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Thinking About Segregation and Integration Forum

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Name: Paul Grobstein
Date: 2004-01-03 12:00:14
Link to this Comment: 7585

Welcome to the forum area for discussion of Thinking About Segregation and Integration
An Interactive Scientific Exploration Using Models
Like other Serendip forums, this is a place to share thoughts and ideas, to see what other people are thinking that might change how you think and to leave things you are thinking that might change how others think. Its not a place for "being right", but rather a place for "getting it less wrong". Together.

If you've played with the models and have some thoughts resulting from them, by all means post them here. Suggestions for links to other relevant sites and materials are also welcome. However you're inclined, let's see what sense we can make together of segregation and integration, and of the use of models to explore such matters.

Changing attitudes
Name: Kevin Esmo
Date: 2004-03-25 14:31:21
Link to this Comment: 8997

I found the model to be extremely interesting, but I did wonder about one thing. The comment was made that "...because unhappy people move randomly, a segregated environment results nonetheless." But isn't there something to be said for an individual who might seek out 50% similarity, find it unattainable, and learn to accept an alternative? In other words, someone in an integrated neighborhood may desire more similarity among his/her neighbors, but may not have the means to relocate. Do we have a way to alot for attitudes changing over time among those who find themselves in an integrated community? Do we presume these attitudes are unchanging?

Segregation and Integration Exhibit
Name: Susan Dorf
Date: 2006-07-10 16:04:03
Link to this Comment: 19724

i found this model very interesting in light of a book I am reading by Dr. Joanne deak, "Girls will be Girls". Dr. Deak was called in as a school pyschologist to speak with a group of girls, students of color and specifically African American, who were sitting together at lunch. She approached the conversation with these seniors and juniors from the point of view that sitting together was not their choice. She asked them what she could do to make them more comfortable sitting with white students at their tables. The students patiently explained that they chose to sit together at lunch. They gave the analogy of travelling in a country where the language and culture are quite different from your own. If you walked into a restaurant and saw a table of Americans would you want to join them? Deak had to admit that she would. The students explained that they feel as though they are in a different culture in their predominantly white school and choose the comfort of each others company at lunch. They are in class and in all acivities with the white students and feel the need to relax with each other during lunch. While working on the model, I thought about the need for the parameters of the model to change under different circumstances. The African American students prefered integration at all other times in school except lunch where their preference was for segregation. I could see this changing preference as people think about the neighborhoods in which they live versus the churches in which they worship. Perhaps some would choose an integrated neighborhood adn a segregated church or some percentage that reflected their preferences under different conditions. This exhibit would be very useful in Life Skills classes or history classes where populations and cultures are explored. It certainly caused me to rethink the choices I have made for myself and my children. When my chilren were exploring college choices, my husband and I, who are both Jewish, decided that a college had to have at least 10% students of Jewish background for us to feel safe for them. We wanted them to feel that there would be some others who would understand the holidays they would observe.

I also enjoyed the Thinking exhibit and imagine my Middle School students enjoying it as well.

Name: the homele
Date: 2006-09-02 11:19:40
Link to this Comment: 20247

againsorry disabled cant type..
hud trying experiment help move from ghetto , but times ar tough none to pay taxes and what is in the bank goes to war.
loook on hud website.
but like me tryin gto be in safe better environs here wher i am from cant. none in wealkthy areas takes section 8 or provides accessibel.
and remeber the less money hthe harder the times the more dsicirmiantion and leaving out.
people go ointo survival mode.
republican philosphpy is no taxes no social much for big business and war.
dems spend dollars onsocial and infa structure.
republicans despite the protests always spend more. onthings that dont last. dont make all society strong.
pullout safety net many fall through. middle class too.

watch discicrim cases in housing onth rise through hud. and even they if agency helps one group will not ding them discrim against other. survival mode . everywhere.
only when comfortable wealth then sociiety free to make positive change intergrate new ideas,care about more than individual.
most discrim and segregation is survival seperate leave out as many as poossible my success better odds.
katrina failure was killing off the poor removing not noeccessarily black issue. republicans dont want ot help. socially. its do or die for disabled esp in deep spout and red states too oftern its die. anyone got stats on number of homless suicides. no one wants to know. saves tax dollars anyway. whyno prograsm to help physically disabeld get in shelter and hosuing. dont want the welfare state. course disabeld need help several years and med care/ psyche to get back to work become productive,not being looked at.
did you know the statistics in all county welfare programs show success is simply off roles. so by death or help statisitics look the same. how do you tyhink that usually pans out fro those most in need?
see if you can find stats on number of phsyical disabeld lose section8 vouchers couldnt get help.
housing. see if youcan find stats on any homless ot hosuing programs results.
ana rea willhelp lowincome minories or disbaled and usally only developmentally delayed as they have wirttnesses and money behind them.
watchhow our gove and society create the disaparity and with welfare to work. seperate segregate.
thers now power behind red balck brown and and yellow, even gays are making great strides towards equality. (money = success in the new america)
the very low income disabeld are the new nigger.
there will always be one group. left out so others get a capitalist society .
note many jobs going global expect to seemore death and disablity and homlessness here. someone has to pay the price.
like real estate filiipers. ungodly profits in 30 days or less drive housing prices beyond reach . hre 14% of residents can aford to own a home. this is no longer america. average rent is 1.5 times my disability check. food is optional.
segreagtionand intefrationa ll depend on economoics and politics of the day.
generally anyone with enough money is now ok in mmost places.. though some just plain ignorance continues... how did terrrorists for 911 hang out in nj when i was there couldnt get help being robbed and victimized and denied social servcies i was incourt withthenm monthly . the terrorists paid cash.

Forum Archived
Name: Webmaster
Date: 2007-04-26 12:15:34
Link to this Comment: 21704

This forum has now been archived and is closed to new postings. If you are interested in continuing the conversation, please contact Serendip.

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