Name: custodio
Subject: research
Date: Tue Jan 7 12:25:45 EST 1997
you gave us a grat source of research. thanks a lot !
Name: christine
Subject: Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer
Date: Wed Jan 15 07:25:28 EST 1997
I am researching Dr. Mesmer and one of his patients Maria-therese Paradis, and would be most grateful for any information or assistance. yours sincerely christine grace.
Name: spen
Subject: pico
Date: Fri Jan 17 00:50:10 EST 1997
I just read Pico's essay on the on the dignity of man. some one have any idea what the main line of reson is in it.
Name: E.Reichel
Username: cedres@pandore
Subject: sharing thoughts
Date: Sun Feb 23 00:06:30 EST 1997
Could there be a cartesian epistemologic distinction between God ( call it quantum field or Unknown or Thought or spirit) and the mind as an organ in the body ?. Could there be a magnetic field around the body wich attracts thoughts in resonnance with the body or reflects thoughts? Could there be a relationship betweeen the light and the thought? Could the electromagnetic frequencies of the light be related to different levels of concioussness and with the different glands in the body as represented by the so called "chacras" ? Could there be a relation between the sensitivity to light of the pineal gland and the spirit brain connection? Could the observer affect any experience by focusing his mind on a thought? could healing be more than sugggestion buth focusing the mind on this thought? Could a thought-light activate receptors at the surface of the brain cell and be transmitted to the rest of the body in the molecular form of neurotransmitters and other hormones? Could there be a storage of emotion in the genes as past memory from the parents and as new memory from lived experiences and can those be related to adaptation and evolution??? All kind of questions araised by reading from Descartes to James also Dr Deepak Chopra.
Name: Jackie Crawford
Subject: historical images
Date: Sun Feb 23 13:43:22 EST 1997
Thank you for taking the time to post the images that accompany your text. Not only are they valuable as resources for others, they make the text so much more interesting. J. Crawford
Date: Sat Mar 8 15:54:19 EST 1997
Name: Homer Simpson
Subject: Existance of God
Date: Mon Mar 10 23:14:36 EST 1997
If the all mighty God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient, why does evil still exist???
Name: Mary Ellen
Subject: Freedom
Date: Mon Mar 17 08:15:08 EST 1997
Thank you for a wonderful forum. Homer's last question about evil has to do with freedom. We are free to mess up. Are you going to do anything with Phenomenology in the future? Has anyone in your Forum studied Maurice Merleau-Ponty? How about the work of Bernard Lonergan on consciousness? Finally D. Bob Gowin and epistemology.
Name: Teri
Subject: mind-body/dualism
Date: Wed Mar 26 21:14:46 EST 1997
The paper "Mind and Body" was vey well written. I am currently working on a term paper for a history of psych class on Dualism.. if anyone has any suggestions for where I could find more information (preferably on recent interpretation/support) I would appreciate it e-mail:
Name: John Schmidt
Subject: Mind/Brain history
Date: Sat Apr 19 12:28:17 EDT 1997
I am in an extream state of frustration! Where is the follow-up volume for "RENÉ DESCARTES TO WILLIAM JAMES"? I want "WILLIAM JAMES TO FRANCIS CRICK" on my web browser by 6:00 pm, sharp! Has anyone put a history of the past 100 years of mind/brain on the WWW?
Name: poppy maclean
Subject: psychology/history
Date: Wed May 21 00:42:55 EDT 1997
on the history of the last 100 years of psychology, especially method and subject matter i have found the following text useful. A History of Modern Psychology, Schultz & Schultz 1996, Harcourt Brace, ISBN:0-15-502560-0 Its a bit linear in approach ie it covers structuralism, functionalism, behaviourism, gestalt, psychoanalysis, humanistic psych and cognitive psych in that order, but useful.
Name: anonymous
Subject: public inhibition
Date: Fri May 23 18:55:30 EDT 1997
public inhibition seems not to be an issue of insecurity, rather one of societies demands for conformity
Name: Pedro M. Nieves
Subject: Mind/Body
Date: Thu May 29 20:50:39 EDT 1997
I am working in a new Psychological Theory and I would like to make contact with serious researchers around the world. This new theory is based on the ideas of Descartes but it also includes the new developments in the psychological field. Any interested researcher that would like to share information with me through the Internet send an E-mail to Thanks. Pedro
Name: anonymous
Subject: litho press
Date: Sat Jun 7 14:57:27 EDT 1997
what kind of equipment was used? stones or metal plates? do you have a suggestion for a printing press source? I am looking for a used printing press.
Name: Sergio Franzese
Subject: James on effort
Date: Tue Jun 24 06:56:04 EDT 1997
Is there anyone who has interesting suggestions about a consistent and acceptable interpretation of notion of "effort" in James's Principles? I know quite well what James says about, so I need something he didn't say. Thanks. Sergio Franzese
Name: L Cody
Subject: Evil, Problem of
Date: Sun Jul 27 18:22:54 EDT 1997
Evil may well be nothing more then fear gone berserk. If this is true then the question should be "Why does fear exist and why do we use fear to control human behavior, perpetuating evil?"
Name: L Cody
Subject: Evil, Problem of
Date: Sun Jul 27 18:25:20 EDT 1997
Evil may well be nothing more then fear gone berserk. If this is true then the question should be "Why does fear exist and why do we use fear to control human behavior, perpetuating evil?"
Name: Not yet
Subject: Existence of God
Date: Thu Jul 31 07:55:23 EDT 1997
Excuse my english, I am not a native spoker. You could REALLY imagine what is OMNIpotent, OMNIbenevolent and so on? As for me, I'm not quit sure. OMNI mean for me that all the stuff is equally balanced and submitted to one great will, and that all the tendancies must be controlled. That is, there will be NOT other tendancies and other wills. That is, everything is unballanced, unmoved, dead. Perhaps we can't imagine a thing like this, without thinking in terms of death, and obviously, we cannot accept (or understand) death. I don't want to be borring or to upset somebody, I just surfed in, and feel like talking about.
Name: Laura Cody
Subject: Existence of God
Date: Sun Aug 3 19:57:56 EDT 1997
I think we can well imagine non existence, if not death. But we really don't want to if we can help it. That is why we hang on to the belief that God does indeed exist and we will continue on after our physical death. It is necesary for us to believe in God, we may protest that we don't, but deep down we hope we are wrong. We must continue, our egos demand it!
Name: E. W. Artzman
Subject: Immortality
Date: Sat Aug 16 23:01:15 EDT 1997
It has often occurred to me that a belief in the after life was created, not for one's own benefit, but out of a respect for others. Most people who are alive, I think, have a rather hard time imagining or even wanting to stay alive forever. Real existence is too tiresome and confusing to put up with on that basis. It seems that life, like all natural things should eventually have an end. But when a friend or loved one dies, it becomes very hard for the remaining community to believe that good old Uncle Harry or Joe is really gone. So the idea of an after life was created in ancient times out of a kind of respect for those beloved who had departed. We did not want to believe that they were really gone and tried to keep them "alive," so to speak, by creating a special world where their memories could live on. Christianity merely corrupted this ancient benevolence and turned into a selfish wish for personal survival in some glorified super state and threw in the idea of God as the grand underwriter of the whole scheme. But it is all fictious. Except to the incorrigibly self-centered a devine being doesn't necessarily guaranty anything, much less eternal life. Logically speaking, a devine being might be just as happy to have us die off and be erased from the cosmic record books or could send us through endless cycles of life like the Bhuddists and Hindus believe. Who knows? But what do others think of this idea--that a belief in an after life was created out of our respect for the people we really cared about?
Name: L. Cody
Subject: Immortality
Date: Wed Aug 20 07:56:47 EDT 1997
RE:E.W. Artzman's comments Never thought of the desire for an afterlive begotten out of a respect for Uncle Ralph. Then hell must have been created for those who have passed on whom we have no respect for, right? I would not want to continue on forever the way I am now, loaded down with emotion, both positive and negative (with the possible exception of joy). A pure intellectual existence might be interesting! But to live forever as I am now, no. We should'nt be so down on selfishness (self-interest), it is often what keeps us alive and vital. It is in my own interest that I coninue on and do what I need to assure that. If I was not somewhat selfish or if humans in general were not selfish, we would have died out long ago. In the end no one (God/s/ included) may care, it may just be life that is important, not specific forms of life.
Name: GOD
Subject: Truth
Date: Mon Sep 15 02:34:16 EDT 1997

You are BOTH wrong

But I still LOVE you.

more later...

Name: Tanya Zilberter
Subject: How about Holism?
Date: Sat Oct 18 11:51:09 EDT 1997
Is anybody there in the forum who is involved with Holistic Philosophy? There are aspects directly related to the topic. They speak a lot about body-mind in the body-mind medicine (which is practically limited to the nursing field), let alone alternative modalities. However, I am aware of possible lack of common language. Anybody interested at all? I have an academic background (PhD in physiology), but am starting to work on a kind of "bridging the gap" book on holistic principles, system analysis, and holistic medicine. Looking for any feedbacks and would welcome participation! Tanya
Name: Paul Grobstein
Subject: Holism?
Date: Sat Oct 18 15:53:22 EDT 1997
Thanks for dropping by. We don't have anyone in the immediate vicinity with expertise in holistic medicine (though maybe someone else will drop by). There is, though, a fair amount of interest in, and stuff about, body/mind, and systems behavior in various Serendip places. Have you looked at Brain and Behavior, and at Complex Systems? "Bridging the gap" is a Serendip specialty, so browse around .... and if you see any bridges you'd like to help build here, let us know.
Name: Bill DeLoach
Subject: W James & E Taylor
Date: Sat Oct 18 17:17:38 EDT 1997
Just a note to say that Eugene Taylor's deft summary of the connection between Wm James and the study of consciousness is truly masterful. I wonder if Taylor has read or heard of one or two books on consciousness by Bernard Baars?
Name: Jamie
Subject: Need help
Date: Sat Oct 25 07:39:24 EDT 1997
I am a first year philosophy student and i don't know where to start with my first essay,(due on the 21st of nov.). Anyone have any suggestions? The title is "How convincing are Descarte's solutions to his own doubts?". All input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Name: A Friend
Subject: Existence of GOD
Date: Tue Nov 11 18:55:14 EST 1997
The existence of God is an individual belief adquired from an individual experience. The "existence of God" is meant to be understood at the individual level (the subject). Therfore, it is subjective. It is not meant to be explained to others because others, as individuals, have their own ideas about the "existence or not existence of God". So, there is no empirical explanation of the existence of God. The only fact that we have is that there is a lot of human beings around the world who believe in the "existence of God" and that this belief is many centuries old. Based on the above, the only thing we can responsible explain is how the idea of the "existence of God" affect the lives of human beings at their individual and social levels. In addition, as Social Scientists we can assume that, based on the above, there is a NATURAL TENDENCY in human beings to SEEK, EXPLORE and BELIEVE in the "existance or not existance of God". The important lesson for us is that we cannot forget that we live in an interdependent world and that we have to tolerate the believes and ideas of others. I welcome your e-mail. "God bless you all."