Wilson Middle School visit to Bryn Mawr College - 29 May 1998

Dalilah Albelo,
Danielle Gold,
Latasha Williams,
Jerrod Murray,
Tara Patrone,
Michael Malvestuto,
Brianna Donatelli,
Sara Alkurdi,
mrs Mozlin ,
Tammy Krantz,
Susan Strecker,
Chris Johnson,
Leslie Hundley,
Craig Tonik,
Gennady Vitorsky,
Bill Yau,
John Grisafi,
Charles Little,
Wayne Bryant,
Marcus Void,
Jonathan Rodriguez,
Arthur Johnson,
Gabriel Johnson,
Joseph Riddle,
Filip Jakimoski,
Brandon Wilkerson,
Eddie Butkovitz,
Michael Loftus,
Chris Kennedy,
Mrs. Barbara Orlan
What is school for?
to educate children ...Tara Patrone
- to acquire manners ... Brianna Donatelli
- to help people learn about things (different stuff) ... Arthur Johnson
- to be able to go places after you get out .... Craig Tonik
- social interactions .... Joseph Riddle
- get good job ... Michael Malvestuto
What is college for?
become someone ... Sara Alkurdi
- to help get career .... Bill Yau
- to acquire knowledge about job .... Susan Strecker
- to find out what you want to do with your life ... Jerrod Murray
What is science for?
- explain things .... John Grisafi
- learn about environment ... Gabriel Johnson
- learn about world and things around ... Danielle Gold
- to enhance knowledge on physical world ... Wayne Bryant
Let's do some science: wondering what the brain sees that the eye doesn't
Let's see some science:
- Margaret Hollyday: chick embryos, development
- Karen Greif: molecules, cells
- Jeff Oristaglio: frogs, brains
- Bogdan Butoi: robots, computers

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