Name: Flora
Subject: TIME (more)
Date: Sat Feb 14 12:39:34 EST 1998
The human being experience since many, many centuries, led him to organize his experience (his visions, acts... life) in a time-ordered sequence. So , I think that it's as if we have a "clock-machine" inside, created in our own evolution as human beings. Now, my question is: if we could have a "laboratory" or something else and we could maintain a human being (from his/her birth) without any time reference (no "It's time to breakfast, baby!!" nor "Time to sleep, honey!!"), I don't know if he/she would have the remains or thoughts, or mental experiences, chronologically ordered or not. What do you think?
Name: anonymous
Date: Sat Feb 14 12:40:49 EST 1998

Name: anonymous
Subject: TIME
Date: Sat Feb 14 12:46:59 EST 1998
I just have to post a comment and I'm checking that my comments are received. Excuse me.
Name: Sean Flynn
Subject: TIME
Date: Sat Feb 14 22:41:09 EST 1998
My four year old son, who will soon be five, is only just now beginning to discover the dimension of time. He asks such things as:" Is it tomorrow, yet"?. The concept of being able to have a piece of candy "later" has no meaning for my two year old son. With this in mind I would suspect that a infant deprived of a education in time would not necessarily come to the realization of a sequential order in things. However, at some point mankind was just as ignorant of time, and yet still saw in it an order that was predictable.
Name: Flora
Subject: TIME
Date: Thu Feb 19 10:00:32 EST 1998
If, in some sense, the ability to realize the facts in a sequential order is an artificial one, why people tries "to stop the time", like Peter Pan, and avoid the idea of death? If I were unable to understand concepts such "time", "dinamic process", etc... in other words, if I were in a timeless universe, life&death would be almost the same thing. What do you think?
Name: Don Swank
Subject: On Beyond Newton
Date: Mon Mar 16 12:18:21 EST 1998
The indication is that more shoud be done in order to externally influence natural phenomena in order that population, as an example, isn't beset by negative consequences such as war, famine and disease.
Name: carlos d. urrutia
Subject: geting results/finding "right category.@
Date: Sun May 31 15:36:06 EDT 1998
useless parents only suggest ways /things one must do to do what they have done....- Those wonderful but useless parents never consider my situation when making suggestions or comments that would help me get "FROM HERE TO THERE-where i want to go." Some science fiction fans and modern sociologists feel that THE ONLY ONES QUALIFIED TO RAISE TODAYS CHILDREN-ARE TODAYS CHILDREN.-because the children KNOW that mommy and daddy are lying because parents tell children 'the way things WERE....BUT the children are growing up in the super industrial electronic computer age. REPEAT-THE ONLY ONES QUALIFIED TO RAISE TODAYS CHILDREN -ARE TODAYS CHILDREN