3/04/04 Brown Bag on How Psychology Approaches Knowledge

Theory of Mind: Understanding that self and others have mental states. Use of these mental states to explain, predict and influence others' behavior and to guide our own behavior.

Desire is an important component of theory of mind.

Young preschoolers can:
Predict the behavior of an agent, based on that agent's desire when that agent's desire IS NOT in conflict with their own.

Young preschoolers' can't:
Predict the behavior of an agent, based on that agent's desire when that agent's desire IS in conflict with their own. (Conflicting desire paradigm)

Young preschoolers don't understand that desires are subjective. Young preschoolers are egocentric
Conflicting Desire Paradigm is more than conflicting desires:
Need to infer desires
Need to understand conflicting nature of desire

Cassidy et al. (under review)

Can children infer the desires of others from behavior?
This is Peter. Mommy takes Peter on a picnic. Mommy brings Peter's favorite food and they play fun games. Later, mommy and Peter go to the beach. While swimming, Peter is hit in the face by a big wave and water goes up his nose. The next day mommy asks Peter what he wants to do.
Test Question: Will Peter choose to go on a picnic or to go swimming at the beach?

Can children reason about conflicting desires?
Let's look at these 4 things to do (eat candy, take nap, clean room, brush your hair). Show me the one that you like to do best, the one that you REALLY, REALLY like to do (Child chooses eat candy). Now point to the one that you hate to do, the one that you don't like to do (Child chooses clean room). OK. So you REALLY like this one (eat candy) and you REALLY don't like this one (clean room). Now I am going to read you a story and ask you some questions.
This is Brendan. There are lots of things to do at Brendan's house. Brendan loves to clean his room. Brendan loves to sing the clean-up song and he loves to put everything where it belongs. Brendan hates eating candy. Brandon thinks that candy is too sweet and he does not like to get his hand sticky. Brendan's mom asks Brendan what he would like to do today.
Test Question: Will Brendan choose to clean his room or eat candy?
Participant Preference Question: Which thing do you like to do best? Which thing do you really hate to do the most?

Can children reason about conflicting desires that they must infer?
Let's look at these 4 things to do (go to zoo, go to bank, go to post office, go to supermarket). Show me the one that you like to do best, the one that you REALLY, REALLY like to do (Child chooses go to zoo). Now point to the one that you hate to do, the one that you don't like to do (Child chooses go to post office). OK. So you REALLY like this one (go to zoo) and you REALLY don't like this one (go to post office). Now I am going to read you a story and ask you some questions.
This is Jillian. One day Jillian's mommy took Jillian to the post office. Jillian smiled when her Mommy let her put money into the stamp machine. The mailperson gave Jillian her favorite color balloon. Next, Mommy took Jillian to the zoo. The zoo smelled yucky. Jillian got hot and tired from all of the walking and she cried. The next day Jillian's mommy asked her what she would like to do.
Test Question: Will Jillian choose to go to the post office or the zoo?
Participant Preference Question: Which thing do you like to do best? Which thing do you really hate to do the most?

Children can reason about conflicting desires when information processing demands are low. Children understand that desires are subjective.

Wicked Desire

The boy in the blue shirt is playing ball. He does not like the boy in the yellow shirt. He wants to throw the ball at him and hit him on the head. He throws the ball. It hits the boy in yellow on the head and makes him cry.
How does the boy in the blue shirt feel after he throws the ball in the boy in yellow: happy sad or in between?
Why does he feel ____________?
What did the boy in the blue shirt want to do?

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