Making Sense of Change 2005 Forum
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Welcome!--to the beginning of the universe
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-07-05 15:34:53
Link to this Comment: 15372 |
Welcome to the forum for the 2005 Summer Institute on "Making Sense of Change." Like other on-line forums on Serendip, this is not a place for formal writing, but a space for sharing our ideas, our stories, our thoughts in progress. Think of it as "spelling-free, punctuation-free, grammar-free, structure-free"--and as a place where you can come back and revise your thinking in public. The idea here is not to worry too much about how we're expressing our thoughts--just to get 'em out here for us all to enjoy and learn from. So relax, say what you're thinking, read what others are thinking...and let's see where we go.
The first story we'd like you to tell in this space a *small* one about a very *large* topic: how would you go about describing the beginning of the universe to your class—or to your own children at a certain age? How would you get started? How would you tell the story? What would you emphasize?
How did the universe begin?
Name: Teresa Al Date: 2005-07-20 13:08:42
Link to this Comment: 15601 |
Young children, pre-K and K, have many questions about the natural world in which they live. Their questions pertain to the specifics of the physical world and phenomenon of their life experience. This questioning usually proceeds from details about a specific phenomenon to questions of "why?...," and "how?..." for which there is often not a definitive answer. It is my experience that this natural, unsatiable curiosity of childhood can be addressed through oral stories and open-ended questioning.
I would include discussion about the origin of the universe as an introduction to our study of the solar system. A balloon and two shoeboxes would be used as props to tell a story about how the universe began. First, I would ask the children where they think that everything, explaining that everything is called "the universe", originated. After hearing their ideas, I would transition into a story about how some people think the universe began. In the course of the story I would show shoe box painted black inside, a balloon, and a shoebox painted with stars and planets to help the children connect with the ideas. When I concluded the story I would ask questions of the children to ascertain their comprehension of the story. Over several days, I would retell the story again. At some point the the term "Big Bang Theory" would be introduced and ascertain their revised ideas about the origin of the universe. During these exploratory days the children and I could write dictated stories about how they think the universe began.
Origin of the universe
Name: Julie Will Date: 2005-07-22 13:42:10
Link to this Comment: 15623 |
In sixth grade, this subject gets a little tricky, because many students are at a point in their lives when they are focusing on their religious education, (bar/bat mitzvah, confirmation, etc.) so I always need to give a bit of a disclaimer when I teach the origin of anything. I would begin by clearly saying that we will be discussing the SCIENTIFIC theory of the origin of the universe, and that since it is a theory, they may have their own theory of how the science came to be. (We usually spend a good 10 minutes discussing this...) I would then go into how scientists believe that over 15 billion years ago, in what we now consider the universe, there was a "big bang"- a giant explosion when everything we now consider to be part of the universe was compacted, and then exploded. Over the billions of years since, the matter clumped together to form the stars, galaxies, and several billion years ago, our own solar system. I would probably try to come up with a demostration that involves the class packing stuff into a container until it can't take any more and then forcefully "explodes" so that the students get an idea of how something small can explode into something vast. Then we would discuss the topic further.
Originof Our Universe
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-07-25 07:15:31
Link to this Comment: 15627 |
Origin of Our Universe
The knowledge that we have today regarding the origin and age of the universe is the result of several theories were scrutinized and searched with extraordinary efforts of several determined scientists. Much of what we know is still only a speculation. But with the invention of powerful and different types of telescopes we come a long way from Galileo’s time.
Well accepted by many scientists and supported by discoveries we have one strong theory available to us is the Big Bang theory. About 15 billion years ago a tremendous explosion took place and universe started expanding. At that time even the matter and energy were thought to be with an atom. The explosion was event where spilling of all the particles of the embryonic universe rushing away from each other with extraordinary amount of heat. There were no atoms, only particles like electrons, photons, and neutrionos were present, which are nothing but particles filled with energy. These particles started moving with tremendous speed in all directions.
As universe expanded further and started cooling, the particles with energy, called collectively as baryons became the building blocks of matter and life. When the universe cooled to 3000 billion degrees of Kelvin, approximately three minutes after explosion, the particles started joining the neutrons and electrons were interacted with each other to form protons and neutrons, which are the basis for formation of hydrogen. Hydrogen interacted with other protons to form helium. Now these gases are present in all of the stars planets and the space in between them in the ratio of 1:10, hydrogen to helium.
Even though what we know is much of speculative of the past of vast time, we understand the formation of these atoms of gases in the laboratories. In the beginning the universe was smoother, hotter and smaller compared to what it is.
Edwin Hubble is known as the father of Big Bang theory. He was the first one to realize that there were other galaxies. He discovered the expansion of the universe, by applying the common physical equation, distance over velocity equaling time, Hubble calculated the time with which the galaxies are traveling away from each other. Hubble again explained this movement of galaxies from each other as the red shift.
With this much basic knowledge and with the help different types of powerful telescopes, scientists are looking into gaining much more information regarding the origin and he nature and the future of the universe.
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-07-25 08:17:43
Link to this Comment: 15628 |
I would imagine that I would be providing this explanation to a small child perhaps elementary aged. Not necessarily wanting to bombard him or her with too much abstact information on the subject, I would simply suggest that what we are able to see in sky at night is not exactly at the same place it was the night before. The stars have moved just a little. Because the stars are so far away, it seems as though they have not moved at all. I would also say that these stars have been around for a very long time and have continued to move each night. I would add that some stars even have tiny planets around them that they sort of tend to carry with them as they are moving. Finally, I would add that many years ago, the stars and were all at the same place like a very large ball.
Name: Date: 2005-07-25 08:55:04
Link to this Comment: 15629 |
How I describe cosmology to my classroom is that I teach it as one type of story or theory. If a student has thoughts or ideas about the cosmos I would address it. I also do not get very heavy into it because I can not teach the theology background. I usually do not spend much time in this area.
Beginnings of a Universe
Name: Date: 2005-07-25 09:06:37
Link to this Comment: 15630 |
Beginnings of a Universe
Name: Connie Date: 2005-07-25 09:15:57
Link to this Comment: 15631 |
I teach third grade in an urban setting, so I have learned to take nothing for granted. Beginning an abstract lesson of "where" we all come from is an abstract question for adults let alone third graders. I would begin with what the students know. What is a universe? We would brainstorm words that come to mind when thinking about a universe and write them on chart paper. We would then discuss how things evolve in our own universe by discussing how things change in their world. How do they do things differently today at the age of nine then when they were just a bitty toddler. I read a few other posts about the "Great Big Bang Theory" but I think it is important to fill the students with wonder at third grade at the begining of such as abstract lesson and then use their questions to drive instruction. To introduce a delicate topic such as evolution needs to be handled with care due to many parent's feelings and beliefs.
Thanks for reading,
the universe
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-25 09:40:25
Link to this Comment: 15633 |
I introduced my own children to Bible stories, myths, and looking and wondering about nature. I told them what I'd been told (the Genesis story)and told them about my questions.
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-07-25 10:19:26
Link to this Comment: 15634 |
I teach reading on the elementary school level so I havent had to discuss this topic with any of my classes. As for myself Ive usually subscribed to the idea of the "big bang" theory as the start of the universe. As for the idea of change, I find that change is constant. Change is a part of everything in the universe. If there isnt any change, nothing evolves.
In the beginning?
Name: Wil Frankl Date: 2005-07-25 10:20:02
Link to this Comment: 15635 |
I'm uncomfortable with the Big Bang Theory. What came before the Bang? I believe the science/observations behind the theory...Red Shift, carbon/radioactive dating etc, but I still find it lacking. Lately, string theory has suggested multiple universes and many more dimensions than we can intuit and this resonates with me. I find comfort in the notion of infinity...no beginning, no end. It seems to me the Big Bang is just the beginning of some cycle that is an infinite loop. If the Big Band Theory could incorporate this idea, then it would fit much better with my deepest intuitions.
Origin and Change??
Name: Tiffany Wi Date: 2005-07-25 10:22:19
Link to this Comment: 15636 |
As a 6th grade learning support teacher I have not had to engage my students on this topic. I would introduce curriculum mandated material as a story, emphasizing that my students DO NOT have to accept it as truth...
As a 22 year old SpEd teacher away from all that I know and love, change is wonderful and terrifying. As days go on and I try to make plans for the next steps in my life...I have learned that while change is CONSTANT, it is something that I can not always prepare for.
Name: CYNTHIA HE Date: 2005-07-25 10:27:03
Link to this Comment: 15637 |
7-25-05 Comments: God shares His universe with us
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-07-25 10:28:03
Link to this Comment: 15638 |
The only lasting truth is Christ. Therefore, on Christ, The Solid Rock, I stand.
God is not change. He is stability. God embraces change, especially that which brings us closer to Him via the walk of our daily life. Our walk must include (but not be limited to) literally feeding the poor, clothing the naked, visiting the imprisioned, encouraging the downtrodden, and supporting the prosperity of the poor.
In the beginning was God. Then, God created. God IS the big bang and this, not He, is a theory.
Science (fact) explores the universe, of which Earth is a part. Students (which all of us are as life learners) begin life confused when taught so many reasons for our existance. We are then left with the awesome task of figuring out which reason to embrace and thus we see the world and universe from that perspective. How frustrated humanity must be (evidently is by all the violence in the world (which is basically over identity and territory) because of the choices to chose from and the choices we make.
God always was, is, and will be. God is stable. Change is constant.
Oriigin of the Universe
Name: Claudette Date: 2005-07-25 10:29:59
Link to this Comment: 15639 |
How did it all begin? I have used the term 'a creator', of a vast dark area which has been illuninated by moving objects and some how water is involved. This statement posed the next question, how did we get here on 'Earth'? It was shared with me in front of the Atlantic Ocean, during a beach vacation that 'we' come from water. What is the commonality among man, plants,and animals? They all require water to exist, grow, reproduce, and survive.
The universe and change
Name: Kate Shine Date: 2005-07-25 10:30:23
Link to this Comment: 15640 |
As I have very little experience with teaching, I am not sure how I would present the origin of the universe in a school. I think Randall's idea seems very useful. Perhaps I could present a lesson about the actual people who made the observations leading to the current scientific story and what their assumptions were, and how their understanding evolved. This method may be less threatening as it presents science as story and gives some insight into the skeptical minds of scientists- showing students that they are also expecting to be skeptical, not to accept the current story as unchanging truth.
My own relationship with change is quite complicated, as is probably the case with most of us. Some of my favorite lyrics at the moment are these: "If there was a better way to go then it would find me, I can't help if the road just rolls up behind me...I'm good at being uncomfortable, so I can't stop changing all the time." I do think that I am very good at being uncomfortable and that I don't avoid confrontation, and that this trait has led to much positive change in my life. At the same time I know that change is often very uncomfortable, especially for children...a certain amount of routine is grounding.
Name: Yaena Park Date: 2005-07-25 15:25:04
Link to this Comment: 15644 |
Since when I was very little, or to make it more accurate, since I was born, my family moved a lot. I remember at least twelve different apartments/houses we lived in and I went to four different elementary schools. My neighbors were constantly changing, my friends were changing and my teachers were changing. I have to admit it wasn't always comfortable being in different places, but there was always excitement of going to and starting at a new place. I guess I enjoyed the both uneasiness and thrill that a new place has to offer (And plus, I didn't have much choice other than moving with my family, so I got to accept the "change" as a part of my life).
Even when the choice of staying in one place or moving to another was given to me, I chose to shake it up, once again. I came to the states to attend a boarding school in California (from Korea, where I was born and grew up) and even further, came to college here in Pennsylvania.
I'd never stayed in one place for more than two years, except in my boarding school, so I don't really have a place to call a "hometown". When people ask me where my home is, I'm not sure how to answer the question. For me, "home" is not a physical place, but more of a social concept. "Home" is where my family is. One of the reasons I didn't hate moving around in my childhood was because within those changes, I had a very stable thing I could go back whenever I wanted to and needed to: my family. In different houses, I could feel secure and stable because my family was always there for me. When I left my homeland, I wasn't scared because I knew I had a "home" to go back to. My "home" is a very changeable yet stable concept.
Thinking about "change" and my childhood made me realize how much I do enjoy having changes. I often forget that when I deal with little things such as staying in the same seat in a class everyday or using the same stall when I go to the bathroom. What is it in me that seeks for changes and stabilities at the same time?
Another good example that shows the binary concepts of "change" is found from Mark Twain's Life on the Mississippi that Paul introduced to the Brain and Behaviour Institution.
Reporting in from Day One: Change on a BIG scale
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-07-25 17:22:49
Link to this Comment: 15645 |
I feel as though my head is exploding! Thanks so much to Liz for today's rich session--I learned a lot and left w/ a lot more to think about. One thing I'm thinking about is how the morning's lecture could be made accessible to elementary, middle and high school students. Do you guys have ideas for activities which would make these concepts engaging to your students? Ways to make cosmology experiential as well as observational, interactive as well as visual? Are there things you might ask your students to do with the movement of their own bodies, or other manipulatable objects, which would help them get a grip on the accelerating movement of bodies through space?
I thoroughly enjoyed--and know I will use in my own classrooms--the three activities we used in the afternoon:
observing the characteristics of one another (as we altered our appearance),
- observing eggs (which seem so similar, but are amazingly and recognizably distinctive), and
- observing galaxies (which can be categorized in a number of different ways).
I really like the way in which each exercise both resembled and was distinct from the one before. (And I would still like to know more about this matter of "handedness"--do different galaxies actually spin in different directions? And if so, how did they come to do so? Does it matter, in any significant way, that they do so?)
The more concrete (and larger) teaching-and-learning issues I came away with (and will return to) have to do with questions about "causing changes." You can "force them," as Liz forced us to "change" our appearance. But what are the ways of motivating change "from the inside"? Of getting kids who are "competitive," or just not interested, to think about "collaborating" to make accurate reports and interpretations of data? Of starting with what does interest them....?
We'll begin our session on Tuesday morning by going around and hearing from each of you on what today was like for you, and what you took away with you. Post here, please, before we begin:
- What was new or unfamiliar to you?
- What was relevant (or not) to your own classroom?
- How might you change/re-package/spin the material we covered today to interest and engage your students?
- How would you get good feedback on the effectiveness of such a lesson?
Looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and to continuing the conversation....
A Changing Cosmos
Name: Wil Frankl Date: 2005-07-26 07:57:10
Link to this Comment: 15647 |
I want to thank all for the rich discussions…plenty of new questions to ponder. One that is particularly evocative is the question of how interactions with the environment and/or other individuals affect one’s ability to change. Our familiarity and trust in our surroundings seem to inhibit change, while in other instances it seems to foster change. Where is the line between fostering versus inhibiting? As change is a measure of learning I would like to nurture change in my classroom…so, do I create a familiar, comfortable environment or do I impose unfamiliar situations? I am reminded of my travels and how stimulating new environments can be, yet I eventually yearn for home where I can assimilate all that is new. Is it possible to create a safe environment in which to be uncomfortable?
The topic/content of the day was a little challenging. I understand the concepts, I just don’t fully understand how the cosmologist actually know what they claim with regards to distances and thus age of the cosmos. I will follow up on the web links that discuss that topic. The activities that we played with in the afternoon were useful and thought provoking. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the first activity (changing appearances) with the egg activity. The first required the observer to make sense of on-going change, while the second made the observer find differences in an objects that seemed the same – in a sense to impose a change on an object? The active process of the activity made it easy for me to envision applying these activities in one of the first days of my intro lab courses in order to stimulate conversations about the nature of science. Thanks again, looking forward to more exploration.
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-07-26 09:13:21
Link to this Comment: 15649 |
The applications in the afternoon which explored change and the scientific process were quite interesting. Debriefing after each exercise illuminated the internal aspects of the scientific process and brought to consciousness the intricate parts of scientific exploration. As Liz mentioned, the content of her presentation highlighted the preeminent role of observation in scientific endeavors. The day was quite enjoyable, informative, and professional presented.
The Cosmos
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-07-26 09:21:49
Link to this Comment: 15650 |
Talk about getting "lost in the stars"....I found the subject of the cosmos/astronomy to be very interesting. Even though I dont teach any of the sciences, I think children would find the subject fascinating and fun to learn about through interactive games and other fun ways that would keep their attention.
Day 1
Name: jwilliams Date: 2005-07-26 09:22:18
Link to this Comment: 15651 |
Yesterday was interesting for me. As a science teacher, cosmology is definitely my weak point- probably from lack of knowledge. It was refresing to find that some large concepts can effectively be taught at a lower level. I personally left with a better understanding of how the universe has been evolving over time, and feel that I could effectively explain that to my 6th graders.
I also enjoyed the observation activities and will certainly use them in my class; probably to better the student's observation skills during our unit on the scientific method.
As far as getting feedback, I think that the debriefing is an excellent way to get feedback. The enthusiasm that a student expresses when participating in the debriefing is a great way to feel out how the lesson was received as well as whether the important concepts were grasped.
7-26-05 Comments: All change is learning.
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-07-26 09:23:38
Link to this Comment: 15652 |
Thank you Liz for excellent engagement activities, which we should share with colleagues and students. Yesterday I had fun!
Change allows us to get it more right, thus less wrong. All change is an opportunity for learning. It is important to know what is not right and/or does not work, in order to make progess by learning what is right and does work. Progess depends on error yielding trials in order to get closer to correctness. Thus, in errors progress is made...if we learn from our mistakes and/or those of others.
There is no harm in getting kicked (making mistakes), as long as you are positioned in the right direction, so when you get kicked you are kicked into your blessings.
Cosmology Session
Name: J. Odom Date: 2005-07-26 09:26:50
Link to this Comment: 15653 |
I found yesterday's session to be very interesting and very informative. I would still need more information on how to apply this difficult topic. I can see adapting this to a high school class but I would have some difficulty bringing the language down to a middle or even to an elementary level. I especially enjoyed the play time and would have liked to see more of that.
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-07-26 09:27:30
Link to this Comment: 15654 |
Expanding space, red shift, galaxy classification, these topics are quite interesting for those who already inclined to study the space sciences. But for those who only possess a passing interest, these topics may be a little too abstract. The techniques for measurements that support what we are learning in this area are perhaps equally too advanced. There are, however, fascinating things about the space sciences that will pique just about anoyone's curiousity, Topics such as the limits of space travel and science fiction in film. What was mentioned yesterday about the absence of sound in space and the "faux pas" films depict during explosions is really quite weird (but in a good way). Maybe we could have gotten into similar discussions about the realities of space occurrences. Nevertheless, the handouts will prove be to quite useful in the preparation of future classroom activities and efforts to help students improve in the area of making critical observations.
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-07-26 09:31:10
Link to this Comment: 15655 |
I enjoyed the presentation onchanges that is taking place in the universe. I laernt a great deal through attending the hands-on sessions which taught me regarding the keen observation skills. this defenitely brought changes in my thinking and how to accept the dhange that is taking place around me.
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-07-26 09:34:00
Link to this Comment: 15656 |
Name: connie kan Date: 2005-07-26 09:34:25
Link to this Comment: 15657 |
I enjoyed the interactive learning with the class and Liz. Observing and taking note of change, which was imposed on us was a learning experience within itself. The observation of eggs was interesting and a I will implement the importance of teamwork to create a win win situation within the classroom.
The Penny
Name: cleat Date: 2005-07-26 12:17:28
Link to this Comment: 15658 |
Our experiment with the penny was interesting. For someone who hated Chemistry in school, I still find it a fascinating subject. One thing that I did find interesting was the the rate of change in the penny. It cleaned quickly, yet took longer to change color in the petrie dish, and took no time to turn to gold. Much like life, some change comes very slowly and some comes mighty fast!
Golding Copper Pennies
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-26 12:23:08
Link to this Comment: 15659 |
Although I followed directions, my penny still had tarnish on it after I heated it. That was better than my first penny, it wouldn't even turn silver. I feel very successful, i got it less wrong! I also learned to choose a less tarnished penny at the start.
7-26-05 P.M. Comments: Fun!
Name: Date: 2005-07-26 12:52:15
Link to this Comment: 15661 |
Our students will love this. I know I did. I do, however, prefer to work alone, because varibles manifest themselves when you work in pairs or groups. An example...some don't read or follow the directions.
Isn't this the experience of our students as well?
Great activity for us and our students.
Thanks Terry.
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-07-26 14:36:27
Link to this Comment: 15663 |
alchemy experiments
Name: Claudette Date: 2005-07-26 14:36:39
Link to this Comment: 15664 |
To achieve change, I had to try and try again in a sytematic process to transform an old, dirty, copper, penny to a shinny gold keepsake. Making sense of this change required me to 'go with the flow' to meet success.
Acidic water
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-26 14:37:51
Link to this Comment: 15665 |
Why is it that experiments are so doable when I'm the student, but the same experiments seemed so invovled from the other side of the table?
Acidic water
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-26 14:39:59
Link to this Comment: 15666 |
Why is it that experiments are so doable when I'm the student, but the same experiments seemed so invovled from the other side of the table?
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-07-26 14:52:59
Link to this Comment: 15667 |
Acid Rain Exp.
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-26 14:53:45
Link to this Comment: 15668 |
The ease with which we aare able to make "acid rain" in the lab seems to cry out for our envirnmemtal consciousness. The damage of acid rain destroys the matals in our envirnment and eventually adds more acid/metal byproducts into the water source, air source and the elements within ourselves. I often wonder why more people are not active in lobbying for more legislation for cleaner air quality. What will happen when it no longer takes decades for statues to be destroyed, when it happen in five years or less????? How long does it take to reverse the effects of acid rain? How long would it take for cleaner air laws actully to restore air quality?????? How much longer will it take for the LA and Toyko style smog to cover all of North America and Asia?????????
I am glad God promiced a new Heaven and a new Earth. In tht time, we will get to see what things were supposed to be like.
Chemical reactions
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-07-26 14:55:10
Link to this Comment: 15669 |
This material is very interesting and fun to do! It is fun to experiment on the environment, to postulate what will happen, and then be engaged in the process of experimentation. For the early childhood classroom, experimentation is quite appropriate. All of these experiments are appropriate, in simple form, for young children to see how materials change and modify when acted upon. It also provides the experience to learn vocabulary with meaning, young children learn and utilize this vocabulary quite easily. For use in the classroom, the experiments need to be simple and focused on teaching a single concept with appropriate vocabulary. OVer time, the presentation of a series of experiments can teach the children appropriate terms and methods for the conduction of experiments. If actual scientific materials, like beakers, can be used the relevant vocabulary for the materials can also be taught. In other words, it is possible to coordinate many scientific experiments for the early childhood classroom.
Chemistry Activities
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-07-26 15:02:30
Link to this Comment: 15672 |
Kids are always eager to see stuff happen. This is one of the benefits to instruction in chemistry. The ideal thing though is the crafting of the lesson so that the concept can easily be explained afterwards. The really great thing is getting the student to the point that she can express in some manner the implications of the learned concept. This is where we find the true value of the educational process. Again, the activities presented today required only a minimal expense, so their use in the classroom can be readily included. Also, each activity posed a varying degree of learning, so the activity can address different levels of knowledge appropriate to a student's age.
New and exciting . . .
Name: Tiffany Wi Date: 2005-07-26 15:50:20
Link to this Comment: 15673 |
While I wont have the pleasure of teaching science next year as a resource teacher... I have enjoyed participating in all of today’s activities. These activities seem to promote student inquiry.
Acid rain & marble
Name: Connie Date: 2005-07-26 15:54:00
Link to this Comment: 15674 |
It was amazing to see the reaction of the marble being place in the ACOH bath. There was a quick display of fine bubble rising from underneath the marble. Over the marble there was a fine haze of gray almost dustlike continually swirling directly on top of the marble. I wonder if the haze will continue overnight.
The day was exciting and filled with opportunities that I will be able to share with my students in the future. I enjoyed measuring and being methodical. Our children thrive off specific clear directions. By modeling appropriate techniques the students will increase their knowledge and the importance of being careful and specific. Providing a comfortable secure environment in which the students can grow and discover the scientific nature is a gift that will inspire them to learn and seek knowledge.
Name: Saroja nad Date: 2005-07-26 15:57:52
Link to this Comment: 15675 |
It is an interesting reactin to see copper penny turning into gold penny. Very defficult concept, oxidation reduction, was very easily explained through this simple expriment. Visible changes helps the students to observe the changes every easily. I donot know how much this helps to understand the difficulties and the struggles of the earlier scientists.
Acid and base experiment gives greater chance for being more accurate and careful in the process. Gives a chance to think of what we can eat and what we have to be careful about the diet anbd the drinks. It is great c onnection to environmental science.
Getting it Less Wrong???
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-26 16:03:36
Link to this Comment: 15676 |
We spent two weeks wrapping our brains around getting things less wrong...then this week we return to the experiment format with expectated results. My poor brain is smoking!!!!!! How can the concept of getting it less wrong translate to experimantation and safety rules? Are we as teacher setting ur kids up to be afraid of science and afraid to get it wrong? What happens to creativity and facilitated, gradually scafoldded discovery?
As I am trying to make sence of the changes between Summer Institutes, I feel that today's lab return us to the correct answer, experiment format. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Is this what it feel like to our students to move from a more abstract style techer to a more linear, conservative style teacher??????????
Chemistry Session
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-07-26 16:23:03
Link to this Comment: 15677 |
I enjoyed today because I really like Chemistry. I enjoyed the activities, I think, because I was more familiar with the topic. Terry was excellent! Most of the activities I have already done but it is also good to see them from a different perspective! There are a lot of intertactive web sites that not only teachers but also students can find and use creatively to teach various strands/standards. Again, this day was an excercise of getting things less wrong! I think that we need to think out of the box more in chemistry. The "proper direction" using and following a text, is not
always necessary. Sometimes we need to give less direction/script and allow them to explore. This will lead to new and exciting things that were not expected, that to me is change/learning!
Name: jwilliams Date: 2005-07-26 19:30:26
Link to this Comment: 15678 |
It was nice to see and experience today how a scary subject for many adults, chemistry, can be made fun and hands on. It was a great refresher on some of the basics that I am out of practice with, but with changes coming in my curriculum, it will be necessary for me to be more familiar and comfortable.
The acid rain activities will be particularly useful for me in my upcoming
curriculum changes that will include watersheds and environmental effects on them. I am also looking forward to enhancing an experiment we already do using BTB to determine carbon dioxide usage by plants.
Turning the penny to "gold" is a great demonstration for my students. Since we are moving toward more inquiry based curriculum, this could be a great jumping off point to learning about different types of chemical reactions. An experiment with such a fun and dramatic result is sure to generate a great deal of question as to why and how it happened.
As far as assessment is concerned, it is important not to assess the students on their results, because as I experienced first hand today, experiments sometimes do fail. It would be more important to be certain that the students understand what happened to the penny, the color of the water, or the water in the test tube and why. It would also be useful if some students' experiments were not sucessful, so that as a class, we can examine what happened to make them not work. (Although a comfortable, safe, non-threatening environment must exist in order for this to occur...) I often tell students that more is learned from mistakes than if they got it right the first time, because they must go back and examine what they did in order to LEARN how to do it right!!
Day Two
Name: Wil Frankl Date: 2005-07-27 08:24:23
Link to this Comment: 15682 |
Electron movement between molecules is a redox reaction. Protons moving between molecules are an acid/base reaction. These processes were never before so clear to me. I wish my high school or college chemistry teachers had made it so clear. For me the content was engaging, but I would have liked to see it linked to a larger context or more open ended questions that may not have a "right" answer. As Antoinette said,
"What happens to creativity and facilitated, gradually scafoldded discovery?".
And maybe Randell was hinting at the same issue when he said,
"The ideal thing though is the crafting of the lesson so that the concept can easily be explained afterwards." If there is a "known/right" answer, what happens to the same activity if we let the students discover it or at least not tell them until after the experiment has been conducted? And what exactly does "known/right" answer mean? It implies a truth? Can science uncover truth? Is there such thing as TRUTH? At least in a scientific framework there seems only to be consensus constructed laboriously through repeatable experimentation and years of revision. The implication for me is that everyone can collaborate in the process of uncovering the consensus story/theory.
A Map of the Territory
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-07-27 14:38:40
Link to this Comment: 15685 |
We've traveled quite a distance today. We moved from Antoinette's questions this morning--about the consequences of careful, explicit, precise "scripts" for exploratory education, about the relationship between "experimentation" and "safety rules," about what happens to creativity and facilitated, gradually scafoldded discovery--to Kim's presentation this afternoon, in which she showed us how behaviorists, following the principles of reinforcement, can "guarantee" a change in behavior. We moved, in other words, from "getting it less wrong" to a clear conviction that we can get it right. (At what cost? Do we need to talk more about costs?) So...
before you leave this afternoon, please give us a "map" of how you have traversed this territory. To repeat a question from the last institute, Are we as educators actually unwittingly inhibiting learning...because we are trying to be the conductor?In other words, Might it be better to ... try to "direct" users as little as possible? Or...?
classroom management
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-07-27 14:48:18
Link to this Comment: 15686 |
Child Development
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-07-27 14:49:09
Link to this Comment: 15687 |
Today was very interesting but I needed more strategies that I could effectively use in the classroom. I need to understand how to affect change on a level were all the factors; home-life, having a stable living environment, dealing with how to survive day to day issues seem to be more important than education and learning.
7-27-05 Comments: Michael Joseph
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-07-27 15:13:49
Link to this Comment: 15688 |
I love him and I know you do too. Thanks for sharing Kim. Growing up my 'family' instilled in me that charity begins at home and spreads abroad. In this case charity equates with obedience. I believe he is being 'allowed' to do this at home, therefore it can not be expected that his behavior will be different outside of home.
True to form, this is not unlike so many children in schools globally. Teachers are often quasi-parents as well. We are the academic and social coaches for many, and in some cases most, of our charges. The problem is that we only have our students 7 hours each of 5 days per week (providing the students are regular attendees).
Those who often pose critical comments often forget that teachers work with what (who) they have been sent. We do not create these behaviors and in most cases do not support them. We accept our students as they are and where they are when they arrive.
For me students are not victims of their socio-economical circumstances, they are results of what their parents/guardians do with those resources; regardless of how affluent or downtrodden they may be. For example, I have a friend who works in a wealthy suburban school district. We often share stories. One of her many stories is that her students come to school in cars better than the staff, sell drugs daily (which is kept out of the media via the influence of their parents), and that the problems they have are no different for the inner city schools...just on a more extravagant level. One of my many stories is that students from the projects often struggle more to succeed than students from other sections of the city, and vice versa. Many students have come from the projects and have gone on to do great things. Many students have come from single or twin homes and have attended ivy league institutions and have serious issues with alcohol, drugs, sex abuse/identification, etc.
Moral: The Michael-Josephs of the world are victims of their parents/guardians not raising them, as opposed to just letting them grow up. Please note, there is a significance differnece between two.
Is it impossible at 10 years old to start setting parameters or imposing rules. It is late, but not too late or impossible. With God all things are possible!
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-07-27 15:58:30
Link to this Comment: 15689 |
Kim's class
Name: connie Date: 2005-07-27 15:59:45
Link to this Comment: 15690 |
I don't see how the behaviorists can actually change a student's behavior. If there is such a success in changing behavior, then why do the majority of school teacher's have difficulty with behavior within their environment? I think it is very important to see what motivates and drives a student. Not to find out or take into account the student's background or current situation is not my nature to develop a personal classroom. It is not that I want to be a student's "friend" or make excuses for their behavior, but I feel that it is important to know a bit about your student's desires and fears.
Behavior modification
Name: saroja. Date: 2005-07-27 16:00:27
Link to this Comment: 15691 |
We talk about the learning environment and making the classroom to be comfortable to learn. Learning also can take place inan effctive mannor if their is no disturbing element in the class room. So, it is extremly important to control the undesirable behavior in the class room. As there not much support from the family, not much support from the higher authorities, the behavior modification seems to be the only solution that we can work with. it is important to find out obout the reinforcement factor by trial and error and use ot persistantly with lots of documentations.
School behavior
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-07-27 16:00:59
Link to this Comment: 15692 |
What to do...what to do??? Behaviorism.... is it good, bad, or indifferent? Should we use it? Do we use it? I think as an educator there are various ways of handling various situations. What are the strategies? Who knows? We do what we have to do as teachers to control our classes and various individual children. Is it called behaviorism, maybe...maybe not. It may be called a host of other psychological terms...all I know is I do what I think is best for my classes and students. Much of what I do instinctively, or unconsciously has to do with how I was handled at home and in school when I was growing up. I wasnt always given a choice. I did what I was told and that was that! Children should be seen and not heard! Im from the "old school generation" and thats how I run my classroom.
Kim's presentation
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-27 16:01:55
Link to this Comment: 15693 |
I wonder about the difference in expectations when culture in taken into consideration? Lisa Delpit(spelling may be wrong) wrote that the relationship is primary among African-American students. That relationship, in certain ethnic groups, tolerates a different type of connversation and in parts of the African-American comunity more "frankness" in the teacher's speech. In addition, students expect the teacher to exercise power. Teachers who don't exercise it, will regret it.
Teachers, please respond.
My Map
Name: Tiffany Wi Date: 2005-07-27 16:02:14
Link to this Comment: 15694 |
As a new teacher the conversations today were very ... interesting! When I think about the behavior of my students I firmly believed that they "will only do what I allow them". So in essence my theory on THEIR BEHAVIOR was rooted in MY BEHAVIOR. So I now am now questioning how my behavior determines their behavior.
Name: Date: 2005-07-27 16:03:41
Link to this Comment: 15695 |
I think that I am more confused about the topics that were discussed today than I was before. I definitely think that it is impossible to use a script for every child's problems. Part of what makes a good teacher good is being able to adapt, change their own perspectives, and evolve themselves as classroom managers. If I am lucky enough to get a classs with good chemistry, then I like to stay more in the background and act as a coach or advisor to the students. However, some classes need a little more (or a lot more) direction. Once again, I will be examining my own teaching style and probably adapt and change a few of my "rigid" activities to a few more flexible and student driven ones.
Behavior management
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-07-27 16:09:42
Link to this Comment: 15696 |
The majority of the children respond quite well to being the decision maker for their choice of behaviors. They will respond to the option of choosing the behavior when the consequences are explained to them. In situations, the children may reveal that they need the teacher to take a firm action without autonomy in choosing how to act. I have found it is important to "meet the child where he is", which means I must understand what is needed and interact with the child appropriately. Some children are not able, due to many variables, to internalize and monitor their own behavior through the use of choice-consequence. Therefore, it is appropriate to work with external behavior mod techniques with these children (with the hope that they may grow to be self-regulating). Classroom management is fluid process, as are the children. It is an art to read the room, the children, and meet the need revealed. I find flexibility is imperative in my ability to respond, but I also know that "freedom comes only within a framework of discipline." When I provide the discipline, the children begin to internalize it and become independent, disciplined human beings. Learning occurs within a structured environment where the players are free to play. These ideas form the basis of the Montessori method to education, which are the foundation of my classroom. Finally, love is the most powerful, and fundamental avenue for working with the young child.
Today's behavior/Behaviorism
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-07-27 16:23:01
Link to this Comment: 15697 |
The afternoon session seemed to go back to the idea that we must look at behavior problems as just that, behavior problems!!! Sometimes, we can make change in the behavior often times the behavior changes us! Kim's story is a story that might not always work. Trying to control things that we have no control over can be the behavior that we must change. We need to make the students more accountable for their behavior. Sometimes change can be painful! How much pain must we suffer or can we endure the pain and continue to function as a society?
The Behavioralist in me
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-27 16:23:29
Link to this Comment: 15698 |
Thanks for another great day!!!!!
Im fighting tooth, and nail against the behavorilaist approach to learning and education, it seems to take personal responsibility and individuality. As an educator, I have a set of expectations of what "school behavior" is supposed to look like, and the mind set behind it. Student on the other hand have a different set of expectations of "school behavior" and the mind set that goes with it. What happens when if "my story" and "their story" of school behavior clashes, am I supposed to take each story as equally valuable?
No one would say that a violent student's realm of behavior 'works' in the school setting. Few people would 'blame' the teacher for creating an envirnment of voilence, except the staunch behavioralist. What then is the middle ground? Behaviorlism or self reflection or a balance of many other factors?????????????
Could it be that needing to feel valued, unique and felling like we belong comes from man being made in the image of God? Could the instinct to blame others for personal bad behavior come from original sin?
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-07-28 09:18:58
Link to this Comment: 15704 |
If the behviorist is not concrned about the background of the student as one the aafecting factor for their behavior, then what eer the teacher does to control the students to adopt the appropriate behavior in the class, will be a band-aid treament. teachers have to keep on with the sme tactics eveday. with every student, with every unacceptable behavior. It isnever ending story, when do the studens sart learning? when will the teacher will be able to complete the curriculum driven content?
I feel that we do need more and stronger strategies in controlling the class.
Name: Date: 2005-07-28 12:06:38
Link to this Comment: 15708 |
At this point in my life, my belief is a combination of story 3 and 1...I believe that a supernatural being originally put life forms on this planet, but life exists as it does today because of an ongoing process of evolution. I have come to this because I can't leap from dust and gasses to some type of life without a supernatural being involved. However, as I have discovered, this is yet another belief that has evolved as I get older and learn more.
Name: connie Date: 2005-07-28 12:11:19
Link to this Comment: 15709 |
I prefer that existing life forms are as they are because of an initial creative act with a supernatural being with a plan & intent. Because of my personal beliefs, feelings and observations, I believe in the third story. It may be due to my idealized view of the world and that there may be a plan out of my reach and that I often do not have a choice of what is happening. The more you plan your life the more you have to alter your choices and be open to creative coping skills to deal with unwarranted changes and make sense of the chaos and create order out of disorder.
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-28 12:12:06
Link to this Comment: 15710 |
I accept that existing life forms are at this moment.
Tommorrow will take care of itself.
Why? who knows; and i don't really care why (at least not now).
Name: Claudette Date: 2005-07-28 12:33:45
Link to this Comment: 15711 |
I prefer a combination of stories, life forms including humans are because of an initial creative act with a supernatural being with a plan and intent,in addition to the ongoing process of evolution consisting of random change and natural selection because of personal stories and observations made by others. I believe existing life forms evolved from water, due to a commonality among humans, plants, and animals needed to survive.
story of how it began
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-07-28 12:38:16
Link to this Comment: 15712 |
It seems to me that the some being, of a form I cannot imagine, put into place, in a single instance, the factors which led to existence. Whether things were manifested as they now appear or have developed across time in a series of events I have no idea.
Science as story telling
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-28 12:39:55
Link to this Comment: 15713 |
Thanks for the mental playgroung! Which story do I prefer? Exsisting life forms (including humans) are as they are because of repeated creative acts of a superntural being (GOD) with a plan nand intent. The problem I see with computer models that pre-suppose flying dust, graviy and random movement...how are each programmed into the computer????? What asumptions sre programmed in as 'qualities' of the universe, dust, random motion????
What summaries do we accept about aging? Why is progeria such a mystery? Why is the aging rate excellerated geneticlly in some families, and not others?
Since science claims not to have the answers for "ultimate truth" then why is it so hard for some scientists to say that there are forces that are outside of the realm of scientific knowledge, rather than to act as if science is in opposition to religion? If the laws of ramndom motion are timeless, why then can not the scientific community understand the religious community's view that God is timeless? If in science matter is neither created nor destroyed, than why can not the religious community assert that all creation came from God? If the scientific process tells stories and tries to get it less wrong, why then like Frued can we not say that science has taken on a faulty set of ssumptions and tried to make the best of them????
I prefer to believe the Bible's account of creation. Even the scientific community, although they do not agree on the methodology, agree on the order of the creation account, things in the water have been arounnd longer than things on land, and that humans are one of the last things to show up.
Name: J. Odom Date: 2005-07-28 13:09:51
Link to this Comment: 15714 |
I believe that #3 is the most right answer because of the stories I have read in the Bible and have been told by family and the church! My religious beliefs help me to understand and relate to the massiveness and createability of God!! There is no other like Hmm!!!
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-07-28 13:09:56
Link to this Comment: 15715 |
I am choosing the third sentence because I believe that there is a higher power that has orchestrated creation as we know it today. There is science and /or the summary of observations that has allowed us to observe and discover various life forms....but that is really all that we can and will do is observe and summarize because as we now know everything is in a constant state of change and there is no "right" answer....Right?
after eating
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-28 13:14:52
Link to this Comment: 15716 |
My dad told me my grandfather said all religions have the same source. He died when my dad was still a teenager, I never knew him. But it seemed like such a good serviceable answer that I apply it whenever possible.
I believe all creation has the same source. It's unknown, undefined, but with the same impetus.
A Story
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-07-28 13:16:20
Link to this Comment: 15717 |
This is what I have to deal with, the designer wants me to imagine a universe and discover how it was formed.
In order for me to accomplish this task, requires that I be presented the tools that I will need to make this new discovery. This is a discovery that was made some time ago by the designer. Mind you, the designer has not guaranteed that I will make the same discovery that he, she or it has already made. Here’s what happened: one thing that I learned was the orbital position of the planets and Sun in our solar system has resulted from gravitational effects and some initiating velocity acting on a basically a clump of very hot gas over a very large period of time. Also, the tools available will enable me to simulate this occurrence. The designer has not influenced the manner of how the tools will work, only provided a framework for them to be able to work. What the tools do afterwards is simply what they do; the designer has not directed their behavior. Guess what, computers without being directed to do so, produce the simulation of a well-organized solar system. I, in fact, saw this.
This is what I find so darn troubling. Why does it take this me so long to first wonder about such things, form a story about such things, develop a means to support the story, wonder new things about this story, and begin the process all over again?
What I am getting at is that maybe there is some finite story that is universal in scope. Beings such as us are only making incremental achievements in understanding this story. At some point, beings such as us may reach the end of the story. At that point, then the designer of this story will probably do one of two things: a) welcome this learner as an equal or b) view the project as finished, scrap it and try a different pursuit.
I feeling like some sort of lab rat in a universal maze, got any cheese?
biological evolution
Name: julie Date: 2005-07-28 15:47:52
Link to this Comment: 15720 |
I was glad to have it reaffirmed that there does not need to be a conflict between religion and science. I feel that today was interesting and reminded me that everything in life is constantly evolving. I feel like I have evolved as a teacher and I try to emphasize to my students that they should be evolving as students. I know just from the discussion today that some of my teaching of the scientific method will be evolving into a less structured, less "truth" driven activities to activities more focused on observations and the stories drawn from observations.
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-07-28 15:54:25
Link to this Comment: 15722 |
Practically, I foresee in the classroom that I will be more explorative with the children about their ideas even as I explain the current thinking. Also, I feel more appreciative of their explorations in learning, especially with regard to categorizing and classifying. I have the renewed desire to heighten my observation of their learning processes and explorations so I can more effectivley participate in their learning.
Personally, I feel refreshed and receptive to the concept of science under this new defintion of it as a series of summaries and story telling. The shift to observation, experience on the environment, and humility around the findings is refreshing! It seems science redefined opens many possibilites for human endeavors and societal relations.
The butter melter
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-28 15:58:52
Link to this Comment: 15724 |
When I was a child, during the winter, we had to melt the butter before we could put it on the toast. We put butter out of the refridge in the butter melter and shook it on the stove over the flame, until the butter had completly melted.
One morning, when I was about twelve years old, my Mom and I went out for breakfast. We ordered hot tea to drink, and to my horror, the resturaunt served hot tea in a butter melter. How backwards I though to myself. What is wrong with these people?????
It never occured to me that a butter melter was what the rest of the world saw as an individual teapot. Could my Mother have done something wrong???? That could be what we as teacher are working with...a story that works within the home setting, or within one classroom setting, but not in others. I am continually reminded to keep the "play" in learning...it is how I learn best.
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-07-28 15:59:26
Link to this Comment: 15725 |
What came first...the chicken or the egg? How did it come to be that we are the way we are? Evolution is constant and continuous. We are still observing life and its "children." Next week we may find other answers to our present observations... which will pose more questions. Are we the product of randomness... or are we the product of selection? There is so much to ponder in discussing this subject that its hard for me to come up with an emphatic statement or an interesting question!
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-07-28 16:00:06
Link to this Comment: 15726 |
Name: Connie Date: 2005-07-28 16:04:57
Link to this Comment: 15728 |
I enjoyed the idea that Hypothesis is an idea of summarizing ideas rather than an educated guess. I wonder how and what we are today are going to be different tomorrow.
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-07-28 16:36:20
Link to this Comment: 15731 |
Change in my classroom takes place constantly. I never thought of evolution in this manner. I think, I will try to teach evolution through
interactive games and as a story. Some of the activities Paul gave us will help my students no matter what their religious beliefs are to look at science not only as an entity trying to prove a "truth" but also as a
way to group various similiar ideas together. In order to understand our world, change is ever on going. We are born, we grow,we might have offspring,our bodies breakdown and go back to dust. Change is life! Life is Change! Evolution is change! Evolution is change over time! Time and change are evolution!
today's session
Name: Paul Grobstein Date: 2005-07-28 17:20:10
Link to this Comment: 15734 |
Thanks all for conversation/thoughts. Evolution is something it is really important to get less wrong about, and I think we made some head way on that. Thanks too for the various ways of making sense of biological diversity. Pictures
Name: Date: 2005-07-29 10:47:42
Link to this Comment: 15743 |
It was a great lesson taught in a beautiful way. todays style in teaching is in style of "cookbook" fashion and we trying to push as much as possible into students head and content driven all the time.
But nothing beats style of learning through the subject or about an event going through the experience first hand and writng down the information gathered.
This style remainds of Indian Method of teaching trhough "UPANISHAD". Upanishad, "Upa" means,near, and "Nishad" means, staying and learning. The teacher, Master,has mastered the subject that he claim to will be taught though realteach. Students come and live the teacher and his wife, if he is married. the lessons werelearnt students by going through "real life" situations,by expriencing first hand about many things. the level of disciplin of highest order. the teacher was the model in behavior that the students wanted to imbibe his nature and emulate him in every aspect. Even.
the princes were sent to these residential schools called "ashrams" for years together.
There were no external influence what so ever.
Name: cynthia Date: 2005-07-29 10:55:37
Link to this Comment: 15744 |
I am convinced that science and faith can work together amicably.
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-07-29 15:08:15
Link to this Comment: 15746 |
The symposium was quite enlightening. I did not know all those initiatives are in place and appreciate the cooperative work being done across the grades. The play was fun and brought to light the issues and delights (!) of working together with parents in educating their children.
OVerall, it was a useful week. I feel expanded as a person and educator. Theatre for the mind helps to keep alive the spirit of educating. The prevailing observation for the week for me is how expansive learning lightens the learning process, slays learning and personal boundaries (even those generally unperceived), and opens again my inherent sense of wonder and inquiry. Beyond those personal changes, it is clear that guided, inquiry-based learning builds bridges and acceptance of others even as it builds a community of learners. BRAVO!
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-07-29 15:12:59
Link to this Comment: 15747 |
Weekly Summary
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-07-29 15:21:05
Link to this Comment: 15748 |
This week was a roller coaster ride of events. We learned a variety of new things and ways to use them in the classroom. Some of our behaviors had to be changed. We started the week in the cosmos and ended the week on the earthly plain of K-16 trying to solve the problems that existed since the cosmos began. I enjoyed this week a lot and I am looking forward to next week! I am changing my behavior and the way I do things, Thanks!, for the adventure!
Week 1
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-07-29 15:36:23
Link to this Comment: 15749 |
What I think after a week of Making sence of change... is multi-fold. 1. Teachers who want to be successful are willing to try multiple formats to motivate and reach their students. 2. Though I am resistant to it, behavior modification has serious implications in education, and Christianity..."Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he won't depart from it." 3. The world as I know it is only the world to me...(no one else has my exact perspective.) 4. This is my playground, and SINCERE THANKS to all involved in getting the Howard Hughes grant again for this year. 5. Again the K-16 collaboration is very powerful and THANKS to all who participated!!!
Finally, I am hoping to make learning as fun, inquisitive, interacitve, knowledge based, reality focused, and a safe envirnment for my students as I have experienced here!!!!!!
End of week one
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-07-29 15:40:13
Link to this Comment: 15750 |
The best part of the experience has been the sharing - different views, different disciplines, and seeing the community between educators from the different universities. They knew things that we (urban K-12 teachers) don't know - where to find resources, who to call for certain information, which programs are out there for students. We are the ones who have contact with the children, yet we can't make referrals for our students because we don't know what's out there.
Question: How do college level teachers view us, especially urban teachers? How do you evaluate our skills? How do our skills compare to teachers from other districts? I expected to see many more districts represented at the Institute. Are we off in a separate category?
Behavior and attempt to change.
Name: S Nadig Date: 2005-07-31 16:27:16
Link to this Comment: 15752 |
There are several issues here. New attempts to change the behavior of a child? That is most successful because, the child is brand new and it is learning through very methodical steps by the couple who has decided teach the child a new behaviour- "falling asleep in his own bed and may be at certain time". Here the varible is only one, "one behaviour of new born baby".The teachers are dedicated ,loving parents who are together in idea(?) That was easy. WIth us in suburbun school, we get, specially in high school, children from different families, with different habits, from different cultures with different values. To ignore the influence of their back ground and continued support of their environment, attempting in changing their behavior is going to be "band aid treatment". If this theory is going to work, well, I will give my best shot and try it. Thank you Kim that was good session.
Behavior and attempt to change.
Name: S Nadig Date: 2005-07-31 16:27:58
Link to this Comment: 15753 |
There are several issues here. New attempts to change the behavior of a child? That is most successful because, the child is brand new and it is learning through very methodical steps by the couple who has decided teach the child a new behaviour- "falling asleep in his own bed and may be at certain time". Here the varible is only one, "one behaviour of new born baby".The teachers are dedicated ,loving parents who are together in idea(?) That was easy. WIth us in suburbun school, we get, specially in high school, children from different families, with different habits, from different cultures with different values. To ignore the influence of their back ground and continued support of their environment, attempting in changing their behavior is going to be "band aid treatment". If this theory is going to work, well, I will give my best shot and try it. Thank you Kim that was good session.
Behavior and attempt to change.
Name: S Nadig Date: 2005-07-31 18:09:38
Link to this Comment: 15754 |
There are several issues here. New attempts to change the behavior of a child? That is most successful because, the child is brand new and it is learning through very methodical steps by the couple who has decided teach the child a new behaviour- "falling asleep in his own bed and may be at certain time". Here the varible is only one, "one behaviour of new born baby".The teachers are dedicated ,loving parents who are together in idea(?) That was easy. WIth us in suburbun school, we get, specially in high school, children from different families, with different habits, from different cultures with different values. To ignore the influence of their back ground and continued support of their environment, attempting in changing their behavior is going to be "band aid treatment". If this theory is going to work, well, I will give my best shot and try it. Thank you Kim, that was a good session.
Gold Penny
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-07-31 18:20:25
Link to this Comment: 15755 |
It was marellous and exciting. We all had it so easy to make the gold even if it is the color of gold if not gold itself. I can emagine the frustration of the alchemists of the early days where they had to come up with the brand new invention without any labs, with out prior knowledge, and without all the amenities that we have. Earlier Scientists hard work has payed off with all the following new inventions.
Acid Rain
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-07-31 19:31:56
Link to this Comment: 15756 |
Nice hands on experiment. This can be used in many lessons. Chemical reactons, lesson on pH, Demonstration of Law of conservation of mass in addition to teach Acid Rain. Activity with Marble stone was also very good. Thank you Teery, for nice hands on activities.
week 1
Name: julie Date: 2005-07-31 20:15:48
Link to this Comment: 15757 |
At the end of week 1, it is evident that I will need to do some reflecting on some of the strategies I use to present my curriculum...but isn't that what science is all about? Evolution and change? It has been a stimulating week, discussing topics at a level that you obviously don't get a chance to in middle or elementary (and most likely high) school. I am looking forward to the topics of the second wek. Thank you so far...
Biological Evolution
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-07-31 21:30:41
Link to this Comment: 15758 |
The lesson on changing the perception of The Scientifc method and routine lab manual to new perception of Obsevation and Summery of events was great.I am cinvinced with the new idea with help of all the examples. Thanks for the picture of the edge of the earth,it was awesom! I teach the class that information in the science do change all the time with new discoveries.
This idea of learning from first hand observation remainds of the method that is used in "Upanishads" in ancient India way. Here the students lives with the teacher, Master of certain or many subjects and arts, with sole purpose of learning. The teacher was an excllent living model for the students. The teacher taught them through the live situations and students learnt by direct observations. Knowledge was gained through first hand experiences. Good example for introducung a new concept Thank you Dr. Grobstein.
Catholic Evolution?
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-08-01 08:20:30
Link to this Comment: 15760 |
There is an interesting article in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer regarding perspectives on the topic of the theory of evolution being embraced by catholic school teaching. Also, advanced are more recent thoughts on perhaps an intelligent designer (hey, I said that) that marries views of both evolution and creationism. It would appear that Schonborn is championing this ideology in a slightly clandestine manner. I just wonder is his hand being guided by others or is he simply voicing his sole opinion on the matter?
evolution Story Lesson Plan grade 3
Name: Date: 2005-08-01 11:12:30
Link to this Comment: 15761 |
Creative Creation Assignment
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-01 11:15:00
Link to this Comment: 15762 |
We've spent the morning exploring the process of Metamorphosis in Literature, as exemplified by
Your assignment now is to design a lesson plan in which your students write a creation story,
based on...conscious observations? data? unconscious awareness? desire? what else? (Why did you design it this way?)
Then do your own assignment....
Name: TERESA Date: 2005-08-01 11:38:45
Link to this Comment: 15763 |
Students will contemplate the creative process as an introduction to the story of evolution.
Students will become familiar with the elements and dynamics involved in the creative process.
Students will learn the vocabulary related to creation.
Students will work cooperatively and creatively in mixed ability groups.
Students will brainstorm the steps involved in creating a clay model. The physical steps willl be written on the board or large paper. Conversation will highlight that these steps are external, but not representative of the internal processes that occur in creation.
Students will work in pairs to create clay models and make notes of their mental and imaginative processes as they work. They will also note the physical processes of their creative processes and make comparisons to the chart already written on the board.
The class will reconvene to compare and contrast their processes and notes with the list created earlier. A finalized list will be compiled.
Students will initiate a creative process in which they are the catalyst for an ongoing process.
Students will note and observe the evolutionary process of their project.
Students will inject dynamic change into the process.
Students will note the interdependent role of changing entity and its creator.
Pre- Review procedure for the experiment.
Activity- Conduct experiment for building rock crystals. Note how process continues (evolves) and also effect of their injected catalysts for dramatic change.
Post- Broaden the model for the creative process expanding on the change that occurs with and without provocation. Address abstract questions about the role of a creator in the creative process, the role of ideas, the role of a beginning and ending point. Relate this process to their ideas of human creation and evolution.
lesson plan
Name: julie Date: 2005-08-01 11:40:57
Link to this Comment: 15764 |
Lesson Plan: 6th Grade Evolution Stories
Objective: Students will write a story to explain their theory of evolution.
1. Students will share stories orally that they have heard from family and other sources, emphasizing that they are stories.
2. I will supplement the story of evolution if it is not told by anyone.
3. Discuss what stories are, where they come from, whether stories are always taken as “true”, and should they be?
4. Introduce students writing their own story on how life on Earth as we know it came to be. They should take a few minutes to brainstorm and begin writing. They can use what they know, what they heard today from others (or me) or include their own ideas. (Remind students this is not fantasy….) Stories should be as long as they need to be in order to tell the story.
Conclusion: Students will share stories with the class. The class will discuss each story as it is read. For homework the students will then write which story they liked best and why.
My story:
Many billions of years ago, God created the universe full of dust, gases, and rocks. Over the course of billions of years the dust, rocks, and gases formed together as the Earth. Over time, some of the bacteria that were on these materials began to change. Over millions of years, some of the bacteria combined together, mutated, and formed other types of life. Eventually, we look around and see what is present today, a large diversity of life forms, many which may have not yet been discovered. Who knows what we may see in the future, as the present day life forms continue to reproduce and mutate…???
Name: Kate Shine Date: 2005-08-01 11:41:22
Link to this Comment: 15765 |
Actually asking students to tackle the current or true creation story might cause too much controversy, but perhaps I would approach it by first presenting a very old creation story such as the one told in ancient Greece. I could ask them, "If you lived in ancient Greece and you were in charge of making up a pretend story of creation, what would you say?" I would see what the kids would come up with when asked this open-ended question. Then they could each draw a picture to represent their stories. We could discuss how much of the stories come from observation and events in their lives and how much was "pure imagination" (although I'm sure that it would not be possible to completely distinguish between the two).
My story:
In the beginning the only thing in the world was a big brown seed, that looked something like a seashell. There was only the seed and no such thing as time, so we cannot speak of the beginning of the seed. Then one day, which was every day, the tide rose and the waves came in, washing over the seed. The water nourished the seed and encouraged it to grow, reaching for something new, and time began. The seed then grew into everything in the world, including me and you. The trees and turtles and tide and the earth each still have a part of the seed in us, timeless and curious, reaching for something new.
Lesson Plan - Life Begins
Name: Cynthia & Date: 2005-08-01 11:41:50
Link to this Comment: 15766 |
1.Students will be able to identify living and nonliving forms.
2.Students will be able to identify the elements needed to sustain life on earth.
3.Students will be able to generate stories of creation.
1.Previous lessons or stories.
2.Neighborhood walk.
1.Students will be able to perform or produce a creation story with a beginning, middle, and end.
2.Students will be able to perform or produce a creation story as a drawing, drama, written or oral narrative.
1.Does the story make sense?
2.Is the story enjoyable?
3.Was the writing legible?
4.Can you extend the story using your imagination?
Think about the world around you.
What is in it? (web it)
Today, we'll make up stories to explain how our world came to be.
Chose one thing from the web and make up your own story to explain how it happened.
Remember, all good stories have a beggining, middle and end.
Name: connie Date: 2005-08-01 11:42:08
Link to this Comment: 15767 |
Course: creation How did we begin?
Date: August 1, 2005
Materials Needed: Science Journals, two different cultural stories on Cinderalla, crayons, pencils, markers
Class Objectives: The class will discuss the similarities between how 2 stories are told. By discussing and reviewing in detail how a similar topic is different in different eyes and experiences.
How is creating a story to discuss the beginning of our world's existence the same and different?
How did the world begin? Are there similar creations and family ties to other biological manners?
What are essential qualities in all species of life? What do they need to survive? Are they the same as they were 100 years ago?
Name: Cleat/Judy Date: 2005-08-01 11:42:55
Link to this Comment: 15768 |
The children are to act out a story of evolution based on oral story telling, data, and unconscious observation.
1. How did the world start.
2. Tell how the heavens and earth were formed.
3. Bring about the creation of water, plants, animals, and light.
Materials: Since this is going to be acted out use any materials needed to create the desired effect.
Procedure: Break your play into 6 scenes describing how creation came about.
Scene 1/ Spiritual being.
Scene 2/ Heavens and Earth/ The spritual being created a giant ball filled with every chemical needed for life on earth.
Scene 3/ The spiritual being was so happy it cried and with the tears came the formation of the waters on earth.
Scene 4/ While the spiritual being was cryin it shook and as it shook with joy at the formation of the waters the earth started to shake and formed a ball that exploded into the sun, which caused light.
Scene 5/ When the light hit the water it formed organisms that grew into plants. When the light hit the land it brought with it organisms and seeds which formed the trees and flowers.
Scene 6/ The being looked on the water saw its refelction and took the soil from the earth formed it into its image and breathed on it.
Evolution Lesson Plan
Name: claudet Date: 2005-08-01 11:43:14
Link to this Comment: 15769 |
Objective: To share your idea of how evolution took place in a story based
upon observations and family culture stories.
Vocabulary: story, evolution, culture, observation, create,
Thought for Today: What is evolution?
Procedure: introduce vocabulary
discuss the thought for today
divide students in to small groups
small group discussion(5 minute)-How do you think it
all began? Have you asked your parents? Do you have
family stories to describing how the world and you
Gallery Walk: Each group walk through the gallery writing one
sentence on chart paper describing the creation and sketching
a scene to supporttheir belief.
To CREATE Creationist Story
Name: Tiffany Wi Date: 2005-08-01 11:43:34
Link to this Comment: 15770 |
Learning Support Classroom – 6th grade
All about you – Part 5
This assignment would act s one segment of a larger project. Prior to this assignment students will have explored their genealogy extensively.
This portion of the lesson will ask students to extend their thinking of not only where they are from, where their families are from, but where we all are from.
Writing Prompt:
In at least 1 complete descriptive paragraph explain the most important things that you learned from your genealogy projects.
Think Pair Share:
Students will engage in Think-Pair-Share activity in order to prepare them for their writing activity.
Teacher will read one short story, one poem, and one song that present a theory of how the world was created.
Students will take notes in their journal (where they are permitted to take notes, draw pictures, and use any other representation that helps them remember key information)
Homework Assignment 1
Students will be asked to analyze either the poem, song, or short story
Writing Prompt 2:
Who in your lives are best fit to tell them how the world was created, and why?
Homework Assignment 2
Students will interview the above person
Creation Story Lesson Plan
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-08-01 11:43:38
Link to this Comment: 15771 |
PSSA Standard: 1.11.7 Student Synthesis of Non-Fiction Materials.
Anticipatory Set: We have explored together the origins of the universe from the Dodon tradition, Western scientific methodologies and the Biblical creation story. Now as our culminating activity, YOU get to be the expert and write: "The Creation of the Universe:According to ________."
Objective: Each student will write an account of the origins of the universe. The objective can be meet by action, poster with explanation, Art project with explanation, paper and or any other pre approved means.
Materials: Art paper, paper,markers, pens, laptop computers, metal hangers, tape, scissors, crayons, and an array of reference materials.
Procedures: Design a story to explain the origins of the universe, account for as many factors of diversity as possible. We will create a rubric for Excellent, Basic and Below Basic work. All projects are due by August 39, 2005. No late work will be graded.
Below Basic:
"The Origin of The Universe: According to ME"
Once before time was time,
Before before any family tree,
GOD started calling things,
Day one, two, three.
Let things use atoms,
a few at a time,
TIME constraints have squalled this for now.....
dogon theory
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-08-01 11:44:47
Link to this Comment: 15772 |
Lsson Plan Origin
Name: s Nadig Date: 2005-08-01 11:55:04
Link to this Comment: 15774 |
Course: Origin of the world
Date:august 1,2005
materials needed; Prism, Light suorce- a brightelectric lamp with a shade, white screen.
Lesson Plan -Origin of the Universe
Name: Date: 2005-08-01 13:16:57
Link to this Comment: 15775 |
lesson:Orogin of the Universe.
Objective: Student will write their own understandig of the orign of the universe in the form of story, or essay, or a poem and present it to the class, or draw a poster and use it to tell their story abuot orign of the universe to the class.
Background information: Students may use the web for the information, talk to the family members, or relate to the teacher's Demonstration and information on the life cycle information.
Day 1: Demonstration of the Light assing through the prism and creating the spectrum of light on the white screen.
Explanation of light which is colorless but able to create all different colors that are existing or known to us.
Students arequestions where they have seen these colors and what are remainded of. Students talk about the rainbow. How are the rain bows formed. What are the essential things to form rainbows. Students will come up with Sun are light source, water droplets acting as prisms and creation of beuatiful rainbow that we enjoy.
Lives on our earth is similar depending on essentials like sun for light and heat, water, nutrition from soil and minerals. Droplets of water goes through the cycle of rain on the top of the mountain, this water flows down the mountain like rivers bringing the nutrients from different areas and supplies to the soil for the growth of vegetations. Animals and humans consume and sustain life from this nutrition. River flows back into ocean to start another and cycle. The universe was also thouhgt to be started with light and over the time,with gases, the water and heat many things evolved and simple life started and change to be more complex form humans that we are known as.
Rubrics for story or poem: very good; If well connectedto the idea of origin of he universe. Poster depictng well the theme. originality is important.
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-08-01 14:48:45
Link to this Comment: 15776 |
Interesting! Stories are the progeny of older stories. That is a new thought. How about the idea that our reality is only a story we tell ourselves. We can change the story and thus our reaction to life at any moment.
Metamorphosis in Literature--and Life
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-01 15:24:19
Link to this Comment: 15777 |
Second writing assignment of the day: re-tell a story. Describe a moment of teaching--a science class, a scene of shame?--and then re-vise the tale: how might it happen differently? What metamorphosis could take place?
Dinosaurs did not come from Reptiles But Birds
Name: connie Date: 2005-08-01 15:31:07
Link to this Comment: 15778 |
My revision of science is the discussion that dinosaurs may be close to the feathered creature. The remains of a dinosaur create a body of short forelimbs and a weathered rough scaled body. Yet today, we have a new picture of dinosaurs-winged colorful creatures diving into a swampy pond for a fleshy scaled, smooth fish. It is a concidence that both animals begin their lives on the planet in the shape of an egg. Colorful feathered dinosaurs are easy to imagine in your mind, but it is difficult to capture color within the fossils of yesterday.
a story revised
Name: teresa Date: 2005-08-01 15:37:13
Link to this Comment: 15780 |
Story: A little girl is working and another little one comes up and starts taunting her with remarks about her untidy work. The writer becomes upset. A third child enters the scene and starts to loudly correct the taunter who then feels ashamed. Now, two children are upset.
Story revised: A little girl is working and another little one comes up and starts taunting her with remarks about her untidy work. The writer becomes upset. A third child enters the scene and explains that the writer is just learning to print and asks if the taunter would sit along side and offer guidance. The trinity of children feel honored.
Revising Shame
Name: Kate Date: 2005-08-01 15:38:33
Link to this Comment: 15781 |
I'm going to share a real life story that came to mind that I think could be shared and rewritten by students in a classroom setting.
First I would share the story:
In middle school I was in a clique with three other friends and we called ourselves the "turtles." We even wore turtle rings to school, which made us feel special and important. At the end of eighth grade all of us applied to the selective IB program at the local highschool. We were all very nervous waiting to find out if we were accepted. One day at the end of school my mom came to pick me up and said that I have received a big packet in the mail from the program, which I knew meant I must have been accepted. In my excitement rushed back into the school to tell my friends, and was upset when my friend Kathy just looked at me and instead of congratulating me just made a sarcastic comment. Later I learned that while my other two friends were accepted, Kathy had been waitlisted. I felt ashamed for bragging, and she felt ashamed for not getting in.
At this point I would probably ask the class to come up with stories about something Kathy or I could have done to improve the situation and move past the shame.
What actually happened afterwards was that a few days later we all received letters from Kathy in the mail. On pink construction paper she had written a poem:
"Tee hee hee hee
hee hee hee
I did not get into I.B.
So please don't bring it up
I guess I'll be swimming with different fish next year"
And underneath the poem she had cut out 3 green turtles and a fish swimming away from them with a bow in her hair.
I think this story is significant because Kathy found a way to make her aloneness into a beautiful thing. The story has a happy ending too, because Kathy ended up getting in on the waitlist and although I don't talk to either of the two other girls, she is still one of my best friends to this day, and just the other day I took out the letter she sent and we laughed about it together.
Name: Ann On E' Date: 2005-08-01 15:38:50
Link to this Comment: 15782 |
Family story... My Father died when I was two, my brother was five and my eldest brother was thirteen. A few years later, my Mom started taking classes in Family studies at Temple University. Mom's defintion of a broken home was caused by divorce or desertion, but according to her classes, death also caused broken homes. She felt ashamed that her children were from a broken home, for a short period of time. I remember that she challenged the definition of what a broken home, if 'broken-ness' was caused by the decision of one parent, how then could the death of a spouse cause a broken home? She believed that our home was not only not broken, but fully functional, and that my brothers and I would have to learn to be more responsible (especially since she was no longer a stay at home Mom.) Shame was again replaced by pride in our family.
Name: julie Date: 2005-08-01 15:39:10
Link to this Comment: 15783 |
Using shame…a very precarious situation…this year we had a student that was in an intensive reading class. This was not a special education class, but is held in the same type of small room with a very small number of students. She was a fairly intelligent student that had challenges in reading. Several times through the year, there were reports from teachers and students that she was making fun of or being directly mean to the special education students that were in her reading classes. On several of the occasions, one of which she was sent to the vice principal, I approached her later and said that I had heard she was putting down someone else and that I was disappointed, etc., etc. Well, it came to a head one day in May when she was in my class, the most intellectually diverse class that I had, and I hear at a moment of relative quiet…”what, are you retarded???” Well, this is one of my buttons that she pushed. I make it very clear throughout the year that any type of language that puts people down and makes them feel bad about who they are is UNACCEPTABLE and will not be tolerated. I went off on her…not in a mean, dress-down way as I would have liked, but I tried to make her feel guilty for using that type of language period. (I told her and the class a story about my friend whose sister has downs syndrome and how she was in the pharmacy picking up a few things when she heard one of the workers giggling about her photos and how she looked “retarded”. My fried was devastated and angry. She went to the manager and complained and then was calling the company headquarters as well.) I know, just by her face she got the point…she was mortified…did it work? No, because I heard stories about her in other classes. She never said it again in mine. But I wish there was some way I could have handled it that she, shame or not, would have changed her behavior and thought more about the others in the class and their life outside of school. (Back to behaviorism????)
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-08-01 15:40:29
Link to this Comment: 15784 |
She told me she hated me and then used a chair to scramble atop my desk, knocking my belonging aside. She spread her legs and announced that she'd pee on my desk.
The substitute maintenance man stood aghast, watching the young girl. (This was extreme, even for her. She hadn't been in school a week after her last suspension.)
He hurried downstairs, interrupting his duties, to inform the principal about what he'd witnessed.
five day suspension, returned the school, and within days she was gone, transferred out involuntarily.
When the girl scrambled up, the teacher rushed forward. "Honey, be careful. We can't have you getting hurt.
As items flew to the floor, the teacher shouted, "Don't even worry about it. None of that stuff is more important than your safety."
To the child's statement, she proclaimed, "But I don't hate you."
The maintenance man stood aghast and ignored, as the teacher ran to calm the agitated child.
U ought to be ashamed?
Name: Date: 2005-08-01 15:40:29
Link to this Comment: 15785 |
“But I live with my mom”… is the statement I heard during my 8:00 advisory. I was listening to one of my student’s response to their My Future activity, and my attention was immediately gained by two students whose round faces showed fury. The problem was “Janet” lived with foster parents but “Donald” lived in a shelter. They were trying to put each other down because of their circumstances. . .
When thinking about this story… I would change some things but I would keep some things the same. My first response would be “First of all you are not supposed to be talking, but since you are what did you just say?” I would address this issue in front of the entire class, because it is something that needs to be heard by all students. We would talk about the implications of wanting to hurt someone and why it is necessary. We would talk about why homeless shelters exist and why foster parents are necessary. I would facilitate a discussion around these two issues, but I would want my students to lead (i.e., what would the world be like without homeless shelters and foster homes).
Name: cynthia Date: 2005-08-01 15:40:56
Link to this Comment: 15786 |
SHAME IS A WAY TO GROW AND DEVELOP.Shame can reshape our way of thinking.I REMEMBER A TIME IN MY LIFE WHEN I felt ashamed of what I LOOKED LIKE BASED ON YHE PICTURES IN POPULAR MAGAZINES IN THE SIXTIES.I realized my complexion,eyes, shape and hair did not match the models in the magazine.I DIDN'T STRUGGLE LONG ,SIMPLY BECAUSE MY PARENTS AFFIRMED ME ON A REGULAR BASIS.THIS AFFIRMATION ALLOWED ME TO AFFIRM OTHER YOUNG WOMEN IN THEIR UNIQUENESS. I continue to do this and have seen positive results.
My shame
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-08-01 15:41:01
Link to this Comment: 15787 |
Example 1
As I was teaching a lesson and my back was turned to the class, one of my students, a boy got up walked around the room talking doing whatever he wanted. I turned around and told him to sit down and behave. I continued writing on the board and talking, again he got up and continued his antics. Stopping again and turning around I repeated myself and added "or else". I turned around for the third time, he got back up and continued. My LAST nerve snapped...I dropped my chalk whirled around grabbed him by the throat, hit his head against the blackboard and said..." Didnt I tell you to sit down
and behave yourself." He looked at me with an expression of shock and fear. Days, no,weeks, no, months later, shame came down upon me!! I knew better as an adult and teacher that thats was not only the wrong thing to do.
Example 2
While teaching a special education class...one of my male students, Christopher, jumped up and was angered at something I said. He proceeded to call me every name in the book, kick every chair in the classroom, and literally picked up my wooden desk and turned it over. I grabbed him with all my might kicked open my door, all the while saying to him, "who do you think you are, Im the works in this classroom not you...you dont call the shots,I do." As he screamed and I yelled I literally pulled him by his shirt down 3 flights of stairs, passing shocked teachers and students until I got to the principals office where he was deposited for the rest of the day....I told the principal either he goes or I go!!
As an adult, and as a teacher I realized later on that both of those actions were the absolute wrong things to do. I felt some shame and remorse in later years because I thought to myself that none of my teachers would have ever done that to me. ...and being raised as I was I should have known that there was a better way to have handled the situation. I di what teachers shouldnt do, became violent. Shame on me!
Story Telling/Revised
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-08-01 15:41:21
Link to this Comment: 15788 |
The story takes place in the little town of Chester around the end of May when things are starting to wind down. The students are engrossed on trying to understand how sound is made and the question was asked, Why are we considered second class citizens? We don't have computers, textbooks, or even calculators. What a dilema continue to teach or answer the question for the 100th time?
We stopped the lesson and started to talk about what a second class citizen really is!!!!
Name: Date: 2005-08-01 15:42:49
Link to this Comment: 15789 |
when I was about 16 or seventeen somebody among my relatives brougt an alliance for me to marry a widower. i refused and ran to my uncle for help. My uncle took me way to his home and helped to finish my studies. Left to my father, I would have married to man whose wife committed suiside.
Similar thing happened to one of our relative, an youg lady who was a victim of circumstnces. She married a person much older than her and without much education and not capable of taking care of her.
Revised story: young lady by name Shruti is to be married off to her relaive ,but much older to her and no good match for her at all. When I came to know about it. I went to her mother and found out the reason why the mother has decided abound this. I found out that shruti's father is mentally retarded and the mother could not afford the dowry or the responsibility of looking for a good match for the daughter. I convinced both Sruthi and her mother that they should cancel the marriage. Shruthi would get a good job as she is a college graduate. I will us my influence of some of my friends in getting her a job. She would work and earn some money and save it toward her marriage while we would start looking for good , educated young man, where there will be good compatability.
Well, now Shruti is married to one of the very nice youg man and the couple is very happy.
Name: S Nadig Date: 2005-08-01 15:43:31
Link to this Comment: 15790 |
when I was about 16 or seventeen somebody among my relatives brougt an alliance for me to marry a widower. i refused and ran to my uncle for help. My uncle took me way to his home and helped to finish my studies. Left to my father, I would have married to man whose wife committed suiside.
Similar thing happened to one of our relative, an youg lady who was a victim of circumstnces. She married a person much older than her and without much education and not capable of taking care of her.
Revised story: young lady by name Shruti is to be married off to her relaive ,but much older to her and no good match for her at all. When I came to know about it. I went to her mother and found out the reason why the mother has decided abound this. I found out that shruti's father is mentally retarded and the mother could not afford the dowry or the responsibility of looking for a good match for the daughter. I convinced both Sruthi and her mother that they should cancel the marriage. Shruthi would get a good job as she is a college graduate. I will us my influence of some of my friends in getting her a job. She would work and earn some money and save it toward her marriage while we would start looking for good , educated young man, where there will be good compatability.
Well, now Shruti is married to one of the very nice youg man and the couple is very happy.
Retelling a story
Name: claudette Date: 2005-08-01 15:45:58
Link to this Comment: 15791 |
When there are disagreements between students and families living on the same block in my school community, the families have a tendency to bring the weekend argument into the school and mandate that the principal and faculty resolve the problem in lieu of the working it out over the weekend. They call the bully hotline and displace the fault to the principal and school. When meeting with families I tend to become defensive of the staff and school policies. Last school term, I decided to bring the families together with a counselor and community liaison to 'tell their stories'. I provided a forum for the families to come up with peaceful resolutions in accordance with district policy. The families initially will not take ownership, but when it is explained that decisions will be made at a higher level and severe consequences will be implemented and supported by my superiors, the community partners, 'SOME' of the families recognize that bringing a personal situation to the school body creates more demands and takes more of their personal time.
Name: Date: 2005-08-02 15:03:13
Link to this Comment: 15803 |
I provide a variety of choices for my students based on availability of resources, past experiences, peer advice, and the subject at hand.We all can feel a sense of control or comfort that we have a choice. The students so feel a sense of power at third grade that they are awared an opportunity to choose and voice an opinion. My classroom next year will include the butterfly experience. I am thrilled to include this experiment with the students. They are going to truly going to get a wealth of life experience through this lesson.
Name: julie Date: 2005-08-02 15:25:45
Link to this Comment: 15804 |
I think there is a different between choice and reflex and I think that many people confuse the issue. A choice is made when a person thinks about the consequences of the decision. A choice is made when a person does not think about the consequences of a decision. When offered the snacks this morning, I feel I made a choice. I feel that I thought about whether to have a piece of chocolate or a strawberry. I weighed the positive and the negative of having the chocolate, which I love. I had chocolate lucky charms for breakfast, ice cream last night, and I knew there were chocolate chip cookies for lunch, so I chose to have a strawberry instead.
I enjoy watching students make choices in school. You can give them a choice of snacks and almost see the wheels turning in their mind. You can give them a choice of projects and see some of them weighing which one involves more work. How can that not be a choice? I am very confused about the notion that we do not have choice.
As far as behaviors, sometimes that may involve more reflex and less choice. When things happen on a second by second basis, we are operating more on reflex, so I can see how behavior may be looked at as less of a choice. We often don’t take the time to think about our reactions before we act, so I think our choice in that matter is choosing not to think about it. Are you as confused as I am?
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-08-02 15:25:57
Link to this Comment: 15805 |
choices are willful and often deliberate.CHOICES COME IN MANY FORMS.i found the experiment to be an enlightening eperience.THE CATERPILLARS WERE/ARE CREATURES OF HABIT.
Choices, Choices, Choices!!!
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-08-02 15:26:34
Link to this Comment: 15806 |
Choices, we all have choices which sometimes cause various behaviors to occur in our lives! I believe that some of the choices we make, even if we think that they are predetermined, will affect the outcomes in our life.
Behavior and choice are not interrelated and sometimes independent of each other. Today was very interesting and I do believe that we behave based on certain inate choices which we are born with!
Calling all choices!!!
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-08-02 15:31:51
Link to this Comment: 15807 |
Thankfully we live in a society where we can make choices. As an educator, I think that we create an atmosphere that overflows with choices for our students. But it is up to them to make a choice. The choice to listen to what the lesson for the day is; the choice to do their homework; the choice to behave for the teacher....etc I tell my students you have a choice to learn and educate yourselves in many different subjects. You have a choice to contribute, to listen and absorb things, new and old, educational, and creative that will make you grow as a human being. And you have a choice to grow up to be an uneducated, mentally underdeveloped loser with no sense of direction or purpose in your life. Does a student "intend" to make a choice?
Do we as educators "intend" to make choices? Sometimes we do, sometimes we dont.
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-08-02 15:34:34
Link to this Comment: 15808 |
Choice, decision, reaction, or habit, that is the question that prevails about human action. It seems that most of the time behavior comes as a decision influenced by reaction, or habit. But humans must be set apart from other beings in being able to choose, mustn't they? If a choice can be made, it seems, it must occur in an illumined moment of a human's life. In that moment, behavior or words are spoken without interference of the clutter created by reaction, habit, or addiction. What is different within the person in that moment? I think perhaps their heart is open and unfettered to be the force behind the next movement. Therefore, in my classroom, where, as everywhere modeling is key, I strive to act from an open heart to provide what is needed in the moment. My acting from a place of choice may hold the space (or experience) for the child to transcend his/her habits of reaction/habit to make a choice. THere, that's what I have to say today. From where I act and with what awareness seems critical in this concept of children (and myself) actualizing the human potential to make a choice. That's it for today, folks.
Choice/Change and the Classroom
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-08-02 16:01:10
Link to this Comment: 15809 |
Defining what choice is, is much like defining what life is. Many people have strong 'beliefs' that choice implies intentionality, purpose, decision making and action. Years ago, I heard a preacher define freedom not as the lack of boundries, but a set of bounderies, (chioces) that allow us safety. Many parents for example would allow their children to play in their own yard, but not in the middle of I-95 during rush hour.
Change also has become a bit more fuzzy/confusing and harder to define. If a student exhibits a negative behavior in my room, but not in another teachers classroom, then have I negatively changed their behavior? For the ADHD student who has terrible impulse control in school, who 'suddenly' is able to 'control' their behavior in the courtroom, have they learned what behavior are tollerated in school, but not in the legal system?
I am finding that I am in the middle of being a behaviorist and partially a constructivist. I believe that I can create an envirnment which is safe for my students and provides enough individiation for them to come on board to the educational process. I expect them to both respond to IEP appropriate provided stimuli and generate creative school appropriate connections to themselves.
If the unexamined life is not worth living, then the unexaminded career is not worth pursuing.
I am finding that finding questions and seeking the answeres is just as improtant as finding the answers.
Trying to make sence of all of this for me is another reason to pray. Asking GOD daily for direction in how 'to get it less wrong for my students' individually and collectively. If, in all that I been exposed to ( I will not know if I have learned it until I see if I again modify/refine my teaching based on the summer institutes) my students are more able to be successful in the educational community, then I am successful.
change and volition
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-08-02 16:07:36
Link to this Comment: 15810 |
This theme runs through much of popular literature. I just saw a movie recently about the same subject - clones found out the were clones and realized everything they were living a lie("The Island").
I don't know whether non-western cultures wonder about whether our choices are choices. But it would be interesting to find out.
My own life is my reference point when I think about choice. I have had to make the choice not to be discouraged, not to give up too many times. I don't spend much time wondering whether this is me or some outside force.
Just Be Sure You Teach
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-08-02 18:58:23
Link to this Comment: 15811 |
If one concludes that behavior is what results from continual
interactions/influences of an organism's genetic predisposition and
environmental “tinkering”, then certain demonstrations of behavior are
in fact actually deterministic. This is true, for we see this as
detailed by the knee jerk reaction. What has become problematic for
educators is there are those who would suggest the wide variety of
behaviors we observe in our students, we could have controlled to a
very strong degree. It then follows that educators should, and will
be, held to task for not coming up with the necessary "tinkering
tactics" to elicit some desired behavior on the part of our
students. Is educating others really that simple? I ask you, has it ever been? I think not. There are countless variables that either hinder or enhance the learning process for our students. Things such as innate desire, proper nutrition, ample rest, societal contentment and the like we really don’t have the greatest ability to impact. Yet, variables such as these are crucial to the learning process. For example, if a student is going on his first date this evening, how important will the day’s activities be in the grand scheme of things for him? Another concern I have is the growing efficacy of drugs designed to address certain behaviors, and the assertion that certain behaviors are to be expected in the absence of an appropriate drug regiment. For that matter, behavioral tendencies resulting from existing neuro-biological networks is equally worthy of our concern.
Will finish later ……..
choice and children
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-08-02 22:27:47
Link to this Comment: 15813 |
It's important that young people feel they have choices. Without that sense of empowerment they become too malleable. We expect them to follow the herd when they are young or in new and stressful situations. However, as they become older teens we begin to look for signs of strength. Can they make hard, often unpopular, choices?
You can't help young people to develop fortitude by reinforcing weakness. As adults our task is to guide children to maturity, not discourage them from attempting to reach it.
People accomplish the impossible when they don't know it's impossible.
Do we know our own capabilities? If we don't even know ourselves, how can we presume to know the abilities of others?
It would be strange indeed if the more we know about the brain, the less confident we become. For me, the more I know,the more "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
(Psa. 139:14)
We need to help children find stories of strength. If genealogy weakens, interview your elders for stories of survival, of overcoming, of flexibility, of hard choices made, of lifelong scars, and disfiguring illness.
A man in his forties, reminisced about his brother's suicide. The brother had killed himself at seventeen over a broken heart. The speaker had been seven at the time. As a man he knew what his brother did not. You can survive a broken heart. (The news that you can even love again might have been too callous.) What if the seventeen year old had been told there was
a choice between eternal pain and dying?
We have to let children know that it is possible to live with all sorts of visible and invisible scars and life can still be worthwhile. It is all about choosing.
As teachers we must build this knowledge into them. It's a choice whether you do homework, cut school, achieve or force yourself to see a half full glass instead of one that's half empty.
Making Change--concretely
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-03 08:08:00
Link to this Comment: 15814 |
Good morning. Welcome back. When you come in today, please make change. Then write here what you did.

I took change
Name: Don Barber Date: 2005-08-03 09:02:37
Link to this Comment: 15815 |
I took out 5 dimes and 2 quarters and put in 1 dollar bill.
I'm not sure that this is "making change"... but at least it was a transformation... how one form of metal can be EQUAL to a piece of paper with green ink markings on it.
Name: Wil Frankl Date: 2005-08-03 09:03:19
Link to this Comment: 15816 |
Name: Wil Frankl Date: 2005-08-03 09:05:30
Link to this Comment: 15817 |
put in two dollars, took out eight quarters.
making change
Name: julie Date: 2005-08-03 09:10:24
Link to this Comment: 15818 |
This morning I found a dollar in my bag and changed it for 4 quarters. Then I thought about changing my seat, but I did not want to impose change on someone else...
Change for change
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-08-03 09:12:32
Link to this Comment: 15820 |
I made change of $1.00, in which I had to borrow from Wil. I took two quarters, five nickels, 2 dimes, and five pennies. I really think change can be simple, changing a dollar or change can be difficult, changing the way we as teachers teach. I have made two changes today!
making change
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-08-03 09:16:42
Link to this Comment: 15821 |
I put in a dollar and took four quarters, old quarters that is. The newspaper machines do not accept the newer quarters. I conducted an exchange, but nothing was changed, actually.
Making Change
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-08-03 09:29:10
Link to this Comment: 15822 |
Why am I doing this, I wondered? Let me leave that thought alone, I don't want to strongly influence my actions. What change do I need? I do only have one single dollar bill and I want to keep that. I got it. I will get enough change to fill up my coin dispenser in the cubby of my car. I always need change there, so I will get two bucks worth. There I killed two birds with one stone. By the way, has anyway ever actually done that?
Name: Date: 2005-08-03 09:29:15
Link to this Comment: 15823 |
If I had $1.00, I would exchange 3 quarters and 2 dimes and 1 nickel.
8-3-05 Comments:
Name: Date: 2005-08-03 10:40:19
Link to this Comment: 15824 |
8-3-05 Comments:
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-08-03 10:42:19
Link to this Comment: 15825 |
Good Morning, Friends~
It is nice to be welcomed back...thank you all.
Today I changed a $1.00 bill into 4 quaters.
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-08-03 10:46:39
Link to this Comment: 15826 |
I put in four ones and four quarters and took a five dollar bill. I actually didn't make change, I ended up with a larger bill.
Make a Change
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-08-03 10:47:23
Link to this Comment: 15827 |
With the theme of the Summer Institute,I am in tune with so much, I think it to make a change in my student population through my teaching. i did put 5 dollar bill and took 4 one dollr bill and left the change for a dollar there, thinking that if it going to be used for a charity, even hough it is not much it would make a smal change for the cause it is used. Literally, it made a change in reducing the number of coins and increasing th number of paper money.
Name: Saroja nad Date: 2005-08-03 10:56:05
Link to this Comment: 15828 |
we studied the the behavior of my little andy making the choice of his food.
We played with Langton's Ants to see whether it had any choice. I dont think so as it obeyed the rules and in doing so, he moved randomly and while doing so he found a spot and repeatedly following the rules happened to change it's path and looked like changed is behavior.
southern quarters
Name: Kate Date: 2005-08-03 10:57:00
Link to this Comment: 15829 |
I wanted to be creative, but I also just wanted to be boring and put a dollar in and take four quarters out so I would have change for my laundry (the machines don't take anything less than quarters). Then I noticed that I got a South Carolina and a Virginia quarter and I thought maybe I could try to get 4 different Southern quarters...even though now I realize Virginia is pretty much in the middle, the same as Kansas. Anyway, I found a Mississippi quarter but then I couldn't find any more. Then I found a $2 peso and I figured Mexico is REALLY southern so I took that. I have no idea if it is worth more or less than 25 cents, but it fit my pattern.
8-3-05 Enviornmental Question:
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-08-03 10:58:08
Link to this Comment: 15830 |
Why do people use the resources of our Earth to produce chemicals to treat the soil and plants with pesticides and herbicides, thus changing a natural environment into a non-organic environment, and then growers sell the products that are organic at higher costs than those that are conventional; when it costs more to treat and maintain the 'cide' treated soil and plants?
Question for Reflection
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-03 10:58:46
Link to this Comment: 15831 |
List a global environmental change issue, and the #1 question/piece of information you think would help you make sense of the issue.
- Changes in migratory habits (time, places) of songbirds and butterflies.
What are the factors causing global warming?
- Global Environment Change issue/Global warming
How will it affect life on the planet as we know it?
- Global environmental change:
droughts/famines in Africa
Global Warming
Water polution
Air polution
- How much of a true effect is the growing number of existing autos having on the composition of our atmosphere?
Must we really be concerned about leglislative actions being imposed in the future that will limit the use of autors?
- Is "global warming" actually the result of human events or the natural warming/cooling of the Earth
(Ice Age, etc.)? Or are we speeding it up?
- Global Warming:
(1)What is it? Where is it?
(2) How is it effecting our world?
(3) What can we do from a human perspective?
(4) Are the current daily temperatures indicative of the trend toward the global warming phenomena?
- Snowball earth: why didn't it stay a snow ball?
- How can we make each generation more environmentally conscious and reverse the current trends?
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-08-03 10:59:34
Link to this Comment: 15832 |
it is a great concern that the warmth is increasing in the earth's enviorment. Automobile pollution seems to be the cause. What we going to about it. What each one of us can do about it in our own little way?
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-08-03 11:02:09
Link to this Comment: 15833 |
My 'knee jerk' reaction was to just give as Ann had istructed.I THEN CHANGED MY MIND AND TOOK CHANGE BACK.
Reflections continued
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-03 11:03:43
Link to this Comment: 15834 |
- Global Environmental Change Issue: Global Warming
- 1. Urban Sprawl
2. + traffic, + dependence on fuel
3. warmer weather (intense summers)
4. invasive species
5. species surviving other environments (Canadian geese)
6. industrial/hospital waste
7. H20shed importance
8. Is recycling a myth?
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-08-03 11:16:29
Link to this Comment: 15835 |
Name: Date: 2005-08-03 11:56:06
Link to this Comment: 15836 |
Geology and Global Warming.
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-08-03 12:15:16
Link to this Comment: 15837 |
i really admire the idea of breaking the huge problem into smaller segment to understand a concept. It see scary to think of what is going to happen to the earth.
Change thus far
Name: Antoinette Date: 2005-08-03 17:01:39
Link to this Comment: 15839 |
Well, how can I quantify the changes tht have happened to me so far in this Institute on change? I may have a difficult time quantifying the process, but I know that I am more energized and ready to approach my class, the gems of the future in a dirrerent , positive way. I am finding that I am more comfortable with not knowing all of the answers, and that questioning is a method of growth. Getting it 'less wrong' is a concept that is feeling safer and safer, so that I do have to not present myself to my students as the one with all of the answers. Inquiry based learning allows for student learning, that can be demonstrated in a standardized format, but that MUST not be the only way of assessment. Community based learning...what a concept, begin to make/invite the community to become part of the learning process....maybe take dvantage of some of the resources presented during the K-16 collaboration. Many other things continue to cross my mind, but I will avoid stram of conscieness style writing.
Again, Thank You to everyone who persisted in the grant writing piece for the Howard Hughes Medical grant. The playground of learning (some call the summer institutes) has been an afirming, and challenging experience for me. Afirming my strenghts, and challenging me to get it less wrong, and make things more relevent and inviting for my students.
Making Cents of Change
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-03 21:49:48
Link to this Comment: 15840 |
This morning's assignment:
calculate the sum total of change we made yesterday morning. Please record your findings here.
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-08-04 09:32:11
Link to this Comment: 15841 |
The overall effect of the "change" encounters was the increase of $1.25. However, there was a loss of the $2 peso. I am not exactly knowledgable of the current exchange rate. So, monetarily there was an overall change in the system.
Use Later
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-08-04 12:08:45
Link to this Comment: 15842 |
Name: cynthia Date: 2005-08-04 13:13:34
Link to this Comment: 15843 |
THOUGH UNFAMILIAR WITH THE SPECIFIC TERMS,I thought the presentation was very engaging.
reporting out
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-04 13:35:40
Link to this Comment: 15844 |
Yesterday we explored global climate change; today's topic was computing. Before you leave, let us know, please, about both presentations:
- What was new or unfamiliar to you?
- What was relevant (or not) to your own classroom?
- How might you change/re-package/spin the material we covered today to interest and engage your students?
- How would you get good feedback on the effectiveness of such a lesson?
Looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and to continuing the conversation....
8-4-05 Comments:
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-08-04 15:30:46
Link to this Comment: 15846 |
As today progressed from literally making change with our money to making change with our thinking, John's presentation made sense (for me) of several aspects of the computer. I realize that humans possess a much higher intelligence than computers, although we don't always tap into and/or utilize the full breadth and depth of our mental capabilities/capacity. Computers are only as capable as programs, instructions, they receive. As vast as that may be, they will never exceed or even equal human intelligence.
As for A,B, Or ,and And...they are choices. Our choice makes change, even if we choose not to change.
Name: Tiffany Wi Date: 2005-08-04 15:33:14
Link to this Comment: 15847 |
Knowing...has always been the most exciting thing for me. To learn something new (whether I agree with it or not) will always be relevant to me. With that said the information presented today was great...but to engage my students would be another story. In order to make this relevant in my own class I would introduce the game of On-Sets- purely as a game. Teach the rules and the concepts of union, intersect, and, & not as it applies to the game. I would give them ample time to master the game...and slowly but surely bring in the programming aspect.
Geology & Technology
Name: Date: 2005-08-04 15:36:20
Link to this Comment: 15848 |
I enjoyed learning about the graphs & diagrams to make sense of a few systems, such as the relationship between temperature and attention span. The hands on experience of the effects and interaction between salt and fresh water is an experiment that I may include in my classroom. I always used to think that Geology was the study of the hard or bone of the earth. Don expanded my ideas of the Earth and the study of the surface of the Earth's surface and sediment are another specialized area.
Technology was a mind expanded experience. The morning session awarded us an opportunity to create a scene out of the Alice program. My students will be able to take advantage of the web site. The theories of computer program are to abstract for me to even attempt to introduce to my students. The morning was more beneficial. JD asked us what we wanted to learn in the morning, but he didn't touch on any of our questions or concerns.
Name: julie Date: 2005-08-04 15:40:56
Link to this Comment: 15849 |
Being a science teacher, much of the geology I was familiar with in some way, but don't neccesarily present as much as I should in my class. One thing that really seems relevant to almost everything I teach, that I (embarrassingly, because it is not mentioned in the curriculum,) gloss over is convection. I think that much of what I teach and what will be coming in the new curriculum will benefit from explanations and "playing" with the notion of convection and the salt water experiments/demonstrations. As far as feedback is concerned, I think a class discussion that occurs after the demostrations about convection and relating it to other things they have real life experience with will be my feedback. (Can they relate the saltwater experiment to when you open the freezer in the summer and see the cold air drop to the ground???)
As far as the computing is concerened this topic is a little tougher for me to comprehend, mainly because of my lack of experience in this area. I think one of the most useful tools was the Alice program as far as introducing students to the world of programming. It also is a good discussion starter for how humans are what drives the computer. I think I would use this in my class to introduce and raise students comfort level with computers and exploring what the computers have to offer. Hopefully the feedback I would get would be not only the complexity of their result, but their enthusiam during the activity.
Geology-day 9
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-08-04 15:41:08
Link to this Comment: 15850 |
Geologyst,Don Barber showed that the problems of global level could be understood well and easily if it the problem could be broken down to smaller unit and analyzed to get the understanding of the big picture. He did it with the help of different graphs in the starting and putting the result together.
I new about density and osmosis, but it was a great and new experience looking at the low density water poured over the high density liquid and with different colors, which had a dramic effect. This fractioning the problems and making into "bite size" would be my new strategy in teaching the class, specially at the new school in September. t
Thanks to Don for this new tool.
Name: cynthia Date: 2005-08-04 15:45:00
Link to this Comment: 15851 |
The possibilities are endless in informational technology. Isincerely hope that new devices will be discoved to benefit all people.BEING A woman of faith and these past two weeeks have strenghtened my resolve for teaching.
Name: Date: 2005-08-04 15:46:30
Link to this Comment: 15852 |
IT-day 9
Name: Saroja Nad Date: 2005-08-04 15:49:43
Link to this Comment: 15853 |
Being a peson with very litle knowledge about computer, it was fascinating to know so much about computers and its capabilities. Understanding the fundamental aspects about how the computer works was esay with simple but well thought of demonstrations. I was wondering what kind of hands on session would be there for teaching about computers! Now understood that you can Understand about the complex things through simple examples. This is the take home lesson for me to think when I will be preparing for the class. Thanks to the experienced teachers. Thanks to JD.
IT Day
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-08-04 16:04:49
Link to this Comment: 15854 |
Most of the information about AI was new to me. His explanations of the binary systems was review, but the concrete demos gave it a new perspective. The relevance to my classroom is minimal, except to ask children which is smarter computer or person. In some way, I would reorder the instruction to talk about either change or try to envelop inquiry-based learning by asking provoking questions. I think the talk was thought provoking and could have been refined by a more demonstrable thread of thougth across the day. Change as a theme could be interwoven in a learning process that takes students on their own journey of discovery of how their usage of computers has changed over time. Then, students could be challenged to assume resp. or planning for uses of computer in the future. John did a great job of identifying the computer as a tool, I think he could expand his presentation with inquiry that stimulates students to contemplate computers and change in society.
Change Geology/Computer Science
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-08-04 16:16:12
Link to this Comment: 15855 |
The computer science class was very new. I enjoyed JD’s enthusiasm but he was very technical and I had difficulty following him after lunch. I really was looking forward to doing a little more hands-on activity. The geology class with Don was also good and more interactive. Again, the familiarity of the subject matter was helpful. I think I would be able to adapt his lesson a little better. Since, I do not have computers in the classroom and technology is very limited, I probably would not do much with the computer science class work from today except for the water demonstration. I need more help to change or repackage today’s lesson because, again, I had a lot of difficulty keeping up with JD. I felt kind of out of the loop today! Sorry! I can not answer the final question; the change that took place today was very frustrating to me! Again, change is life and life is Change!
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-08-04 16:23:29
Link to this Comment: 15856 |
* Much is unfamiliar. I know what computers do. I didn't know there is such controversy over AI; but considering the furor over stem cell research,I can see there could be.
*I thought the most valuable aspect of the presentation was how wide open the field is. Imagine it and maybe you can make it happen.
*I think the binary nature of computers provides an opportunity for students to develop games.
*If the students enjoyed developing games and presenting them to classmtes, I'd have my proof.
assessing what's changed
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-05 01:17:37
Link to this Comment: 15857 |
 | Welcome to the last day of "making cents of change." |
Before we begin this morning,
please make a forum entry in which you complete these three sentences:
1. To me, change feels like _________.
2. When I think of change, I think of __________.
3. For me, the most significant change takes place in __________.
Before you leave this afternoon, please also be sure to provide us with
1. Your performative assessment
2. The Bryn Mawr Summer Institutes Evaluation and Questionnaire
3. Continuing Professional Education Learning Experience Evaluation
4. Post-institute assignment (to be completed by Sept. 1)
4. Any last forum comments....?
These are mine: I felt more a student than a teacher during the past two weeks, and feel that I received a very rich education in science education. Being with you and working with you taught me a whole lot about what works and doesn't (and why it works and doesn't) in the classroom. I also learned a ton about myself as a learner--both about what bores me, and about what turns me on and keeps me engaged. Thanks for coming and teaching me so much. Changing me so much. |  |
I'm feeling, @ the end of these two weeks, rich beyond measure.
("Midas,"from Peter Sharpe Digital Imagery)
Keep on thinking. Keep on changing.
And please keep connected--via this website?
Name: Teresa Date: 2005-08-05 09:14:35
Link to this Comment: 15858 |
To me, change feels like a double-edged sword.
When I think of change, I think of standing still.
For me, the most significant change takes place in ways I would neverwould have predicted or perhaps chosen.
Final Thoughts
Name: Wil Frank Date: 2005-08-05 09:16:23
Link to this Comment: 15859 |
I would like to thank Anne for her archival efforts and her wonderful web-weaving ability. Her juxtapositions and bridge building was a calming constancy in our two week roller-coaster ride.
Most of all I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your contributions to a very rich exploration of change. I am amased at your dedication to teaching and am inspired by your creativity and ability. Thank you for sharing, it has taught me much.
Of change, I will continue to search for stable ground, but you all have helped me see more possibilites for my foundation.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding science literacy, caterpillers and butterflies or just plain old change.
Name: julie Date: 2005-08-05 09:29:24
Link to this Comment: 15860 |
To me, change feels like it can be exciting. When I think of change, I still tend to drift toward the negative connotation, but now I have a tendancy think more that our world as well as our lives are always changing, so I have been trying to look toward change as good, it's happening all the time, I should just embrace it. (But we know that is easier said than done...) For me, the most significant change takes place in my life away from school- there are more variables that I have less control over. The sooner I embrace change, the more accepting I will be of it. (I'm still not always going to like it...)
Name: Ti Date: 2005-08-05 09:31:37
Link to this Comment: 15861 |
1. To me, change feels like a whrilwind.
2. When I think of change, I think of growth (sometimes painful growth).
3. For me, the most significant change takes place when it concerns my faith, my family, my friends, and community.
Name: Date: 2005-08-05 09:31:59
Link to this Comment: 15862 |
To me, change feels like the inevitable.
When I think of change, I think of a reconstructed web.
For me, the most significant change takes place in the dynamic of the health of those I love.
Friday's Task
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-08-05 09:34:28
Link to this Comment: 15863 |
please make a forum entry in which you complete these three sentences:
1. To me, change feels like an incremental step taken towards a higher level of general understanding.
2. When I think of change, I think of affording me the opportunities to be placed in environments where change can happen.
3. For me, the most significant change takes place in the experience of, or my participation in, a paradigm shift.
Making Sense of Change
Name: J.Odom Date: 2005-08-05 09:34:51
Link to this Comment: 15864 |
To me, change feels like something that is obtainable. Again, Life is a series of changes that take place every day. It is how we go through the changes that can have an adverse effect on pleasurable effect on us.
When I think of change, I think of my life, my children, what I do in my classroom. They are ever changing! Imust also change with it!
I need to experience change. If you don't then you will remain in a state of flux and chaos. That is not change; this is stagnant behavior and not effective in ones life!
8-5-05 Comments:
Name: Miss T. Date: 2005-08-05 09:34:58
Link to this Comment: 15865 |
1...entering uncharted territory.
2...staff issues.
Name: Cleat Date: 2005-08-05 09:35:59
Link to this Comment: 15866 |
Change can feel many ways to me, it all depends on what kind of change it is.
When I think of change I dont think of anything in particular. Again it depends on what kind of change.
The most significant change to me takes place in the heart.
Name: Kate Date: 2005-08-05 09:40:48
Link to this Comment: 15867 |
1. Change feels like ripping off a bandaid...it hurts a little, but you have to do it.
2. When I think of change I think of the great unknown looming before me.
3. For me, the most significant change takes place in the self.
Friday's Task-2
Name: Randal Hol Date: 2005-08-05 11:00:38
Link to this Comment: 15868 |
please make a forum entry in which you complete these three sentences:
1. To me, change feels like an incremental step taken towards a higher level of general understanding.
2. When I think of change, I think of affording me the opportunities to be placed in environments where change can happen.
3. For me, the most significant change takes place in the experience of, or my participation in, a paradigm shift. This shift sparks a whole new set of changes to be experienced.
Name: Yaena Park Date: 2005-08-05 11:00:49
Link to this Comment: 15869 |
I also would like to thank Anne, Wil and all the teachers. It was a great learning opportunity for me to work with you amazing people. I hope this institute about Change can be a starting point of making differences and changes in classrooms (I know a lot of you are already doing it, but i mean in a larger scale).
I've been reading a very interesting book called "The Tipping Point" by Malcome Gladwell. The tipping point is a point, dramatic point, in an epidemic when radical changes take place. Gladwell argues that often times the tipping point occurs by a few select carriers and the contagious movement is created by small movements. Working with you and hearing you at the minisymposium, I am very hopeful that each of you can be the carrier who spreads the contagious movement, the movement that brings students closer to science.
Change is contagious, like an epidemic. I'd like to see a continous and contagious change happening in science classes and education system (which seems to have a lot of problems) and would love to be a part of that changing process as well.
Have a great summer!
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-08-05 12:08:32
Link to this Comment: 15870 |
Name: claudette Date: 2005-08-05 12:09:36
Link to this Comment: 15871 |
I have experienced change in this institute by way of identifying behaviors,tasks and strategies that need to be transformed or eradicated immediately and consistently.
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-08-05 13:29:52
Link to this Comment: 15872 |
Name: CYNTHIA Date: 2005-08-05 13:29:53
Link to this Comment: 15873 |
archiving our change--and asking for more!
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-06 21:43:51
Link to this Comment: 15874 |
Dear Movers and Changers,
I dealt w/ the disappointment of not seeing your cheery faces this morning
by spending most of the day archiving our past few days together.
From the Photo Archive @
you can now access pictures of your graduation,
your final performances,
J.D. Dougherty introducing us to "Alice," and
Don Barber looking over his saline solution on the "day after."
I've also made up a resource page for your final projects;
you can find it @
http://serendipstudio.org/local/suminst/eei05/finalperformances.html .
The links are active for the work Judy and Cynthia sent in, and for some
photos of Connie and Julie's presentations. I'm eager to have written
reports from everyone--so, please send 'em on....
I was telling Wil that I think we could write an awfully good paper about
these past two weeks: an account of what works and doesn't in science
education--AND how to assess it. So stay tuned for what emerges....
and in the interim, don't forget to send in your curriculum development
proposal (more grist for the mill, turned by the river of change....)

Many, many thanks to all--especially and belatedly to Wil, who kept it all
together for us in the lab, always coming up w/ whatever material
resources we needed (not to mention all the intellectual, spiritual and
musical ones....)
Gratefully, once more,
"The world is flux"
Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2005-08-19 13:23:40
Link to this Comment: 15901 |
Me again.
One of the most satisfying aspects of Making Sense of Change, for me, was that so many of your "assessments" of what you learned about hands-on science education were performed in artistic modes: poetry, songs, collages, posters....it’s very heartening to me to experience this sort of interactive relationship between science and humanities, to see how effectively art can express what one has learned in a science class.
So I found myself particularly struck by a contemporary poem I came across this week, which does the same sort of thing that your "performative assessments" did. It's about the 19th century French impressionist painter, Claude Monet, who tries to make his surgeon understand why he is refusing to have his cataracts removed. Literary critics have noted that the poem disrupts accepted notions of disability and health, but it also disrupts something far bigger: our conventional divisions between the observer and what is being observed (between ourselves and the universe, between light and what it lights, between the sky and the sea, between the land masses we call continents--as you'll see, the poem is rich in resonance from almost every one of our days of work together). See Monet Refuses the Operation, by Lisel Mueller--and enjoy!
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-08-26 05:10:53
Link to this Comment: 15922 |
I was deep into my comment when I was dumped and had to start over = bad change.
1. To me change feels like an old friend for whom I've made iced tea and checked the window several times.
To me change feels like an old friend who calls in the middle of my best dream in months just to check in.
2. When I think of change I think of a repotted plant; a compost heap; a bonsai tree being twisted into beauty and strength by thin wires all over its bark.
3. For me, the most significant change takes place in my head after I've experienced something or thought a new thought.
Rachel Naomi Remer
Name: mrobertson Date: 2005-08-26 05:40:22
Link to this Comment: 15923 |
I heard an interview of Rachel Naomi Remmer, doctor and teacher of doctors, in which she discussed her career with end of life patients. Having been with my father, I identified with her experience. Even when you may feel helpless you can bring healing, by listening.
Her listening training began when she was a child listening to her grandfather's stories. Her comments meant a lot to me:
An unanswered question is a fine traveling companion on the road of life.
In story there's often a magic word - like "Open Sesame" or "Once upon a time..." - that releases the characters into life. My magic words have been "I don't know."
When she was in college she was assigned the unappealing job of chronicling her class events with a camera. Over time she came to realize that this duty was a gift. Through her camera she could see more clearly. She called it her "zeit camera". I don't know a good definition of the German word. Zeitgeist [tsitgist] means the spirit of the time, the general characteristics of a particular period.
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