Chemistry Colloquia: Professor Stefan Bernhard
Department of Chemistry, Princeton University

Synthetically Tunable Chromphores with Optoelectronic Applications

Details: Sharon Burgmayer
November 24, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Michelle Mancini
(Dean's Office and CSem Staff)
The Face Behind/Above/Within the Numbers: Sentiment vs. Statistics, Then and Now
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
November 24, Monday
3:45pm -Tea, Park Room 355
4:15pm -Presentation
Park Building, Room 328

Bi-Co Mathematics Colloquium: Walter Stromquist
Swarthmore College

Packing Densities of Permutations

Details: Rhonda Hughes
December 1, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Jan Trembley
(Alumnae Bulletin)
Measuring "Success'"and the Alumnae Bulletin
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke
December 2, Tuesday
8 -9am
Park Building 230, the Emergent Intelligence Laboratory

Coffee and muffins provided.
Open to all .
Emergent Systems: A Discussion

Details: Ted Wong
December 4 , Wednesday
Graduate Idea Forum: Evaluation and feedback for students and teachers

Tentative readings:
Denise Clark Pope (2001)"Doing School": How We are Creating a Generation of Stressed Out, Materialistic, and Miseducated Students, Yale University Press.
"A Retrospect on Making and Judging," Chapter 8 in Jerome Bruner (1968) Toward a Theory of Instruction
Details: Judie McCoyd
December 5, Friday
3-4 pm
Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road

Diversity Conversations:

Free and open to the public.
December 8, Monday
Noon-1pm, Multicultural Center
229 Roberts Road
Brown Bag Lunch Series: Paul Grobstein
Quantification and Value: What We've Learned So Far
Details: Elizabeth McCormack
and Anne Dalke

December 12, Friday
3:30-5:30 pm in
Park Science Building, Room 354

Tri-Co Mellon Faculty Working Group on Math Modeling: Doug Norton
Chair, Department of Mathematics,Villanova University

Math Modeling and AIDS
Details: Victor Donnay

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