FALL, 2002

Being Mendel
(with virtual fruit flies)

Name:  Brenda and Elizabeth
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  FLY LAB
Date:  2002-11-12 15:24:41
Message Id:  3695
Brenda Zera, Elizabeth Damore

For our experiment, we crossed a long-antennaed (Ar) female with an Eyeless (Ey) male.

Cross #1: Their Children

264 Wild-type (+) female, 256 (+) male
257 (Ar) female, 249 (Ar) male

The eyeless trait did not appear in the children.

Now, we'll cross the children with each other.

Cross #2a: (+) female crossed with (+) male

Results: 369 (+) female, 382 (+) male
134 (Ey) female, 140 (Ey) male

In this cross, the (Ar) trait did not show up

Cross #2b: (Ar) female crossed with (Ar) male

Results: 132 (+) female, 147 (+) male
265 (Ar) female, 248 (Ar) male
42 (Ey) female, 35 (Ey) male
103 (Ar/Ey) female, 87 (Ar/Ey) male

All traits appeared in the children, with a 3:3:1:1 ratio

Cross #2c: (Ar) female crossed with (+) male

Results: 171 (+) female, 200 (+) male
187 (Ar) female, 207 (Ar) male
63 (Ey) female, 65 (Ey) male
59 (Ar/Ey) female, 51 (Ar/Ey) male

Once again, all traits showed with a 3:3:1:1 ratio

Cross #2d: (+) female crossed with an (Ar) male

Results: 187 (+) female, 174 (+) male
175 (Ar) female, 192 (Ar) male
53 (Ey) female, 77 (Ey) male
62 (Ar/Ey) female, 80 (Ar/Ey) male

Again, all traits appear with a 3:3:1:1 ratio

Name:  Kate Amlin, Katie Campbell, St
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Fly Lab
Date:  2002-11-12 15:30:20
Message Id:  3696
After exploring ebony and wild type genes,
we explored the purple eye and the lobed eye genes.

First we established that the
purple eye gene is an example of true breeding, and recessive...
then that the lobed eye gene is also and example of true breeding,
but it is dominant.

We hypothesized that breeding a purple, lobed female with a wild type male would produce a
9 lobed m/f : 3 wild type m/f : 3 purple, lobed m/f : 1 purple m/f.

We tested the hypothesis by breeding a purple, lobed female with a wild type male.
They produced=> lobed females + lobed males (1:1) ratio
the lobed males and females produced=> 1 wild m/f : 2 lobed m/f : 1 purple, lobed m/f

Our hypothesis was disproven since tour results were in a
1 wild: 2 lobed: 1 purple, lobed : 0 purple ratio
INSTEAD OF A 3 wild: 9: lobed: 3 purple, lobed: 1 purple ratio

So because our hypothesis was disproven, we concluded that there must be some linkage between the genes. Instead of each gene being carried by a different chromosome (which would result in our hypothesized Punett Square with 16 combinations), the genes are linked and share the same chromosome. The lobed and the purple eyes were carried on one chromosome and the wild gene was carried on a chromosome. This would then give us 4 possible results when doing the Squares and explain the 2:1:1 0 ratio that resulted in our experiment.

Kate Amlin, Katie Campbell, Stephanie Lane

Name:  Kathryn Bailey and Sarah Frayn
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  virtual fruit flies
Date:  2002-11-12 15:35:40
Message Id:  3697
1) We started by testing purple eye color:

(e)PR & (e) PR = PR

* PR is true breeding; Phenotype PR, Genotype PR PR

2) Next we tested (e)PR and (a) AR

PR AR & PR AR = (1) PR + : (2) PR AR

* PR again was homozygous, the AR seemed to be heterozygous

3) We examined (a) AR further
AR & AR = (2) AR: (1) +
* As with (2) the part of the model of genes where the AR AR should have existed was absent. The only way to obtain the ratio is if the phenotype AR is genotypically AR +

4) In order to test this further, we bred (e)PR (a) AR and an (e)+ (a) +

PR AR & + + = (1) (e) + (a) AR : (e) + (a) +
* This shows that the (e) + is dominant over the (e) PR and that the AR AR combination does not exist and is always heterozygous

Name:  Mande Maclay and Diana Fernand
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Fly lab
Date:  2002-11-12 15:36:59
Message Id:  3698
Diana and I first started by breeding Curly winged wilds with wilds. when we tried to decipher if the curly winged were pure breed, we found that wen breeding curly winged, curly winged was a fatal combination, therefore leaving us with a 1:2 ratio. Then we tried to breed, the wilds and the curly and found that the wild dominated in the end, the offspring were wild.
Next when trying to breed two pairs of genes we bred teh lobed eye yellow bodied with a wild. knowing that the lobed eye yellow body was a pure breed, we went into it expecting a 1:1 ratio. We found that it was true fr the first generation yet in second generation we found that it was a 1:3 ratio. Eventually we found other breeds to be fatal and ended up with thoriginal two breeds.
Name:  joanna yarimee virginia
Subject:  genes
Date:  2002-11-12 15:37:56
Message Id:  3699
first of all, we noted that when the ee (homozygous ebony) was breeded with another homozygous wild type (also true breeding) the result ratio in offspring was 3:1 the second time around

so then we tried the gene for funky looking antennae (AR) and we performed tests to see if htey were true breeding (i.e., we breeded them with each other for several generations to see if the offspring yielded were all AR phenotypes) and they WEREN'T! therefore we can instantly conclude that AR must not be a homozygous gene, i.e. flies that show the AR phenotype don't have two AR genes, so we assume they probably have an AR + structure, i.e. one AR and one wild type

Then, we made a punnet square for the AR gene in question, assuming that AR had to be heterozygous with a wild type gene, since that was the other type of offspring yielded in the breedings. therefore we would expect a 3:1 ratio of AR to +. however, we got a 2:1 ratio AR to wildtype when we breeded two AR + flies together (this was the hypothesized makeup, anyway) and, in looking at our punnet square and analyzing our breeding results, it looks liek for some inexplicable reason it is not possible to have an ARAR (homozygous AR) gene in the flies. WHY? we dont know, we're not geneticists but it seems that more is going on here than we know about. question - why can there not be a homozygous gene for funky antennae?

then, our next gene to be analyzed was the tan body color gene (T). we tested it for true breeding and found that it was indeed true breeding through successive generations. so then we made a punnet square and assumed htat again, like the ebony true breeder in class, we would get a 3:1 ratio if we bred a (TT) with a (++). However we got a 1:1 ratio, a puzzling phenomenon indeed. this means that either (T+) or (+T) yields a Tan phenotype, but as we have NO way of knowing which is which, it makes for totally unpredictable breeding patterns.

despite this uncertainty factor, we breeded the Tan body wild type antennae with the AR antennae and wild type body color. we were somewhat uncertain of the results due to the above mentioned uncertainty factor; however, we tried to analyze all possible results and we got a one to one ratio in the end. who knew? we don't know how to analyze that until we are more certain about the inner workings of both the AR gene and the T gene, both of which seem to display some sort of irregularity not covered by this program. we need additional time and funding to complete the project $$$$$
Name:  Margot and Sarahtan
Subject:  CV and +
Date:  2002-11-12 15:45:11
Message Id:  3700
Sarah Tan

We decided to test the wing vein trait of crossveinlessness.

When both male and female were crossveinless (CV), the kids were both CV and there was an equal number of males and females. When we mated the kids, the grandkids were also both CV, and there was also an equal number of males and females.

When the female is CV and the male is wild (+), the female kids were all + and the males were all CV, with equal amounts of male and female. When the kids were mated together, there were equal amounts of male and female. Within the females, there were equal amounts of + and CV, and in the male there were also equal amounts of + and CV.

When the female is + and the male is CV, the kids were ALL +, with equal amounts of male and female. In the grandkids, there were equal amounts of male and female, but there were ONLY female +. Within the males, there were equal amounts of + and CV.

And then...
When we mated the grandkids of a female + and a male CV, we got equal amounts of male and female and within each gender, equal amounts of + and CV.

So how do we account for the reappearance of the female CV when it seemed to have disappeared in both the female kids and grandkids generations? Our theory is that CV is a recessive gene that exists on the sex chromosome. This follows the same type of genetic pattern as recessive genes in humans, where recessive genes on the X chromosome do not show up in the female unless it is on both of her X chromosome. However, because males only have one X chromosome, when they have a recessive gene on the X, it will show up no matter what. Therefore, it is more unlikely for a recessive gene to affect the phenotype of the female than in the male.

Name:  Margot and Sarahtan
Subject:  CV and +
Date:  2002-11-12 15:46:43
Message Id:  3701
Sarah Tan

We decided to test the wing vein trait of crossveinlessness.

When both male and female were crossveinless (CV), the kids were both CV and there was an equal number of males and females. When we mated the kids, the grandkids were also both CV, and there was also an equal number of males and females.

When the female is CV and the male is wild (+), the female kids were all + and the males were all CV, with equal amounts of male and female. When the kids were mated together, there were equal amounts of male and female. Within the females, there were equal amounts of + and CV, and in the male there were also equal amounts of + and CV.

When the female is + and the male is CV, the kids were ALL +, with equal amounts of male and female. In the grandkids, there were equal amounts of male and female, but there were ONLY female +. Within the males, there were equal amounts of + and CV.

And then...
When we mated the grandkids of a female + and a male CV, we got equal amounts of male and female and within each gender, equal amounts of + and CV.

So how do we account for the reappearance of the female CV when it seemed to have disappeared in both the female kids and grandkids generations? Our theory is that CV is a recessive gene that exists on the sex chromosome. This follows the same type of genetic pattern as recessive genes in humans, where recessive genes on the X chromosome do not show up in the female unless it is on both of her X chromosome. However, because males only have one X chromosome, when they have a recessive gene on the X, it will show up no matter what. Therefore, it is more unlikely for a recessive gene to affect the phenotype of the female than in the male.

Name:  Mags and Kyla
Subject:  Flies in my eyes
Date:  2002-11-12 15:49:59
Message Id:  3702
Margaret Hoyt
Kyla Ellis

We crossed a Purple-eyed Female with a Wild-eyed male.
The offspring had a 3:1 ratio for wild-eye color to purple. And after hand graphing the crossing of a PR PR female and a + + male, it was confirmed that the PR gene is recessive.

We then crossed a Curley-winged Female to a normal (wild type) male. For that, we had a two to one ratio. When hand-graphing the results of mating a CY CY female and a + + male, we realized we should have had all offspring be the same if that was to work. Therefore, (because we know that the wild type is + + from a previous experiment) the curly eyed gene cannot be CY CY. Upon graphing the results of a CY+ female mating with a ++ male, the correct ratio of two to one appeared. In order for the 2:1 to hold, we must assume that the CY gene is dominant over + gene. Also, the CYCY gene does not exist.

Finally, we paired a purple eyed, curly winged female with a wild-type male. The first generation offspring have two wild type offspring(both eyes and wings) and two wild type eyes with curly wings. When hand graphing the mating of a CY+, PRPR female with the ++,++ male, we realize there is a 50% chance of finding an offspring with curly wings (CY+) and no chance of the PR gene appearing. This holds, since the CY gene is dominant over the wild type and the wild type is dominant over the Purple eye gene.

Name:  Emily and Maggie
Subject:  Fly Lab Results
Date:  2002-11-13 15:04:56
Message Id:  3718

Cross 1:
Purple-Eyed Female x Purple-Eyed Male
result - 492f and 499m ALL PURPLE

offspring of cross 1
result - 505f and 513m ALL PURPLE

CONCLUSION - purple-eyed trait is true breeding

Cross 2:
Eyeless Female x Eyeless Male
result - 511f and 475m ALL EYELESS

offspring of cross 2
result - 498f and 506m ALL EYELESS

CONCLUSION - eyeless trait is true breeding

Cross 3:
Purple, Eyeless Female x Purple, Eyeless Male
result - 528f and 506m ALL EYELESS

offspring of cross 3
result - 498f and 493m ALL EYELESS

CONCLUSION - because both parents were homozygous for eyeless, there was no chance for the eye color trait to be displayed phenotypically since they could not have eyes

Cross 4:
Purple, Eyeless Female x Wild Eyed Male
result - 518f and 471m ALL HAD WILD EYES

offspring of cross 4
result - 297f and 280m WILD EYES
129f and 133m EYELESS

CONCLUSION - for eye shape, parents in the second generation were heterozygous for wild eye and eyeless. as a result, some of the offspring in the 3rd generation showed the wild-eye trait and others were eyeless.

for eye color, parents in the second generation were heterozygous for wild eye and purple. as a result, some offspring showed the purple eye trait and others were wild.

the ratio for this double-trait cross was 3:1:1 instead of the regular 9:3:3:1 ratio. when more eye-color traits would have been displayed, some offspring turned out eyeless. this is because the 3rd gen. the genotypes that would have shown purple eyeless and wild-colored eyeless could not be distinguished as two different phenotypes. we could not see the eye color trait if they did not have eyes.

Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Mellow Yellow
Date:  2002-11-13 15:26:15
Message Id:  3720
Diana DiMuro and Brie Farley

We were curious about the inheritance of the yellow gene and whether it was passed on specifically by the male or the female and if it was possibly passed on to a specific sex.

Our first experiment was conducted with a yellow male and a "true" wild female. The offspring were all phenotype wild.
Once we continued the experiment and bred both phenotype wild sexes they yielded all phenotype wild flies again.
Our first hypothesis was that the male fly could not pass on yellow to either sex offspring.

For our second experiment we mated a yellow female with a "true" wild male fly. The offspring were about half phenotype wild female and half yellow male. We had no idea then how female yellow flies could possibly exist. Next we bred the offspring (wild phenotype females with yellow males) and this produced both wild phenotype males and females, and yellow phenotype males and females.
After this occured we started pulling our hair out, we knew something was wrong with our original hypothesis but we couldn't figure out how yellow males and females had been produced or if one sex had passed it on to its offspring.

After strenuous thinking aided by our lab companion Will, we came to the conclusion that the yellow allele is a recessive trait on the X chromosome. Thus, if a male has a yellow allele on his X chromosome he will be phenotype yellow. In order for a female fly to be phenotype yellow, she needs both of her X chromosomes to have yellow alleles. We wondered if this trait was similar to that of color blindness in humans, since colorblindness is more common in males.

Name:  drosophila
Subject:  virtual fly lab
Date:  2002-11-13 15:29:02
Message Id:  3721
Roma Hassan, Melissa Brown and CR

Hypothesis: Both male and female fruit flies have two genes for each characteristic and the characteristics which are exhibited in inheritence will reflect this fact, with the wild type of each trait being dominant.

Methods and Results: We mated male and female brown-eyed fruit flies and found them to be "true breeding" (ie: their off-spring were all brown-eyed). Then, we mated a brown-eyed female with a wild-type male, producing offspring which all exhibited the wild-type phenotype. These offspring, when mated, produced offspring some of which are wild-type, some brown-eyed in an approximately 3:1 ratio.

We then examined wing angle, first mating a male and female both with the dichaete wing angle. This trait did not appear to be "true-breeding" as some of the offspring produced had a wildtype wing angle and some had a dichaete in an approximately 1:2 ratio.

Experimenting with a combination of these traits (eye color and wing angle) produced other interesting results. We mated a brown-eyed female with a dichaete wing angle with a wild type male, resulting in offspring which all had wild-type eyes and some of which had a wild-type wing angle and some a dichaete wing angle. Mating two of these offspring (a female wild-type and a male with wild-type eyes and dichaete wing angle) produced offspring in a 3:3:1:1 ratio (+, dichaete, brown-eyed, brown-eyed dichaete).

The results of breeding brown-eyed fruit flies supports our hypothesis, as the presence of two genes for every trait would lead to the 3:1 ratio which was present in our results. Experimenting with wing angle, however, suggested that our hypothesis (wild type is always dominant) was incorrect, as it suggests that dichaete is a dominant trait and, in fact, lethal in a double dose. Also, the experiment combining brown eyes and dichaete wing angle further supported these findings because the ratio produced was what was expected in accordance with the punnett square examining that combination.

Name:  Will Carroll and Erin Myers
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  Weird Genes
Date:  2002-11-13 15:33:06
Message Id:  3722

Curly Wings:


First generation
Curly Fem. X Curly Male
353 Curly Fem.
168 Wild Fem
349 Curly Male
156 Wild Male

2:1 (ignoring sex)


Second generation
Wild Fem x Father (Curly Male)
257 Wild Fem
241 Curly Fem
235 Wild Male
255 Curly Male

1:1 (ignoring sex)


Hypothesis: Curly wings are a heterozygous genotype. Wild type wings are homozygous dominant. A homozygous recessive genotype is fatal.


First generation


C c




H c



CC (wild)

Cc (curly)

Cc (curly)

cc (fatal)

Second generation






H c



CC (wild)

CC (wild)

Cc (curly)

Cc (curly)


White eyes:

First generation
White Fem. X Wild Male
495 Wild Fem.
502 White Male

Ratio 1:1


Second generation
Wild Fem. X White Male
266 White Fem.
259 White Male
252 Wild Fem.
247 Wild Male

Ratio: 1:1:1:1


Third generation
First generation Wild Female X Wild Male
487 Wild Fem.
250 White Male

Ratio: 2:1:1


Hypothesis: White eyes are a X-chromosome linked characteristic. A female that carries only one chromosome associated with the white eye gene has wild eyes. A female must have both chromosomes associated with the white eye gene to have white eyes. Because males only have one X chromosome, if they carry the white eyed gene they have white eyes.


First Generation


X Xw









XwX (wild)



XwY (white)

Second Generation


Xw X

F Xw








XwX (wild)



XY (wild)

Test Cross


Xw X









XX (wild)



XY (wild)

Name:  Annie S., Rosie, Bobbi M.
Subject:  gene lab
Date:  2002-11-13 15:36:26
Message Id:  3723
Upon testing eyecolor, we found that this trait causes true breeding (we found that the expected ration of 1:3 held by our second cross breeding). We then chose to test wing type. After testing for true breeding, we bred a crossveinless female with a wild type male. Our results: 2 images resulted; 524 wild type females and 505 crossveinless males. In order to account for these results (the fact that ONLY the males recieved the trait) we conclude that this trait is a sex linked characteristic on the female x chromosome. While the trait is, in fact, recessive, when it is passed on to males, it dominates the gene because he has only one x chromosome (the y chromosome is essentially empty and overshadowed by the x chromosome linked CV trait). Therefore, when we switched the roles, and bred a crossveinless male with a wild type female, the following data resulted: two images; 512 wild type females and 501 wild type males. Because the male has only one trait to offer, the one x chromosome linked CV trait, it will always be overpowered by the female's two + traits. In this generation, the crossveinless trait is hidden, only to emerge in the next generation.

Our next experiment examines double trait flies in comparison to the wild type mate. We first bred a purple-eyed, cossveinless female with a wildtype male. Our results: 2 images; 528 wild type females and 493 CV males. Purple eyes is a recessive trait and CV is carried on the x chromosome of the female. We cross that generation and we got a 3:1:3:1 ratio of wild type to purple eyes to cross veined to purple eyed cross veined.

The female will always contribute the following traits: ++, +CV, p+, p CV. The male will contribute one of two sets of genes depending on whether the offspring is male or female. Is the offspring is female, he will either contribute +CV, or pCV. If the offspring is male, he will give either +Y, or pY. The Y trait here is essentially "empty" since it cannot carry the CV trait.

Name:  Chelsea
Date:  2002-11-13 15:39:12
Message Id:  3724

Scalloped winged: True Breeding
Wild Winged: True Breeding


Either wild winged or scalloped winged will be dominant. (regardless of sex).

One female Scalloped winged and One male Wild winged: all female offspring are wild winged and all males are scalloped. In the second generation males and females both had equal proportions of wild and scalloped winged.

One male Scalloped and One female wild winged: all offpring are wild winged in the first generation and in the second generation all females are wild winged and all males are equally split between scalloped and wild winged.

Dominance is sex related in this case of scalloped versus wild winged fruit flies. This is due to the fact that some genes are located exclusively on the X chromosome and there is no counterdominant gene on the Y chromosome. Because females have 2 X chromosomes and males one X and one Y, then whatever gene is on the X (scalloped) will be dominant in males because there is no counter gene on the Y chromosome. Also, the female flies with wild prove that scalloped is recessive, since they have both scalloped and wild genes. Finally, a female with two scalloped is not lethal, merely guarentees that her son will be scalloped.

Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  damn bugs
Date:  2002-11-13 15:58:00
Message Id:  3725
jodie, lawral, adrienne, laura

we tested aristapedia antennae and dichaete wing alignment. we have been testing both of these characteristics together and separately in males and/or females for the last two hours. we have figured out that both traits are lethal homozygos, meaning that they cannot truebreed because there can never be a homozygos aristopedia or a homozygos dichaete. any fruit flie that is aristapedia or dichaete is heterozygos. the problem is that these traits are only lethal homozygos in females. because they are only lethal in females, the genes for the aristapedia and dichaete are in the x chromosome. because the genes are both on the x chromosome, they cannot be separated, except in the case of cross-over when the chromosome splits.

our results were as follows:

m(ArD) & f(++):
of Ar:D

f(ArD) & m(++):
of ++:Ar:D:ArD

Name:  Erin Myers and Will Carroll
Username:  Anonymous
Subject:  oops
Date:  2002-11-14 16:20:44
Message Id:  3738
Change in hypothesis of curly wings: curly wings are a lethal dominant allele. It is lethal when homozygous dominant. This is evident because when you cross two curly winged flies CY/+ there are more curly winged flies than wild winged flies in the ratio of 2:1. This suggests that curly is dominant over wild and the ratio suggests a homozygous gene for this trait is lethal.
Name:  Heather and Christine
Username:  --
Subject:  fly lab
Date:  2002-11-18 21:23:00
Message Id:  3783
We started by testing each of our two traits individually. First we tested the purple eye gene, and found it to exhibit true breeding characteristics. So purple is a homogeneous recessive gene. Next, we tested the genes for the star shaped eye. We found that to be heterogeneous dominant.

Then we crossed a wild type male with a purple-star-eyed female. From the first cross we got only wild type and wildtype with star eyes. we then bred the two wild/star-eyed flies together. What we recieved were wild/wild, wild/star, and purple/star in a ratio from 1.5:2.5:1. We were then confused because when we did the cross ourselves, the results were very different. We soon learned that we had a lethal combination in out genetic set. if the fly recieves two star-eyed dominant genes, then that fly cannot exist. Also, purple/wild type flies did not exhist. That's because both the gene for purple and that for star are on the same chomosome. These genes are linked, so there is something that makes this mix impossible, though Will never really explained what...

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