Feminist and Gender Studies Courses 2004-2005
Fall '04 at Bryn Mawr

Anth 341 Cultural Perspectives on Marriage, Sex and the Family Kilbride
Engl 322 Love and Money Tratner
Hist 325 History of Sexuality Ullman
Phil/Pols 344 Development Ethics Koggel
Pols/Soc 375 Women Work and Family Golden
Soc 225 Women in Society Osirim

Spring '05 at Bryn Mawr

ComL/Film/Germ245Sexualities and Gender in
20th-Century German Literature and Film
ComL/Fren302 Le printemps/parole/feminine Armstrong
Engl 210 Ren Lit: Performances of Gender Hedley
Engl 361Sonnet: Petrarch-Hacket Hedley
Engl 379 African Griotte Beard
HArt 108 Women/Feminism/History of Art Easton
Hist 303 Topics in Social History:
Medicine and Society in America:
Differences Across Gender,
Class, Ethnicity, and Culture
Hist292 Women in Britain Since 1750 Kale
Phil 221Ethics Koggel

Fall '04 at Haverford

CLASSH 217 Male and Female in Ancient Greece RUSSO
ECONH224 Women in the Labor Market PRESTON
ENGLH281 Fictions of Empire MOHAN
ENGL/COMLH302 Topics in Medieval English Literature:
Speaking in Tongues
ENGLH364 Trauma, Reconstruction, and the Literary Event ZWARG
GNPRH226 Sex and Gender on Film:
Screwballs, Devil Dames, and Closet Cases
GNPRH290 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on
Gender and Sexuality
GNPRH494 Senior Conference in Science and Society EDWARDS
PHILH105 Love, Friendship, and the Ethical Life WRIGHT
POLSH235 African Politics WING
SOCL155 Foundations of Social Theory HOHENSTEIN
RELGH330 Seminar in the Religious History
of African-American Women

Spring '05 at Haverford

ANTHH204 Anthropology of Gender PATICO
CSTS/COMLH212 The Classical Tradition in Western Literature ROBERTS
ENGLH278 Contemporary Women Writers TENSUAN
GNPR/BIOLH252 Women, Medicine and Biology EDWARDS
HISTH204 History of American Women to 1870 SALER
POLSH123 American Politics: Difference and Discrimination MCGOVERN
SPAN/COMLH334 Gender Dissidence in Hispanic Writing BURSHATIN

Bryn Mawr College, Feminist & Gender Studies