Questions about the Bulletin were included in a supplement to the forms sent to all alumnae/i for the Alumnae Register in 1989 and 1999. Questionnaires also were sent to 1,000 alumnae/i sampled by decade and geography during the review of Association programs in 1992, and during the most recent strategic planning process several years ago. Interviews and focus groups were also conducted for the latter two projects.

Response rates are usually about 40% and consistently in all surveys, respondents emphasized interest in:

Life concerns: 2/3

Professional concerns and achievements: _.

News of the College: less than 1/3

Figures from the latest survey show increased interest among younger alumnae in more articles about professional achievements and concerns and less feeling that the Bulletin should concentrate on news of the College.

1. 64.2% agreed or strongly agreed that the Bulletin should focus on current life concerns and issues of alumnae/i. (Respondents between 1941 and 1950 most likely to disagree or strongly disagree.)

2. 55.9% agreed or strongly agreed that it should focus on their professional concerns and achievements

(Of alumnae graduating between 1991-2000, 72.4% agreed that the focus should be on life issues and 85.4% on professional achievements.)

Although there are always exceptions, interest in life issues and professional tend to change over the decades understandably, when we’re younger we’re starting and in careers, and when we’re older, we’re more likely thinking about bigger life issues.

3. 26% agreed or strongly agreed that it should focus on events and issues occurring at the College, 37% were neutral and 37.3% disagreed or strongly disagreed.