   Science in Society

Bryn Mawr College

2002-2003 Weekly Brown Bag Lunch Discussion

"The Culture of Science"

Wednesdays, 12-1, Multicultural Center (229 Roberts Road). Open to all ... contact Anne Dalke or Elizabeth McCormack for additional information.

Next meeting:

2 October

Rob Wozniak
will facilitate group discussion of methods of inquiry across disciplines including literary studies, psychology, and the biological and physical sciences. To get the conversation going, Rob will report results of a number of conversations on methods of inquiry in various disciplines that he has had with members of the discussion group and others over the past week, using the many methods in common use in psychology (sometimes known as "the impossible science") as a starting point. Rob himself is a developmental psychologist whose research interests include modeling the development of movement/vocalization coordinations in infants, subcultural variation in American relational family values, and the early history of American psychology (in both its experimental and clinical versions).

On Line Forum for continuing discussion

Sharon Burgmayer, An Image of Intersection
For an exhibit of earlier work see Transformation

Schedule and Discussion Links

11 SeptemberRalph Kuncl (Biology, Provost)The Balkanization of Science
18 SeptemberSamamtha Glazier (Chemistry, Keck Fellow)Isolation, Persuasion, and Conviction: Sustaining the Culture of Science
25 SeptemberTed Wong (Biology, Computational Modelling)Metaphor, Metonymy, and the Two Sciences
2 OctoberRob Wozniak (Psychology)Psychology: The Impossible Science
9 OctoberKatherine Rowe (English, Early Modern Studies)Science, Culture, and Time
23 OctoberTomomi Kinukawa (History of Science, Mellon Fellow)Gender, Nationalism, and Science
30 OctoberPanama Geer (Mathematics and Computer Science, Keck Fellow)Cellular Lines
6 NovemberMichael Tratner (English)An Anatomy of Cultural Studies Methods: Can They Be Used to Study the Culture of Science?
13 NovemberChris Couples (UNIX systems administrator for the sciences) The Political Practice of the Sys-Admin
20 NovemberKris Tapp (Mathematics, Keck Fellow)TBA
4 DecemberDeepak Kumar and Doug Blank (Computer Science)Women in the Classroom
11 DecemberPaul Grobstein (Biology) Philosophies of Science: A View From the Brain

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Director: Liz McCormack - | Faculty Steering Committee | Secretary: Lisa Kolonay
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Last Modified: Wednesday, 02-May-2018 11:57:05 CDT