From Serendip

A program for students of education at Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, Swarthmore College, University of Pennsylvania
(Supported by an AT&T Learning Network Teaching and Technology Grant)

Beginning to Create Educational Experiences

During the second spring semester session, we talked about web searching and about HTML basics. Combining the two skills, students were asked to post an HTML document giving an annotated list of websites useful in a classroom or broader educational context.

Following are the postings, as they originally appeared in the course forum area:

Name: Paul Grobstein
Subject: for session 3
Date: Sat Feb 26 10:57:25 EST 2000
Thanks for your thoughts about Serendip's interactive experiences, and our more general discussion of ways in which these sorts of things might enhance the educational impact of the web. Enjoyed working with you in interactively learning some web-authoring skills (the medium is the message), and hope you got something out of it. Looking forward to seeing what sorts of projects you're working on, the resource lists you've been assembling, and thinking together about how to take the next steps in creating useful web materials.
Name: Susan Sliwinski
Subject: Math Teacher's References
Date: Sun Feb 27 23:26:41 EST 2000
Interesting Lesson Plan References

Interesting References




Following are suggested references which I have found useful:


Geometry Lessons

(I have used the Tessellation and Symmetry Lessons from the above site)



Planned Probability Lesson Plan


Basketball Math Lesson


Favorite Algebra I Text for an Urban Setting


Algebra One Interactions (1998), Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY



Math and Urban Education Issues

Applebaum, Peter (1995). Popular Culture, Educational Discourse, and Mathematics, Albany: State University of New York Press.

Delpit, Lisa (1995). Other People’s Children Cultural Conflict in the Classroom, New York: The New York Press.

Ginsburg, Herbert P., Russell, Robert L. (1981), Social Class and Racial Influences on Early Mathematical Thinking, Rochester, University of Rochester.

Nelson, David (1993), Multicultural Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics from a Global Perspective, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nieto, Sonia (2000) Affirming Diversity, The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Oakes, Jeannie (1990), Women and Minorities in Science and Math, in Courtney B. Cazden (Eds.), Review of Research in Education, Vol. 16, pp. 153-222. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association Publishers.

Rivera, Diane (1998), Mathematics Education for Students with Learning Disabilities, Austin: PRO-ED Inc.

Sleeter, Christine E. (1997) Mathematics, Multicultural Education, and Professional Development, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, v28 n6 p680-96 Dec 1997.

Secada, Walter (1992), Race, Ethnicity, Social Class, Language, and Achievement in Mathematics, Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning, part IV, page 623-660, 1992.

Wilson, Patricia (1993), Research Ideas for the Classroom High School Mathematics, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Zaslavsky, Claudia (1996), The Multicultural Math Classroom, Bringing in the World, Portsmouth: Heinemann.

Name: Nancy Volker
Subject: Volker Test Page
Date: Mon Feb 28 12:54:37 EST 2000
This is a test web page These are my favorite web sites for my web page so far!

Preferred web sites are:

1. Ask Dr. Math and work the problem of the week Math Forum

2. A spot to practice Algebra problems Interactive Algebra Practice

3. More homework help and lessons Homework Help @

4. A good resource for real world problems Cornell

Name: Jeffrey J. Jenkins
Subject: Interactive Tesselations
Date: Mon Feb 28 16:22:10 EST 2000
Here is a site that allows one to do interactive tesselations using a java applet.

The applet is linked from the instruction page: How to use the pattern program.

Name: Jeffrey Jenkins
Date: Mon Feb 28 16:36:22 EST 2000
Here is a sample of how one would embed a Quicktime movie inline. This required the Quicktime plugin from Apple. If it is not installed, the PLUGINSPAGE tag will point you to the page to get the plugin and ask you if you want to obtain the package. The border sets the frame size around the inline image. The height and width allow the rest of the page to load and leave a space for the movie. The "cache" command tells the browset to download the whole movie. Autostart tells the plugin to begin playing without any command being issued. Controller places the control bar for the plugin in the window.

< EMBED SRC="" BORDER="6" HEIGHT="274" WIDTH="340" cache="true" controller="True" AUTOSTART="True" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>

Name: Jeffrey Jenkins
Subject: HTML colors
Date: Mon Feb 28 16:45:02 EST 2000
Here is a neat page that gives you hex code for colors and also lets you display these colors together on a page.

Color Center

Name: Gypsy M. Disbrow
Subject: Web references
Date: Tue Feb 29 16:10:36 EST 2000
The following are internet sites that have useful information on chemistry and science in general... you might notice I have a slight preference for chemistry sites.

Name: Mindy Steinberg
Subject: Research Sites on the Culture of the Great Depression
Date: Wed Mar 15 17:17:37 EST 2000
We Made Do--Recalling the Great Depression ,, Oral History Interviews of people who experienced the Great Depression, compiled by students at Mooresville High School in Mooresville, Indiana.

The New Deal Network,, Good general compilation of New Deal resources including primary sources, photographs, and links to other sites.

America in the 1930s,, Looks at the 1930s through the lens of different aspects of culture, including film, print, art, etc.

Roosevelt University's Center for New Deal Studies,, Compilation of photographs, oral histories, and other primary source documents on the New Deal.

A New Deal for the Arts,, This site examines how the arts projects of the New Deal helped the art world reach a larger community.

The Mercury Theatre on the Air,, Gives a history and clips from America's biggest radio show of the 1930s.

American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940,, A collection put together by the Library of Congress of work done by members of the Federal Writers' Project.

The New Deal Stage: Selections from the Federal Theatre Project, 1935-1939,, This site is also compiled by the Library of Congress and includes work done for the Federal Theatre Project.

Federal Theatre Project Photographs,, This site includes photographs of people working for the Federal Theatre Project.

Harold Lehman, the Artist,, This site includes a compilation of the work of Harold Lehman, a mural painter for the Federal Art Project.

The University of Georgia Libraries: WPA Theater Projects,, This site includes several photographs of productions sponsored by the WPA and done in the state of Georgia.

California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties,, This site, compiled by the Library of Congress, includes information of folk music in the 1930s.

New Deal Cultural Programs: Experiments in Cultural Democracy,, This site provides a written research paper on the various cultural programs of the New Deal.

Picture America: Photographs of the Great Depression,, This site is a compilation of photographs taken under Roosevelt's Farm Security Administration.

Name: Esther Kang
Subject: List of possible Immigration Related Sites
Date: Wed Mar 15 17:20:11 EST 2000
The 9/10s' Immigration Study,, This is a social studies study page created by students. They did research on their own families, interviewed immigrants who they knew, studied the statistics on immigration in New York City, and did research papers on topics that they chose.

Cyber Sources for teachers,, This website provides a list of additional websites that would be useful for teachers studying immigration.

Immigration Issues,, A general site about issues related to immigration.

English as a Second Language,, An issue many immigrant children and adults must face.

Cultural Adaptations to Life in the USA and Living Abroad,, A quick guide to some ways immigrants must adapt culturally to life in the US and other countries.

Immigration Related Books,, An easy site to visit to find some books related to immigration, including practical how to books on becoming a citizen to personal memoirs and novels.

Ellis Island Homepage,, The official homepage of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. and the museum. This page offers an opportunity to reconnect with your own immigrant heritage.

Immigration and the United States,, This page provides links to other sources specifically about immigration and the United States.

The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies,, The Balch Institutes' homepage that connects your to the only museum, library, and archive dedicated to collecting and interpreting materials reflecting U.S. multicultural heritage.

Ethnic Images in Comics,, An exhibition in the Museum of the Balch Institute that shows how immigrants are portrayed through comics.

Name: Susan Jo
Subject: Math Links
Date: Wed Mar 15 17:29:11 EST 2000
Graphing,,A Sample Lesson from Math Dork using shockwave

Square Roots,, A description of radicals

Factoring the difference of two squares,, Methods of factoring

Factoring binomials,, Methods of factoring

Factoring with a constant positive term,, Factoring methods

Factoring with a negative constant term,, Factoring methods

Scientific Calculator,, Calculator

Cartoons,, Cartoon on Pi

Cartoons,, Cartoons with Math

Name: Howard
Subject: Physics Links for Middle School and High School Students
Date: Fri Mar 17 00:28:16 EST 2000

  • Bang! Boing! Pop!? This is an interactive physics tutor, best-suited for 7th through 12th graders with no prior experience in physics.

  • Fizzics Fizzle This is a PHENOMENAL SITE, that is categorized according to what level physicist you are: beginner, intermediate, or advanced. Plus, this site has a separate section for COOL TOPICS! CHECK THEM OUT!

  • Fizzix is Phun This site has excellent definitions for physics terms and equations.

  • Physics Homepage for Glenbrook South This is the homepage for the honors physics course held at Glenbrook South School. The homepage for their non-honors course (which also has great GIF animations) can be reached by clicking here. Unless you are a student at the school, you cannot access their online problems or conceptual modules. All visitors are able to access their phenomenal GIF animations and QuickTime movies with accompanying explanations, and quizzes (with answers).

  • Conceptual Physics This is the official site that accompanies Paul Hewitt's "Conceptual Physics" textbook. This textbook is used in many high school physics courses.

  • Light Cone Comprehensive introduction to the theories of relativity. Includes image and movie files.

  • Optical Illusions A collection of optical illusions.

  • Physics is Phun! This site teaches students who have a had trigonometry, the following three topics: Projectile motion, electrodynamics, and momentum in two dimensions. The site also contains problems and an interactive game relating to each of these concepts.

    Physicists and Research Centers

  • Einstein This site deals with Einstein; the man and his theories.

  • FermiLab Particle physics is performed at FermiLab. Explores basic particles and forces of nature.

    Where to go to Get Physics Questions Answered

  • How Things Work This interactive site allows visitors to ask questions about how and why certain things are as they are. The site also lists previous questions and one can learn a lot from reading what people have asked and the accompanying answers. A VERY interesting site!

  • Mad Scientist Network Allows you to pose questions to scientists online.

    Other Jump Sites for Physics Links!

  • Frank Potter's Physical Science Links Page filled with thousands of links to websites regarding physics concepts. The sites are categorized according to the material covered and appropriate grade level.

  • Science Education Resources Contains links to science websites, demonstrations, software, and ways to ask scientists your questions!

    This page was created by Howard Glasser in March 2000.

    Name: Melissa Kobelin
    Subject: 5 senses sites
    Date: Sun Mar 19 19:18:24 EST 2000
    5 Senses Sites

    Links to Interesting 5 Senses Sites

    Name: Nicki L. Pollock
    Subject: Web Project
    Date: Mon Mar 20 15:54:34 EST 2000
    I am going to be working on a class webpage for my 7th grade life science class. My webpage search is in the very beginning stages, but here are some resources I'm looking at right now:

    All About Birds,,  This site is from Enchanted - it provides general characteristics about birds and also has specialized topics.

    All About Mammals,, This site is from Enchanted - it provides general characteristics of mammals and also has specialized topics.

    The Life of Birds,, By David Attenborough and sponsored by PBS, this site takes you through many different aspects of birds such as their evolution and current ways of living. Official State Birds,, This site provides very in depth information about all of the state birds, including Pennsylvania.

    Name: Anne King
    Subject: Professional Resources
    Date: Mon Mar 20 16:10:22 EST 2000
    Professional Resources
    Professional Resources

    For the past two summers I have worked at The Educational Policy and Issues Center EPI-Center in Pittsburgh. The EPI-Center focuses on four main areas: competent graduates, strong beginnings, benchmarking and reporting, and public engagement and information. They have partnerships with all of the different constituents in education. While there, I have uncovered lots of interesting sites for educators.

    Some of the organizations and projects I have worked on are listed below. They mainly focus on school to work. They are:
    Commission for Workforce ExcellenceThe Commission works to develop a workforce that meets the needs of Allegheny County employers.

    Southwestern Pennsylvania Connection

    One of our most critical resources is the Pennsylvania School Profiles. Every PA public school is requested to fill out a questionnaire and submit critical information, including test scores. This site is easy to navigate with schools broken down by name, school district, and Intermediate Unit.

    While researching for our report, I found that there are a lot of helpful resources at the national level which then provide either local groups or ways to work to change education in a more community based approach. The federal Department of Education provides many good resources and makes great attempts to pull different groups together to form more comprehension resources and materials. There is now a national award winning teacher, Terry Dozier, who is a special advisor to Secretary Riley on teaching.

    The National Education Association is a good site to browse for responses and resources around current topics.

    There are also good resources for those of us going into elementary and early childhood education. At the national level, The National Association for the Education of Young Children is a wonderful site and has many useful publications and links. The Children's Defense Fund (Marian Wright Edelman is speaking at BMC's graduation!), National Association of Child Advocates, and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children are more general sites that are working for the best interests of our children.

    As for the teaching profession itself, there are lots of sites and groups that are working to improve that aspect of education.

    One site, The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards helps not only educate teachers but also allows for national certification. This certification is not yet feasible for all teachers due to both the high cost and the enormous time committment in preparing a very comprehensive portfolio. Some states, though not all, do offer monetary and other benefits to achieving national certification.

    Very quickly, some other good sites for the teaching profession are: National Commission on Teaching and America's Future headed by Linda Darling-Hammond and National Partnership for Excellence and Accountability in Teaching.

    That's all I have for now. I have other sites that I would like to share but time does not permit me to include them here now. Thanks!
    Name: Gil Rosenberg
    Subject: Writing in Math Links
    Date: Sat Mar 25 16:16:31 EST 2000
    Gil Rosenberg's Writing Math Link Page Useful Links for Writing and Mathematics

    by Gil Rosenberg

    Links for Students:

  • Excerpts from A Short Guide to Writing Mathematics

    Professor Steve Maurer wrote an as yet unpublished guide to writing math for undergraduates. He has links to several excerpts, which are useful and well written. Professor Maurer also gives information about obtaining a complete copy of the manuscript.

  • Writing in Mathematics

    By Dr. Annalisa Crannell at Franklin & Marshall College, this page is useful for both students and teachers. In addition to providing many paper assignments she has used, the page also contains advice to students on writing style, use of the computer in writing math, and paper writing in general.

  • Writing Mathematics the Oxford Way

    This is an excerpt from a study guide on the University of Oxford Mathematical Institute web page. It has more advice for students who want to improve their mathematical style and use mathematical terms, concepts, and symbols correctly in their writing.

  • Guidelines for Writing Mathematics

    More good ideas from people who know. You can download the file from the Illinois State University Mathematics Department.

    Links for Teachers:

  • Math Forum Discussions on Math and Writing

    A small section of the many resources of the math forum, this page is the starting point for looking up questions, answers, and discussions on using writing in the teaching of mathematics. In the teacher2teacher section, these pages are primarily helpful for math instructors.

  • Mathematics Journals

    A guide for teachers to implementing a journal writing program in mathematics classes. Discusses why to use writing as well as how.

  • Review of Writing Math - Countryman (1992)

    A summary of Joan Countryman's book, Writing to Learn Mathematics. The book discusses reasons for and methods of using writing in math classes. The book is worth reading, but lacking the that the summary is nice, too.

    Here's a reference for the book:
    Countryman, J. (1992). Writing to Learn Mathematics. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann

  • Resources for Writing in Mathematics Classes

    This is a bibliography of printed texts (journal articles, mostly in publications of the Mathematical Association of America). I haven't read them all and can't vouch for them.

  • Writing to Learn Mathematics

    By L. Diane Miller, this is an article which contain themes similar to those in Countryman's book: why and how one should use writing in math class.