Color is an example of the variety and uniqueness of each person's behavior. Color does not have a uniform shade for all people. The color which I perceive for the green board in the classroom might be lighter, darker, or even a different color all together from the other students in the class. This difference is even more drastic with people who are color blind, since they have a different "color palette". This difference in perception of colors has different effects on behavior. For example, a child that is color blind but has not been diagnosed might have difficulties in school. During class he might have an exercise that requires him to distinguish between the two colors that are affected by his color blindness, say green and red. This would affect his behavior since he is most likely not able to see much difference between the colors. Thus the inability to distinguish between colors makes him exhibit an erroneous behavior which is not indicative of his lack of intelligence, simply the lack of perception of reality which is widely accepted by others.

This brings about another interesting point, the perception of reality. Our vision, including color, is heavily dependent and influenced by the brain. This makes everybody's experience of color unique ad not very true to reality. Our perception of reality is limited to our sensory processes which can, by no means perceive everything. Even those things that can and are sensed are not true representations of reality, especially color. The fact that it is our nervous system which creates the categories of color supports the ides that brain is behavior. Color is simply categories of the brain that are created by a simple connection of neurons. So behavior exhibited because of color is a result of the brain.

Yep. However, "our perception of reality" is INFLUENCED by, rather than "limited to our sensory processes which can by no means perceive everything". Remember that the brain can "make things up", and these are not necessarily limited by our sensory processes. So, we CAN in fact think about things in five spatial dimensions, even though our sensory processes are restricted to three. And we can use our categories to make new categories ... and those to make new instruments to detect radio waves, which we can't see, and so forth. PG