Herbs and Behaviors

HERBS that can affect the nervous system in a variety of ways:

1. GOTU KOLA - brainfood; memory retards the aging process (good with GINSENG).

2. HOPS - good for nervous disorders; calming effect.

3. GOLDEN SEAL - good for nervous disorders, diabetes (contains Hydrastine).

4. DANDELION - (root) good for vitality, blood purifier, diabetes.

5. CAMOMILE - (flowers) good for nervous disorders, blood purifier, migraine headaches.

6. PEPPERMINT - good for nervous disordres, digestive disordres, gas, nightmares.

7. GINGER - good for nervous disorders, antacid, colon gas.

8. RED CLOVER - good for nervous disorders, blood purifier

9. RED RASPBERRY - good for nervous disorders, non-depressant, aides respiratory and circulatory centers in the brain, good for pregnancy.

10. SAGE - good for nervous disorders, sore throat, gas, parasites.

11. WILD YAM - good for nervous disorders, pain, gas.

12. VALERIAN - (root) good for nervous disorders, pain , smoking, alcoholism, insomnia. Note: has tranquilizing effect.

13. STRAWBERRY - (leaves) good for nervous disorders, blood purifier, improves appetite.

14. THYME - good for nervous disorders, heartburn, kidney stones, bad breath.

15. SAFFLOWER - good for appetite/digestive disorders, gas, sex stimulant.

16. CAYENNE - heart stimulant, infection, pancreas (diabetes), regulates blood pressure.

17. ECHINACEA - (root) blood purifier, fights infections, smoking.

18. EUCALYPTUS - (oil) good for nervous disorders, cancer, lungs, mucous.

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