Transforming Our
Women on the Threshold of Change
An Event Co-sponsored by The Bryn Mawr
College McBride Scholars Program and Admissions
With support from The Center for
Science in Society
About the Presenters
Susan Anderson is a McBride Scholar at
Bryn Mawr College and is on the research staff of
the Andrew W.Mellon Foundation.She juggles being a wife,mother of
two (grown)sons
and new grandmother!with her studies,full-time
employment,and a volunteer
commitment that has lasted 17 years.She is enjoying the journey.
Sharon Burgmayer ,acting chair of the
Chemistry Department at Bryn Mawr College,looks
for beauty in the chemical structures of the universe and works at
creating it in her garden,
in her watercolors,in her piano playing,in her church,with friends
and in her family (a
husband and two sons).
Kate Burn lived the first part of her life prosaically
as CPA and investment banker.Now,she
is learning to take risks and seek the poetry in her life.She is a
McBride Scholar at Bryn
Mawr College,majoring in English.
Anne Dalke is a member of the Bryn Mawr College English
Department and coordinates the
Feminist and Gender Studies Program there.A member of Radnor
Friends Meeting,a wife
and the mother of four children,she has spent her life in
transition and keeping friends
company through their own liminal stages.
Andrea Friedman returned to school and
turned her sights to science after a ten-year
career in activism and electoral politics.She graduated from Bryn
Mawr College in 2001 and
works as a geologist for the NJ Geological Survey.She and her
partner,Peg,are amused
that Andrea now finds herself writing poetry (about changes
tectonic and otherwise).
Suzanne Levenbach has always thrived on
adventure and challenge.She has been a
trainer in industry and owner of a clothing boutique.She is an
enthusiastic traveler and a
passionate gardener.Recently,while in temporary exile from her
family (husband and grown
children),she completed her English at Bryn Mawr.
Rona Pietrzak explored a number of
career paths,including earning her a non-
traditonal student,on the way to her ideal role as Director of
Bryn Mawr s McBride Scholars
Program.She draws daily on her previous experiences as
counselor.Rona lives in Mt.Airy with her 15-year-old daughter and
two adopted stray cats.
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