Notes from the Consolidation Meeting
March 11, 2004
Representatives from each of the community forums met on March 11, 2004 at the offices of UC Green to consolidate work produced by the four principle forums. Working from the combined list of principles (Word format) they developed a framework for the draft principles (Word format). This framework follows.

40th Street: Creating unity while maintaining diversity

Urban mix:
Promote and sustain a rich urban mix of people, cultures, class, race and gender with shops, services, arts and culture that reflects a vibrant sense of place.
* People
* Class
* Gender
* Shops
* Retail/housing
* Diversity

40th street is a place that connects people and communities through social, educational, and cultural synergy.
[blurring distinctions between people and institutions; blurring geographic ends
[public space -v- controlled space
[transportation, pedestrian friendly, public transportation, cars
* The different ends of the corridor
* Existing systems (political, social, community)
* Among groups of people
* Avenues of communication
* Cross-cultural

Equitable economic development that supports business:
Promote a strong equitable business environment for both existing and new businesses on the corridor.
* Small businesses
* Existing businesses
* Living wages
* Local people and businesses

Quality of Life:
To improve and maintain the safety and cleanliness of the corridor as a basis for reinforcing its [sic] ____ and vibrant nature.
* Safety
* Lighting
* Junkies and panhandlers
* Traffic light timing
* Accessibility
* Streetscape

40th street is defined by a diversity of uses and customers that celebrates the West Philly character of the corridor.
* Trolley
* Plaza
* Street life
* 24/7
* Kids

Sustain the process:
Create a community-based process that will ensure continued consultation, communication, dialogue and promotion to sustain a viable vision for the future.
* Communications
* Public relations
* community meetings
* Networking
* Cross-cultural

© 2004, 40th Street Community Forum and Serendip