Comprehending the true role of color in the nervous system and the form it actually takes in terms of a supposed input to the system indicates much about human behavior and carries implications for the general principles surrounding the nervous system. One of the first extrapolations one may make about the perception of color is that the system is incredibly complex and for a behavior that occurs without any knowledge by the I-function, it is much more complex than one may intially assume. The most significant complexity is the fact that there are actually two systems at work, one of which does not even percieve color. The scotopic system, used under conditions of low-light, does not perceive color but the photopic, under conditions of higher-light, does perceive color. It is essential, however, that both systems be in working order for the nervous system to output what humans associate as color. This therefore leads one to the conclusion that the nervous system is actually much more complex than the individual is aware and that certain aspects of the system that may intially appear superflous or unnecessary are essential for the functioning of the system.
Color may be received as a mix of wavelengths of light or a monochromatic light, but when it is received by the nervous system, everything is represented in the same manner. The actual colors that are perceived depend on the photoreceptors activated and they are also a product of the ratio between wavelengths received by the photopic and scotpoic systems. The fact that all color is represented the same way when received implies that the nervous system and the brain must be either manipulating the input and creating its own information that is then sent to other parts of the brain and received as input. One can infer that the nervous system actually constructs information in many instances and this may be one of the general principles of the activity of the nervous system. Furthermore, this implies that certain parts of the brain and the nervous system are, in a sense, "tricking" other parts of the brain, by almost disguising input. Not all areas of the brain are aware of what is occuring in its different parts, making the complexity of the system greater, but also making it more elegant. One may further conclude that behavior does not just arise from one bit of input, but it is actually a compilation of many different sources of input which are further manipulated and processed within the brain.
Good general points (though be a little careful, in general the scotopic system probably isn't necessary for high light color vision; its pretty inactive under high light conditions). Yes, indeed, all this sophistication goes on without the "I-function" knowing about it (until someone studies it and then teaches about it). And, more generally, what each part of the nervous system knows is only what other parts tell it, and a part of that is "made up" without any way to tell which part (at least, again, until someone studies it). And, yes, very importantly, behavior reflects LOTS of different inputs interacting (will see some more of that tomorrow). PG