Build Your Own Virtual Home
- What is the Internet? How does it work?
- The WWW at a glance
- HTML, the HyperText Markup Language
- Is the web "alive"?
The basics to build a virtual home
- httpd: Who's this guy?
- Structure, folders, files....
- References
Getting started with HTML
- Text
- Images
- CGI & Java
- References
Images and imagemaps
- Supported image formats
- Hints for handling images in your HTML documents
- Imagemaps, first stept of interaction?
- References
CGI,The Common Gateway Interface
- What is a CGI program?
- Shell, Perl, C...
- Hints and examples
- References
Java & Java scripts
- Why do we need them?
- Browsers that support Java & Java scripts
- Java scripts
- How does it work?
- Simple examples
- References
- Java
- What's different from Java scripts?
- Object Oriented Programming
- Simple examples
- References
Advanced hints
- Keeping track of your visitors
- Optimising your web site
- Design tools
- Administration tools