Name: Teresa Thorsen
Subject: Emotional Intelligence
Date: Sat Jan 24 17:13:32 EST 1998
I sure hope someone can help me out. I am doing a thesis on Daniel Goleman's emotional intelligence in the classroom, and I have been searching for some info on research that has been done.. I need sites, names of institutions or people, and listservs that could be hepful. Thanks ahead of time for you help! :)
Name: Jacob Ghitis, MD
Date: Sun Feb 8 23:52:00 EST 1998


Daniel Goleman Performance on Publishers Weekly Hardcover Nonfiction Bestseller List

Cumulative 1996

1995 Number of titles: 1 1

1 Title with longest stay: Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence

Length of longest stay: 49 37

12 Position reached: 2 3

2 Title with highest position: Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence

Average stay on list: 32.6 37.0

12.0 Most titles appearing at once: 1 1

1 Date with most titles: 10/14/96 10/14/96

12/18/95 Average position: 8.7 10.0

4.8 Average initial position: 9.3 10.0

9.0 END of Search For Teresa Need more? Just write. Jacob

Name: Rollyeye
Subject: human brain
Date: Mon Apr 6 09:40:07 EDT 1998
I am doing a research project on the brain. Can you give me some information?
Name: Rollyeye
Subject: human brain
Date: Mon Apr 6 09:40:09 EDT 1998
I am doing a research project on the brain. Can you give me some information?
Name: lejla
Subject: psyhology
Date: Wed Apr 8 05:42:52 EDT 1998
please send me everything above the psyhology. my name is lejla halilovic and i am student of psyhology from sarajevo. i have huge problem how to get psyhologic books or magazines. plese send me enything what can help me in my study. my e mail addres is
Name: Dawson
Subject: brain
Date: Thu Apr 9 14:34:50 EDT 1998
what exactly is the brain? i no its an organ. i no it makes everything possible but what is it made of? How does it work?
Name: anonymous
Date: Wed Apr 22 12:11:19 EDT 1998
This is a stupid, stupid game
Name: Jacob Ghitis, M.D.
Subject: To the April Serendipians
Date: Wed Apr 22 15:36:03 EDT 1998

Sorry, personally I am incapable of satisfying the requests or of commenting on unintelligible propositions. Please conform to Serendip's guidelines.

Name: Daniel
Subject: Brain
Date: Sun Apr 26 21:14:36 EDT 1998
How many hours after the body dies is it possible to record brain activity?
Name: Rachel
Subject: right brain/left brain
Date: Tue May 5 20:43:33 EDT 1998
I am doing a project on the brain and the differences in how the right and left hemispheres dominate certain aspects or qualities such as the right hemipshere being better at visual images, more imaginative, things like that and the left brain dominating more in the verbal, scientific things. I was wondering if you could tell me anything and everything that you know about this particular subject, any really good internet sites or any good books. Also, part of the project is to say why we feel certain emotions and thoughts as a result of scents(like aromatherapy), or when we see certain colors(brown makes you hungry, green makes you feel peaceful, etc..), and why listening to light classical types of music calms you down while heavy music like rap and metal makes you all excited and the emotions, thoughts and feelings that go along with these(other than the fact that it makes your heart rate faster or slower). If you have any information at all, anything will be greatly appreciated.
Name: Jacob Ghitis, M.D.
Date: Sun May 10 17:14:56 EDT 1998



There is a lull on Serendip's forums, preventing me from applying the 'Interdialog' method in the developing of further themes on the NEW PHILOSOPHY. As result, I've decided to post the following letter, sent to -- but not published in-- Newsweek, commenting on the article devoted to the current expansion of Pentecostal 'revivalism' in the USA, the Holy Spirit being the central theme.


"Living on the Holy Spirit" (April 13) is informative, not instructive. Jehovah, His ChosenPeople, and the Torah (Moses' Holy Writ) composed the original Trinity. The Hebrew God communicated with His People by means of the Torah.

Iconoclastic Jews sought to convert this parochial Jehovah into a universal God. One Jew, Jesus (Jehoshua,' meaning 'Jehovah saves') was made to displace the whole of the Chosen People. He was theologically invested with the 'Letter' ('Word') of Moses' Holy Writ: this Word became Jesus' 'flesh.' The 'Spirit' of the Torah (the Teaching, the Law, the Way, the Guidance) became the Christian 'Holy Spirit.' This evolution took time and introduced an enigma, solved only by faith.

There are 574 references to 'Spirit' in the whole Hebrew Bible ('Old Testament'). Few refer specifically to a 'Spirit' associated with Jehovah, or with Elohim (God, in Hebrew, whose 'Spirit' guided the Creation from Chaos), or with the Sanctity (Spiritus Sanctus in Latin, from the original --Biblical-- Ruach Hakodesh). This latter 'Spirit' (very loosely rendered as 'Holy Spirit') eventually acquired a very specific connotation: Jehovah's bestowal of prophethood, a word deriving from roots meaning 'to foretell' (God's forthcoming punishment or redemption), while the original --Hebrew-- 'navih' derives from ' vocal expression.'
This is understandable, as language is essential for intellective communication. The prophets became Jehovah's (the Hebrew God) 'witnesses,' i.e., His speakers.

I'd suggest that the Christian 'Holy Spirit' refers to God's and Jesus' means of communicating with Women and Men. Being 'hit' by it, however it is understood or unconsciously interpreted, would be tantamount to receiving the Holy Word from the Divinity. No wonder it is manifested by a dramatic physical and emotional effect. The manifestation of the "gift of tongues" is thus very clearly part and parcel of lenguage as the means of godly communication.

Still, all the above is not enough to help interpret the whole phenomenon of astounding pentecostal revivalism renewal, which obviously has much to thank the technological capacity to fly from far away and to spread the word to enormous gatherings.
After all, gurus creating convulsive trances in 'domino' fashion by a flash of their hand is no fresh news. What is really new is the knowledge that there is in the brain cortex a zone that might be referred to as the 'crime and punishment center' or 'moral area.' The owner's (not only humans) center links her/his acts with the corresponding reactions of mentors, at infancy. It thus becomes the node for 'moral conscience.' A few studies have shown that murderers who were raised in moral environments evince an underdeveloped 'moral area.'

The possibility exists that an 'overdeveloped' area feeds its 'victim' vague-to-clear chronic guilt feelings. If a liability to enter a deep hypnotic trance is added to it, the therapeutic effects of the 'hit' should be scientifically understandable.

Name: Amanda Osorio
Subject: Brain or Body
Date: Tue May 19 13:40:03 EDT 1998
Dear Jacob- you seem to be the one to answer the quesions here, so... What is consciousness? How is it related to the subconsconsious? I am extemely curious about this subject, especially on how it relates to brainwashing, and torture. Then, is our mind controlled by the brain, or is our mind supreme? More later, Amanda
Name: Santos
Subject: Effects of an injured thalamus
Date: Thu May 28 19:02:01 EDT 1998
About 45 years ago a little girl riding in the front seat of the family station wagon, ran her forhead into its dash board when the car suddenly stopped. The force of impact was enough to crack the plastic dash board. She doesn't recall the pain or being affraid, and, her parents did not consider the resulting bruise severe enough to warrant medical attention - nothing was done about it. (The fact that there were nine siblings in this family may have been a factor in the parent's decision.) I wonder if her thalamus was permanently damaged when her forhead slammed into the dash board. Her sense of smell is not good - she can detect some odors and others not. The fact that many things scare her is probably unrelated. But the tendency she has to over react to those things, may be. For example, she is afraid of highway driving. Her mother who was phobic about highway driving may have influenced her to also fear the highway. It makes her feels unsafe when driving and worse as a passanger. She tells me that she simply can not determine whether movements of other cars around her are safe or unsafe. It is as if she does not have the ability to logically decipher situations on the highway. Do you think there may be a connection between a damaged thalamus and a person's inability to manage their fear in simple situations? Thanks in advance for your well thought-out reply.
Name: Jacob Ghitis, M.D.
Date: Sat May 30 11:58:54 EDT 1998

To DANIEL, RACHEL and SANTOS, and especially to AMANDA:

I hadn't been to BM for some time. Usually, it is Prof. Paul Grobstein who takes care of the questions here. I am only a Serendipian, as you are. I enjoy posting my own ideas, mainly in the spirit of what I call The NEW PHILOSOPHY, mostly at BB. Paul has been unusually busy, be patient, please.

I keep informed on matters scientific by reading Science, The Sciences, and Scientific American, which give me a rather good idea of what is going on. It is my impression that not much has been added in the areas you are interested on. The questions posed by Santos sound very complex, perhaps the neurologist who takes care of the patient is qualified to answer them.

Please note that Serendip expects other Serendipians to express their opinions on questions posted here. However, this site is not too frequented, as you have noticed, which in a way is an advantage, for it leads to a leisurely pace, not being a chat column. As an idea, if you get interesting answers to your questions somewhere else, why not let us now them? More than offering information, our interest lies on doing something for the self-education of those who approach this non-commercial site.

To AMANDA: I cannot offer you an answer on consciousness, and I doubt there is anybody who can. Yet, I'll start working on a sort of idea in the spirit of the NEW PHILOSOPHY, using material I've been thinking about. Please give me time. In the while, please try to read my posts on the subjects that have some relation with dreams, consciousness, unconsciousness, brain, mind, thinking, and meta-thinking, and all pertaining to the NP.
Could you email me your background highlights? This way I'll be able also to let you know the date of my reply post.

Name: Jacob Ghitis,M.D.
Subject: To AMANDA
Date: Sun May 31 15:56:25 EDT 1998




On May 19 1998 you wrote,

What is consciousness? How is it related to the subconscious? I am extremely curious about this subject, especially on how it relates to brainwashing, and torture. Then, is our mind controlled by the brain, or is our mind supreme?

Let me start with the mind. I expect that you have read my posts on brain, mind, thinking, and meta-thinking. The mind is one of the brain functions, as are the motor and sensory ones. Mind's manifestation is thinking. In fact, the word "mind" could be eliminated altogether: "What do you have in mind?" is actually, "What are you thinking about?"

I've described in Serendip the different types of thinking. Meta-thinking is the summum of thinking, a quality exclusive to humans. Memory is essential for thinking. Memory is the soul. Please read in Biology about the 'Coprots' (Cognitive Proteins; I am planning to write about the 'Feprots,' the Feeling Proteins.)

Mind cannot be "supreme," for it is a manifestation of specific brain neurons. In fact, the brain is a complex of highly specialized neurons. As these neurons become disabled, so does mind, i.e., thinking.
Everything is physics. What appears to be "spiritual" is just peculiar manifestations of physical entities. There remains the area of feelings. Please start by reading my post on Linguistic Communication.

Now, on your first question. We must start with semantics, definitions. Please refer to the posts on clarity of language, ambiguity, and the avoidance of the word "metaphysics." You'll realize that your main question has not been unambiguously posed.

The following are the terms I'll utilize, which derive from the Latin "To know." I'll be using the equivalents in Hebrew, as a way to show the confusion present in Latin languages, but not in Hebrew, in this regard:

Conscience, Consciousness, and Conscious.

Conscience is the capacity to distinguish between good and bad behavior, in the moral sense. Please refer to several posts, such as Evil and Goodness, Evil and Goodness Revisited, A Brief Story of Humanity, and the very recent one on Crime and Punishment Reassessed. This subject has no relationship to your question. However, I believe it is relevant to explain that in Hebrew, the word for "conscience" derives from a root used also for 'north' and for 'compass.'

Consciousness, I suggest, ought to be used only in the senses, first, of being fully awake to our surroundings, of realizing what is being said and done. In such a definition, the state of unconsciousness is present in sleep, anesthesia, and brain damage. The second meaning would be, 'to be knowledgeable about something.' In Hebrew, the respective terms refer to 'being awake,' and 'being in the state of having knowledge," and alternatively, 'being acquainted with.

The Conscious (as a noun). This is the term that should be used in psychoanalytical discourse, which probably pertains to your question. The complementary terms are, the Subconscious and the Unconscious. The latter one should be divided into the Normal Unconscious and the Abnormal (Repressed) Unconscious. There is also the Collective Unconscious, which is a class apart. In Hebrew, the terms derive from the root 'to know.'

Amanda, this will do for now. As for the implications in torture and brainwashing, I've not read about it. Still, I might be able to offer an explanation, but only after you comment about this post, telling me, and other Serendipians, the gist of your knowledge on the matter.

Name: Jacob
Date: Sat Jun 6 15:46:20 EDT 1998

Ms. Osorio:

I've posted now at About Serendip something that may interest you as a fledgling philosopher and psychiatrist. Please do not gloss over Internethics: I answered your personal post. Basic good manners, at least in Serendip, call for reciprocity, if we are to make a tiny mark in our endeavor to make our world a little bit less ambiguous.

Name: Jacob Ghitis, M.D.
Date: Mon Jun 15 15:20:26 EDT 1998





On 17 Oct 1997, we continued our dialog, and you permitted me to post it at Serendip. I'm doing that now...

What is there to unlock? Why do you complicate your life?
You don't have schizophrenia, and if you had you would not change things by unlocking something that is not locked but faulty. You appear to be playing with chance. I am not criticizing nor analyzing, only trying to clarify what you say in an enigmatic way. You are not 'battling' against yourself. But if you are, the battle is not going to help your self if you don't know what, why, and how. You might simplify matters if you devote your time to find out, rationally, why you are so sure you have to battle. The 'true me' (the self) is very complex, due --among many other reasons-- to the intangibles of changing circumstances.

I think that once again we are agreeing on the same points here, but simply choosing incongruous words with which to do it. The only point I really had there, was that all learning comes from experience, so a strong desire to learn almost tautologically equates to a strong desire to sample from all of life experiences. To limit experience is to limit learning. (Whether this is 'good' or 'bad' is a moral --and, I believe, personal-- decision...).

Too sweeping! Mostly we learn vicariously, by using our senses passively: reading and listening. A strong desire to learn leads mainly to a house of study, to books and the like. Desiring to learn by 'sampling' life experiences will teach the limited input you get from it. Pleasant, certainly can be, and if you waft through it unscathed, it may be a source of delightful memories and practical lessons. Please enlighten me on a 'sampling' experience which furnished you with essential applicable knowledge, in the strict sense of the concept. I must insist on Linguistic Analysis to convey alethic ideas capable of meaningful dialogue.

I left serotonin alone for now to discuss this.. This line of reasoning comes from 'experimental' (experiential?) evidence I gained while conducting mind experiments into the nature of what I call the 'Belief Tree'. Without boring you with too much detail, I essentially perceive that most people that we would consider of 'normal' mental health, are anchored to a definite belief structure with which they identify themselves, e.g., "I am a Christian", "I am a Jew", "I am an engineer", "I am a good person."

Experimental, indeed. Experiential too, since you were the subject. Where from did you get the credentials for experimenting scientifically? People fixated on a given immutable personality are not normal; they are rigid and cling to it for protection against anxiety, the latter being the key existential determinant of their apparently irrational behavior.

If this structure is not challenged significantly in any way, it gains strength and becomes a consistent 'ground plane' from which this person may act comfortably and securely. Problems for this person only arise if this structure is challenged in some significant way. If the structure is too 'rigid,' it may not withstand change without breaking entirely. If the challenge is to a subconscious or "core belief" -- it is usually responded to with some form of primal 'fight or flight' mechanism.

Well put! Compare with my words immediately above: yours are the same ideas, expressed in plain language, employing quotes instead of pompously saying: 'people who appear to be within the range of mental normalcy,' or saying 'core belief' instead of 'fixation.' Using the terms 'subconscious' and 'unconscious' is fraught with dangers, since they are quite different in meaning. 'Fight or flight': correct, and they are the mechanisms of response to the anxiety aroused by the challenge you mention.

So, after spending our entire lives building this belief tree (which basically consists of a series of interrelated decisions, with 'generations' of decisions based on parents' and grandparents' decisions etc.), what happens, if we successfully challenge and overthrow one (or more) of the fundamental (core) beliefs near the top of the tree? The answer is, that all childhood beliefs not anchored to another unchallenged 'sibling' belief, potentially become invalidated, or at very least, warrant reexamination. Hence we have 'puberty blues', 'midlife crises', 'menopause', and a whole range of other 'change of life' psychological illnesses. So, what does this have to do with schizophrenia and ego-states and their like?

"...building this belief tree..." Are you sure? Isn't the tree being built without our being aware? How can we challenge-- and less, overthrow--- unconsciously created fixations? What I'd like to add is that perhaps a "Low Serotonin Mental Status" has much to do with the liability to falling into psychoneurotic personality problems. This is a rather new concept of mine, I believe, which would lead to early diagnoses and supplemental preventive measures. As for adults now, supplements after correct diagnosis might prevent the 'blues' and other mental suffering related to 'transition states'.

Well, if you hadn't already guessed, a strong ego results from firm identification with one of these core beliefs (and hence, with its associated 'siblings').

'Strong' applied to the ego is not the correct adjective. Preferably, 'robust.' There is a contradiction here, since a 'core' belief is actually an abnormality, termed 'fixation.' A robust ego allows for flexibility.

Multiple ego states result from changing identification with different core beliefs. If the change is high up in the tree and the associated 'siblings' are quite unique to that particular branch (i.e., there are no, or few, cross links to other branches), then we might see the kind of drastic behavioral swings we associate with 'multiple personality' phenomena (I'm loathe to blanket them with the word 'disorder'). At a smaller scale we all shift beliefs regularly on a daily basis, as we 'change hats' to suit our situation, 'Doctor', 'Father, 'Husband', 'Teacher', 'Pupil', 'Judge', 'Lover'....

A 'strong' ego actually doesn't identify with a given personality. Such identification is a defense mechanism. An unconstrained --robust-- ego automatically adopts the 'hat' required for the given circumstances. I would think that the basis for 'multiple egos' is biological, with special life circumstances creating the problem, which then can be psychoanalytically reversed, although the biological basis remains.

Good points! I shot all this from the hip (so to speak) and it did turn into more of a rant than I intended...It was supposed to be a simple description of a human response structure that I have observed, but the act of describing it was not as simple as I thought! Perhaps I should replace the word 'strong' with 'stable' (relatively 'constant/unchanging'). People who tend to have most of their answers already decided upon and to do things 'by the book' (at least their own edition of it, anyway), are perhaps the sort we may refer to as 'narrow-minded'.
I'm happy with your definition of unconstrained ego, though it was not what I had meant by 'strong', but what I believe to be the 'ideal'. A situation where we do not hang blindly by a single set of universal beliefs but rather intelligently, adopting changing beliefs that are appropriate to each situation as it arises.
Nature's shining model is evolution and change, so why do so many of us strive to be static?

'Strive' together with 'static'? An oxymoron!

TO BE CONTINUED... In the mean time: Spiritus, would you be willing to rewrite your ideas, in case you tend to accept some of my observations? Another point: I believe you have not been specific on what you do for a living at the present; it is related to engineering, and yet your intellect is tuned to matters of the mind! If you are not happy and are financially independent, what about studying medicine at this 'late' age, to become an expert in mind matters, vulgarly called psychiatry?

Name: Jacob Ghitis
Subject: Look me up
Date: Fri Jun 19 00:58:43 EDT 1998
I'm now posting at sabranet/, Chat forum on the BBS.
Name: Rebecca
Subject: Migranes
Date: Wed Jul 15 19:34:51 EDT 1998
I have been having severe migrane headaches for about a month. The front of my head is very tender and sore I can't hardly touch it. When I do rub up there I feel this little bump that is comming up on it. I have been getting really nauseated feeling too. I haven't been to the doctor, I am scared to go. Could you please help me. Rebecca
Name: Anna Rham
Subject: near drowning in KID'S
Date: Mon Aug 10 09:33:14 EDT 1998
I'am looking for any information I can find on "near drowning" in kids. We have been told that our child is in a vegative state and he will never be any more than he is now. We have him coughing, swallowing, blinking , and eating . They said all this would be only a dream. Well our dream has come true. Please send me all and any information that you can about near drown's in kids. Thank you
Name: nicole
Username: -
Subject: response to Rebecca
Date: Mon Aug 17 13:46:24 EDT 1998
I should start off by saying I am not a doctor, but given the symptoms that you've described, it sounds to me like you should definitely see a physician. It could be nothing, and they might be able to do something about getting rid of the headaches and tenderness. If it is something more serious, I would think that it would be better to know what you're dealing with, and to get whatever treatment is available.
Name: Gary Heard
Subject: which part of brain
Date: Fri Aug 28 14:37:20 EDT 1998
It is my understanding that there are two fundamental parts of the brain, which responses to questions. If a person is asked how much is two plus two, one part of the brain (maybe the left) that would respond with four. If a question is asked whereas the answer is not immediately known by the (let's say left side of the brain), then the right side of the brain will do the calculation thinking. Which parts of the brain actually controls the thinking and reponses of the above ?
Name: eddie
Subject: size
Date: Mon Aug 31 22:52:29 EDT 1998
I need to know the weight and the size of the human brain. If you could answer this question for me it would be much appreciated.
Name: Jon Warner
Subject: Left and right brain
Date: Sat Sep 12 18:38:40 EDT 1998
I am currently doing a PhD by research on effective learning transfer in adult education. The basic hypothesis is that we live in a left brain dominant world (or one in which it is perceived to be more valuable to be strong on the left brain side). However, learning is much more effective and our capacity to use and act on what we have learned is considerably greater when the right side of the brain is engaged (Musics, visual images, patterns etc). I am looking for any reference material of anecdotal information to confirm this hypothesis.
Name: bathena dixon
Subject: Head Trauma
Date: Tue Sep 15 17:51:15 EDT 1998
I was hit by a car in 1995. My doctor's' told me that I may not be able to put two thoughts together. I have had to relearn many things. Here is my question. Does anyone have any information on what I can do to get my memory short term and long term to be better or quicker? Any suggestions for easing my anger, irritability, impatience, and overall not having the capability of sticking with something until I have completed the task, rather I get frustrated and give up too quickly.
Name: anonymous
Subject: gorilla brain
Date: Mon Sep 28 00:08:37 EDT 1998

Name: Luthgard L. Picart Jr.
Subject: Future Evolution of the Brain
Date: Tue Sep 29 05:15:55 EDT 1998
What physiological events would happen to the brain when we become Homo Superior? What would we be like when we become homo superior, the way we think, look etc.? Can you please tell me more about homo superior? I have a research regarding this topic. Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks...
Name: Luthgard L. Picart Jr.
Subject: Future Evolution of the Brain
Date: Tue Sep 29 05:16:16 EDT 1998
What physiological events would happen to the brain when we become Homo Superior? What would we be like when we become homo superior, the way we think, look etc.? Can you please tell me more about homo superior? I have a research regarding this topic. Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks...
Name: Michele
Subject: question
Date: Fri Oct 2 10:01:52 EDT 1998
If you were struck by a small caliber bullet in the head above the left eyebrow and it exited out above the left ear (portions of skull did not penatrate brain), what areas would be affected?
Name: Jeff Vollers
Subject: biorythms
Date: Wed Oct 7 13:01:54 EDT 1998
We would like some information on biorythms and alertness. Such as: When is the brain at it's peak for thinking? What can be done to make your brain or yourself more alert and aware? The effects of food, smoking, and sleep on your brain and your awareness? Things of that subject matter. We would be grateful for any help you can provide.
Name: Richard Dunbar-Yaffe
Subject: Your brain and Music
Date: Sat Oct 17 11:08:16 EDT 1998
I am currently invesitigating the relationship between the human brain and how muisic may affect its ability to think, remember, and almost all logical skills for a science fair project, and have had very little luck in finding credible information about this topic. I am conducting an experiment involving 3 types of music, one being Rap, another Rock, and Thirdly, Classical, and of course, a control group. I wanted to know if perhaps you could send me an email regarding how the brain percieves music, or how muisc affects the brain, it would be greatly appreciated, thank-you.
Name: anna
Subject: brain trauma & ADHD
Date: Tue Oct 20 14:43:58 EDT 1998
Please!!! Can anyone give me any information regarding children who were developing normally, but due to a mild brain trauma were diagnosed with ADHD. Can brain trauma cause ADHD?
Name: CG
Subject: brain cell death?
Date: Tue Nov 17 16:08:33 EST 1998
I like to swim some and I was wondering if when I swim holding my breath is killing off some brain cells. I never hold it long enough to the point where I'm going to pass out or anything, but sometimes as I come up, I can tell I really need a good breath. Does it kill brain cells when I do this?
Name: anonymous
Subject: Brain Comparisons, Human & other mammals
Date: Fri Jan 15 09:49:06 EST 1999
I am doing a biology project in which I'm to make comparisons between the brains of humans and other mammals, such as a chimpanzee and a cat. I need diagrams that label the parts of the brain on each species. I also need to compare the relative sizes, weights, etc. of the three, and then be able to explain the differences. I have had difficulty finding reference materials that show these specific attributes, and will appreciate your recommendations for possible website locations where they might be found. Charles Campbell
Name: Nichole
Subject: Hereditary
Date: Tue Jan 26 20:18:53 EST 1999
In my Psychology 1 class we are asked to do a research paper on what we can find out about Hereditary and its envolvement with our mental abilitys and limitations. Also does hereditary play a role in our personalities and mental capeability? If you could help me out by giving any information that you may on this topic it would be appriciated!
Name: Nashaa Kam Buel
Subject: optic experiments
Date: Tue Feb 2 13:06:28 EST 1999
I am a high school student in need of an experiment that has to do with optics and vision. It has to be complex and high school level though. If anyone has anything, send it over. Thanx.
Name: Allison Kendall
Subject: brain shrinkage
Date: Thu Feb 11 13:09:09 EST 1999
I have read a few articles depicting the loss of cerebral grey tissue volume in anorexic individuals. I am trying to do a resaech project on this proposal but have only found 2 articles when I need quite few more. I was wondering if perhaps, you either could recommend a good place to find te literature or if you had any knowleged of this proposal on your own. My email address ia as follows, please write me with any semi pertinent infomation, I am desperate.
Name: Deana Sewall
Subject: Brain usage/capacity
Date: Tue Feb 16 15:41:24 EST 1999
I am taking a Critical Thinking class. My question is: what is the percentage/capacity to which human beings actually use their brain compared to that of Albert Einstein for example.
Name: Nicole
Subject: eidetic memory
Date: Fri Feb 19 15:33:14 EST 1999
help someone. I cannot find anything on photographic memory or eidetic memory. I need 4 websites that are very good that talks of this subject. Thanks.
Name: Joe Woidan
Subject: monism & dualism
Date: Mon Mar 1 12:23:07 EST 1999
I know that dualism is the beleif that mind and body are one, and that monism is the beleif that mind and body are separate. I'm not grasping the difference; does dualism mean that the body is the mind or are in some way a soul or spirit? Does monism mean suggest that mind is the soul and is a separate entity which controls the body? Thanks.
Name: anonymous
Subject: Y'all suck
Date: Thu Mar 4 09:12:30 EST 1999
Y'all suck
Name: Aysha
Subject: Brain
Date: Tue Mar 9 23:24:37 EST 1999
I am doing a study at school and I need to find as much information as possible on the brain and how it differs between males and females (that is if it does differ). I need to know about studies that have been done and places where I can find information. Please help me as soon i possible I would be really grateful.
Name: Joe Coder
Subject: Human brain
Date: Wed Mar 10 09:59:20 EST 1999
Everybody says that the human brain is so complex and capable and so on. My point is that its not, howcome it takes so many years to become a doctor? If our brain was well-engineered we wouldnt have to study such a long time to become neurobiologist and then if someone asks us how brain works, we can't even answer. What i'm driving at is that the computer is even in its primitive stage now capable of doing some things way more efficiently and accurately than human. And if we want to know more about how brain works we will never do it without the help of computer. I think that this is the nex step in evolution, the cyber-revolution that will produce beings superior to human in a ways that we can't even imagine now. i know that i sound like sci-fi nut but so did anybody who said 100 years ago that one day human will build a plane so he can fly. point is that our human nature is the biggest ostacle for us to become smarter as civilization, so it follows that evolution is looking ways of improvement (as its the very nature of evolution) and cyber-revolution is its newest experiment. We cant comprehend even what consciousness is, and we like to think ourselves as intelligent beings. Now i begin to believe Darwin theory that apes are our relatives, i can see our inefficciency compared to computer. computer is improving way faster than humans and one day it will surpass it. we can now grow synthetic skin, one day we will grow neurons and get rid of the electronic binary standard that we use in computers now, cos its limited. And anybody who laughs at the idea that beings resulted from cyber-revolution will become superior to us in next 100-200 years is too ignorant to see whats happening. Always remember that your human history is like a movie script that stays same forever, only actors and places change but story remains same. meaning that you thought anybody who believed Earth is round 600 years ago was insane=now you believe that computer can't develop to the point that it will be smarter,better looking etc. than human. you cant even see how can it become better looking because you dont understand that computer is just an idea, an abstraction just like any other scientific idea. since its an idea its perfect and perpetual and can be transformed tr to anything possible. I cant wait to meet a female cyborg that is smarter and better looking than 3Cindy Crawfords multiplied together, but i know i will not see it in my lifetime. Do you even know who was the greatest inventor America has ever seen? It was Nikola Tesla, who was way ahead of his time. He invented the AC that you use now to power the box used to surf net so you can read my krazy mumblings. TAKE CARE!!!!!!!
Name: david
Subject: Activities for kids
Date: Sun Mar 14 19:02:50 EST 1999
Hi, I am looking for some easy to follow interactive activities for students to learn about the nervous system. Please let me know if you have any links other than those listed on the Brain Matters site... Thank you,
Name: Vivian
Username: VIVI0000@AOL.COM
Subject: can you please give me some s on the brain
Date: Tue Mar 16 11:10:28 EST 1999

Name: P Rajendran
Subject: Need help on eye reflexes
Date: Wed Apr 7 02:08:24 EDT 1999
Am to do some work on hemiplegia or blindsight. And so would like to find info on the midbrain's involvement in reflexes -- startle, the eyeblink reflex, and the pupil reflex. Have searched the net but maybe because I'm searching wrong am not finding the relevant information. Could someone help?
Name: Oren Kwiatek
Subject: Sleep and the brain
Date: Mon Apr 12 10:20:32 EDT 1999
I'm doing an extensive project on how sleep affects the brain, especially how we learn. I'm familiar with the theory about sleep being required to repair neurons after a full day of being bombarded with electrical and chemical signals, but I was wondering if there was any other research. Specifically, I would like to know if sleep deprivation actually prevents people from learning and brain activity from commencing normally, perhaps because important connections have been damaged or broken. Any information on the subject would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. Oh yes, please E-MAIL me the answer in addition to posting it on this board, since I don't know if I'll remember to come back here. Thanks! Oren Kwiatek, 10th grade, homeschool
Name: anonymous
Date: Fri Apr 16 23:06:44 EDT 1999
I'm doing a reseach paper on ADHD I'm looking for a sight to find the following article "Shaywitz & Shaywitz (1991) Indroduction to the special deries on attention decficit hyperactivity disorder" Need reseach on dopimine decficts related to ADHD
Name: Peter
Subject: Brain function and Fats
Date: Sat Apr 24 22:29:37 EDT 1999
Dear expert: I'm doing a project on lipid metabolism and its effect on brain function. Lipid deficiency has been know to cause seizures or deformities. Specifically, I'm interested in how fat metabolism in the brain causes mental retardation. Can you give me any answers? Do you know where I can find out? Thank you for your speedy reply.
Name: kathy
Subject: brain tests
Date: Wed Apr 28 03:30:26 EDT 1999
i'm doing an independent research project. It is about the male right brain vs. the female right brain. I need to find some test samples with questions, answers, and explanations. They need to be about male vs female personalities, or something of that sort. I need these tests in order to do a survey. If you know of any sites that offer these kind of tests, please reply as soon as possible. thanks
Name: anonymous
Subject: brain-friendly environments
Date: Sat May 1 16:31:03 EDT 1999
Is there any synthesized brain research on optimal environments for learning? Is there one-stop-shopping for research on color, light, temperature,square-footage,physical arrangement of desks, plants, ions,etc...other than Feng Shuei(sp)? I would appreciate any help.
Name: Damon
Date: Tue May 4 21:42:23 EDT 1999
If nobody answers these questions, why have this "forum"?
Name: Swapna Ghosh
Subject: Sleep and the braim
Date: Sat May 8 15:53:50 EDT 1999
Please send me as much information as you can on this subject at Thanks,
Name: anonymous
Subject: tests that have measured the capacity of our brain and mind that we use
Date: Fri Jun 25 14:13:40 EDT 1999

Name: Matthew Adriance
Subject: tests that measure the capacity of our brain and mind that we use
Date: Fri Jun 25 14:16:27 EDT 1999
I am trying to find out about the tests that have been done to measure the capacity of our brain that we use. I want to know the difference between measuring how much of our brain we use and how much of our mind we use. Can you help me. By the way the author of The Holographic Universe is Michael Talbot. I would love to know any research that is being done using the holographic model. Do you know of any?
Name: Robyn
Subject: right to left
Date: Mon Jun 28 21:48:56 EDT 1999
I would like some informationon the right and left hemespheres of the brain. What side is responsible for the logical thought processes and which side in responsible for the creativity? Which side controls which processes, and how does this effect education? Any information and or web sites would be helpful.
Name: Jeremy
Subject: Brain cell Transplantation
Date: Fri Jul 23 01:08:50 EDT 1999
Hello my name is Jeremy and I was wandering if they have began to do brain cell transplantations yet on humans. If so where. Thank you
Name: anonymous
Subject: brain
Date: Thu Jul 29 19:41:35 EDT 1999
Name: anonymous
Subject: levitation
Date: Fri Aug 6 21:28:45 EDT 1999

Name: anonymous
Subject: extinction
Date: Fri Aug 6 21:29:45 EDT 1999

Name: charlotte rogers
Subject: dreams
Date: Sun Oct 10 20:02:02 EDT 1999
please can you send me info on dreaming eg; why we dream? how the bain works while asleep and medical terms .thanks
Name: anonymous
Subject: psychology
Date: Wed Oct 20 09:33:07 EDT 1999

Name: Annie
Username: turquise00
Subject: Brain
Date: Wed Oct 20 09:33:15 EDT 1999
What effect does sex have on the brain?
Name: Leo
Subject: Can some one send me something?
Date: Wed Oct 20 09:34:48 EDT 1999
Some one send me something about the Brain how it works and that kind of stuff. Thank everyone
Name: anonymous
Subject: psychology
Date: Wed Oct 20 09:49:26 EDT 1999
How does the brain aid in a persons character and/or behavior?
Name: quinona
Username: none
Subject: psychology
Date: Wed Oct 20 09:55:16 EDT 1999
I know that the brain sends out hormones and things depending on the situation, but how does it know how to do it?
Name: C. Jeselnik
Subject: True Colors Test
Date: Mon Oct 25 12:44:19 EDT 1999
I am trying to find out the name of the brain phenomenon (test) where a person is to say the color in which a word is printed and not the actual word. For example, the word RED is printed in YELLOW. The person is to respond "yellow" although the brain and eye are visually processing the WORD red. Is this related to Sperry's research. I know there is a name for this.....what is it??? In layman's circles this is referred to as the "true colors test".
Name: anonymous
Subject: brain
Date: Tue Oct 26 19:33:38 EDT 1999